
求谢霆锋《let me die》歌词的中文翻译

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求谢霆锋《let me die》歌词的中文翻译
锋范 2007年08月10日 17:02 阅读(2) 评论(2) 分类:谢霆锋 权限: 公开
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let me die
Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to me goodnight
Don't wake when the lightning strikes

My heart for you is true
Let no one take that from you
Time is running tight
Can't change from wrong to right
So i'll close my eyes and dream a little
Just like how we used to be baby
就像我们从前一样, 宝贝

It's time to say fare-well
No need to cry or feeling sorrow
It's alright , all in the book of life
没有关系的, 全都在生命的记录之中
Heaven grant me one last wish i beg you
上天赐与我最后一个愿望, 我乞求你
Let me say these words before i go
让我说这些话, 在我离去之前

I will love you till the end of time
With every breath of mine, i'll hold you by my side
随著我的每个呼吸, 我将会将你拥在我身边
But i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would you
但是我将会平和的安息, 我亲爱的你会吗?
Let me die in your arms with you

Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can change my world
From black to white
So I’ll close my eyes and dream a little more

Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to me goodnight
Don't wake when the lightning strikes
Heaven grant me one last wish i beg you
上天赐与我最后一个愿望, 我乞求你
Let me say these words before i go
让我说这些话, 在我离去之前

I will love you till the end of time
With every breath of mine, i'll hold you by my side
随著我的每个呼吸, 我将会将你拥在我身边
But i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would you
但是我将会平和的安息, 我亲爱的你会吗?
Let me die in your arms with you

Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can give me strength to fight
Till the sky burning , it's the end of time
直到天空燃烧, 那就是世界末日

Look ahead tomorrow, a long and winding road
继续期望明天, 一条漫长而曲折的路
Keep the faith of mine don't let it go
You're the only reason night ain't growing cold
What will i do , without you
我将会做什麼? 没有你
I will love you till the end of time 我将会爱你直到时间结束
With every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side but i'll rest in peace
我会拥抱你在我身旁, 但是我将会平和的安息
My sweet heart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can make my world so bright,
Life, no longer empty,
生命, 不再空白
With you in my heart , in my heart
有你在我的心里, 在我心里
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let me die Are we at war tonight 我们今晚是在战争中吗? Will there be angels whispering to me goodnight 那裏会有天使向我低声说著晚安吗 Don't wake when the lightning strikes 当打雷时别醒过来 My heart for you is true 我对你的心是真的 Let no one take that from you 别让别人从你身边拿走 Time is running tight 时间已经很紧迫了 Can't change from wrong to right 无法将错误的变成正确的 So i'll close my eyes and dream a little 所以我将会闭上我的眼睛并且做一些梦 Just like how we used to be baby 就像我们从前一样, 宝贝 It's time to say fare-well 说再见的时间到了 No need to cry or feeling sorrow 不需要哭泣或是感觉悲伤 It's alright , all in the book of life 没有关系的, 全都在生命的记录之中 Heaven grant me one last wish i beg you 上天赐与我最后一个愿望, 我乞求你 Let me say these words before i go 让我说这些话, 在我离去之前 I will love you till the end of time 我将永远的爱你直到时间的尽头 With every breath of mine, i'll hold you by my side 随著我的每个呼吸, 我将会将你拥在我身边 But i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would you 但是我将会平和的安息, 我亲爱的你会吗? Let me die in your arms with you 让我在你的臂弯裏与你一同死去 Only you can stop the rain tonight 只有你可以停止今晚的雨 Only you can change my world 只有你可以将我的世界改变 From black to white 由黑暗转为纯白 So I’ll close my eyes and dream a little more 所以我将闭上双眼多做一些梦 Are we at war tonight 我们今晚是在战争中吗? Will there be angels whispering to me goodnight 那裏会有天使向我低声说著晚安吗 Don't wake when the lightning strikes 当打雷时别醒过来 Heaven grant me one last wish i beg you 上天赐与我最后一个愿望, 我乞求你 Let me say these words before i go 让我说这些话, 在我离去之前 I will love you till the end of time 我将永远的爱你直到时间的尽头 With every breath of mine, i'll hold you by my side 随著我的每个呼吸, 我将会将你拥在我身边 But i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would you 但是我将会平和的安息, 我亲爱的你会吗? Let me die in your arms with you 让我在你的臂弯裏与你一同死去 Only you can stop the rain tonight 只有你可以停止今晚的雨 Only you can give me strength to fight 只有你可以给予我飞翔的力量 Till the sky burning , it's the end of time 直到天空燃烧, 那就是世界末日 Look ahead tomorrow, a long and winding road 继续期望明天, 一条漫长而曲折的路 Keep the faith of mine don't let it go 继续保持我的信念不要让它离去 You're the only reason night ain't growing cold 你是唯一夜晚不会越来越冷的理由 What will i do , without you 我将会做什麼? 没有你 I will love you till the end of time 我将会爱你直到时间结束 With every breath of mine 随著我的每个呼吸 I'll hold you by my side but i'll rest in peace 我会拥抱你在我身旁, 但是我将会平和的安息 My sweet heart would you 我亲爱的你会吗 Let me die in your arms with you 让我在你的臂弯中与你一同死去 Only you can stop the rain tonight 只有你可以停止今晚的雨 Only you can make my world so bright, 只有你可将让我的世界变的如此明亮 Life, no longer empty, 生命, 不再空白 With you in my heart , in my heart 有你在我的心里, 在我心里
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