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答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-12 21:33
How to Survive Embarrassing Moments
Have you ever done something embarrassing? At that moment, you probably wished you could disappear into thin air. Unfortunately, embarrassing things happen to everyone at one time or another. The good news? You can keep the damage to the minimum. Here's some help.
Laugh it off
You're staring at your crush (意中人) so hard that you walk into a wall. You trip over your own feet and drop all your books. The best thing you can do? As long as you're not seriously hurt, laugh it off. Say like Hey, I can teach you to do that if you want to! or It took me years to learn that! By laughing at yourself, you show people you're confident and still in control of the situation. That's bound to make a stronger impression than the fact that you dropped a stack of books.
Move on
Some situations are too personal to laugh off. Your underwear falls out of your backpack. Your bathing suit falls off in the pool. You pass gas while giving a presentation. Making a joke would just call more attention to what happened — and that's the last thing you want. What now? You can just pretend nothing happened and go back to what you were doing, or you can acknowledge it with a Oh, that was awkward and then move on.
If there's a joker who thinks it's a good idea to point out how badly you just embarrassed yourself, fix him with a glare and then go back to whatever you were doing. Tell yourself he's a little bug on the ground, not even worth thinking about. Remind yourself that it's over, done. Move on.
Apologize and move on
Some embarrassing situations pack a double punch. Not only do you embarrass yourself, but you make someone else feel bad. You say to a friend that another friend is such a copycat, and then realize the copycat is standing right behind you. You imitate your teacher's unusual accent just as the teacher walks in. Now you're embarrassed and they're mad or hurt.
Making a joke now would make the situation even worse, so don't go there. Although you might feel like running away or even crying, neither of those responses will make you look better. Instead, apologize, I'm so sorry. That was really mean of me.
If you've been disrespectful to a teacher or a parent, accept whatever consequences without complaint. If you've hurt a friend, do your best to make it up to them. Once you've done all you can to make things right again, move on. If someone else brings it up, just say, I feel bad enough about that —can we just let it go, please?
The next time you're stuck in an embarrassing moment, remind yourself that you're a strong person and you can get through this. Stay calm and act confident and the moment will pass.
It is true that we cannot 【小题1】 getting embarrassed.

【小题2】 on how to keep the damage to the minimum
Laugh it off
Laugh it off 【小题3】 you are seriously hurt.
Laughing at yourself helps show your 【小题4】 , which will make a deeper impression than your embarrassment.
Move on
In some embarrassing situations, you can just move on after 【小题5】 it with a “Oh, that was awkward.”
If someone points out your embarrassment and laugh at you, 【小题6】 at him and continue what you are doing. Tell yourself that those who laugh at you are not 【小题7】 of your consideration.
Make an 【小题8】 and then move on
If you show 【小题9】 for teachers or parents, face consequences rather than 【小题10】 .
Make things right again and move on.
If someone else mentions your mistake, tell him that you hope to let it go.
Stay calm and act confident and you’ll survive embarrassment.
(答案→)avoid 解析:文章介绍尴尬的经历是每个人都有的,不能避免的,但是可以吧伤害减少到最小。【小题1】 句意归纳题:从第一段的句子:Unfortunately, embarrassing things happen to everyone at one time or another.可知每个人都不能避免尴尬。填avoid【小题2】句意归纳题:从第一段的句子:You can keep the damage to the minimum. Here's some help.可知下文讲的是把伤害降低到最小的建议。Suggestions/ Advice/ Tips【小题3】句意归纳题:从第二段的句子:As long as you're not seriously hurt, laugh it off.可知你可以一笑而过除非受到很严重的伤害。填unless【小题4】词性转化题:从第二段的句子:By laughing at yourself, you show people you're confident and still in control of the situation. 可知吧confident改成confidence 【小题5】词性转化题:从第三段的句子:or you can acknowledge it with a Oh, that was awkward and then move on. 可知把acknowledge 改成acknowledging【小题6】原词重现:从第四段的句子:If there's a joker who thinks it's a good idea to point out how badly you just embarrassed yourself, fix him with a glare 可知填glare【小题7】,词性转化题:从第三段的句子: not even worth thinking about. Remind yourself that it's over, done. Move on. 可知用be worthy of being done【小题8】词性转化题:从第三个建议的标题:Apologize and move on可知用make an apology。填.apology【小题9】词性转化题:从倒数第二段的句子:If you've been disrespectful to a teacher or a parent, accept whatever consequences without complaint. 可知是不尊敬老师:show disrespect for 【小题10】词性转化题:从倒数第二段的句子:If you've been disrespectful to a teacher or a parent, accept whatever consequences without complaint. 可知将complaint改成complain
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