
求一首英文老歌,歌词中好像有I love you重复三遍最后是 than ever before

答案:3  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-18 04:41
求一首英文老歌,歌词中好像有I love you重复三遍最后是 than ever before
I will follow him
歌手:lauryn hill
I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
And near Him, I always will be
For nothing can keep me away,He is my destiny.
I will follow Him,
Ever since He touched my heart I knew,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.
I love Him(Oh yes I love Him)
I'll follow(I'm gonna follow)
True love(He'll always be my true, true love)
Forever(Now until forever)
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow,
He'll always be my true love,My true love, my true love,
From now until forever, Forever, forever.
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away,
away from His love
歌名:I would do everything for you. 歌词: "I Would Do Anything For You" Never wanna stand up for myself Never wanna get in the way, I said it I don’t know what the plan is, But you can share with me, ‘cause I’ll Be listening here, To everything you say, I won’t turn away And I will listen, open up my heart and I must say that I love you, so Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known Every day is a battle I face Strange life i live but its what you've decided I’ll give it all into your hands, Do what you will with me, and oh I’ll smile when you speak Remember all those times I was hoping for something And shaking my head from all I have done But you never left me Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known Give it up for you, I would give it up for you I would give it up for you, I’d do anything for you Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than ever before Oo la love, I’ve fallen in love, and it’s better this time than I’ve ever known I have fallen in love I have fallen in love I have fallen in love
歌手:安迪·威廉斯[andy williams] 歌名为《love made me a fool》(爱情使我盲目),取自拉赫玛尼诺夫《帕格尼尼主题变奏曲》; 百代公司有发行一张他的经典唱片《爱情经典》,里面就有这首歌 专辑曲目: 1.romeo and juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶) 2.love made me a fool(爱情使我盲目) 3.vino de amor(丘比特的酒) 4.a different light(不同的角度) 5.another winter’s day(冬日重来) 6.the vision(幻觉) 7.journey’s end(旅途终点) 8.a twist of fate (命运转折) 9.home (回家) 10. brave new world(勇敢新世界) 11. she’ll never know(她又怎会知晓) 12. in my world of illusion(在我的幻想世界) 13. words(语言) 专辑介绍: 只要说起《moon river》、《dear heart》这些脍炙人口的歌曲,大家都会想起将这些歌曲深情演绎的歌手andy williams(安迪威廉斯)。这些非常古老的歌曲,在安迪威廉斯的诠释下却变的历久弥新,仿佛是陈年美酒触动你全身感官。 安迪威廉斯[andy williams]是纵横歌唱、电影、电视及百老汇舞台的全方位艺人,在50至60年代“披头士”[the beatles]横扫全球乐坛前,可说是美国最成功的流行艺人。出生于1927年,他的演艺生涯可追溯自他与三兄弟在唱诗班演唱,并在辛辛那提与芝加哥间的录音室工作。其间发行了多张专辑,并参与电视、电影和舞台剧的演出。他演唱过不少电影主题曲及许多脍炙人口的歌曲。1963年的“can't get used to losing you”、1971年的“love story”电影原声带等12张排行前10名的专辑,及“can't get used to losing you”等29首top 100单曲。唯一可与"瘦皮猴″法兰克辛纳屈[frank sinatra]分庭抗礼的全方位艺人。 这张安迪威廉斯爱情经典专辑《greatest love classics》专辑共收录了13首歌曲。此专辑是andy williams与皇家爱乐交响乐团跨界合作的精彩演绎,在此专辑中他们特别将13首脍炙人口的古典名曲填上优美动人的词句,包括了以柴可夫斯基的罗密欧与茱丽叶幻想曲衬底创作出的《romeo and juliet》、大家耳熟能详且经典的"爱的罗曼史"《vino de amor》、以舒伯特的小夜曲发想而成的《a twist of fate》、结合了贝多芬九号交响曲的《words》…等,令人情不自禁地沉醉在其浪漫的氛围中,难以自拔。 ps:在卓越网上有这张唱片卖,以下为商品链接地址 http://www.amazon.cn/detail/product.asp?prodid=bkmu412439&ref=sr&uid=168-4802051-3147437
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