School learning
call me henry.i grew up Vietnam , where we usually don't ask questions or have much contact with teachers.Rarely will students raise their hands.From the day i engtered kindergarten and all the way though high school,i just listened and took notes in class.Each evening it was my responsibility to memorize the materrials that were presented in class that day.There were no discussions, debates,or challenges to the teachers' point of view. The teachers were always right because they were the teachers.
When i came to the Unites States the school system surprised me.My classes were hardly ever quiet.One day we had a discussion on the topic of gun control.Everyone participated in it .The class atmosphere was exciting and fun. The argument went on until the end of the class,and everyone seemed to enjoy it.To my surprise the teacher encouraged the discussion and listened to what the students had to say.This felt very different to me.The teacher was treating the students like friends,net like in Vietnam where teachaers kept their discance from the students. hearing the discussion ,i learned a lot .
Thinking back on school days in Vietnam ,i realized that i wasn't very good at communicating with people because i hadn't had the practice.i coudn't even express myself clearly about the materials that i learned in Vietnam.Fortunately,from that day i have been orking on expressing mry thoughts in a clear manner so that people can understand what i mean