

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-09 12:53
【答案】 风俗习惯
  英国,送礼时最好送较轻的礼品.由于所费不多就不会被误认为是一种贿赂.英国人也象其他大多数欧洲人一样.喜欢高级巧克力、名酒和鲜花.对于饰有客人所属公司标记的礼品,他们大多并不欣赏. -同意
  饮茶,是英国各阶层人民都喜爱的茶,几乎可称为英国的民族饮料,特别是妇女嗜茶成癖.英国人爱好现煮的浓茶,放一、二块糖加少许冷牛奶. -不是现煮的茶,而是立顿红茶,泡着喝的.也是加两勺糖,一点奶,看个人口味吧?
  下午茶在乡间,也叫荤茶,或饱茶,喝茶时附带吃鱼、肉等菜肴,代替正餐. -现在喝茶已经没有什么菜肴了.如果饿了,由面包圈之类的东西代替.
  英国还有五时茶,是有亲阶级妇女的社交活动,与其说饮茶,不如说约朋友下午五时茶叙,见见面,谈谈心,相当于欧洲大陆妇女们的咖啡招待会. -现在好像是没有了已经.
  英国人见面时不爱讲个人私事,而爱谈论天气,否则会受以冷遇. 不是爱谈论天气,而是以天气为开头,化解都不说话的尴尬场面.
  在英国翘大拇指是拦路要求搭车之意. -现在已经没有人这样做了,比较危险.
  在英国,如果戴口罩上街,人们会认为是传染病者跑出来了,也许还会有人叫救护车. -这个可是不知道,没有试过.
  英国人在穿戴上依然比较讲究,因此在会客、拜访或参加酒会、宴会、晚会时仍要穿西服打领带.在夏天,可以不穿西服,只穿短袖衬衫,但也得打领带. -看场合吧,一般情况下都不穿正装,都是以休闲为主的服饰.
  英国人的时间观念较强.对安排好的约会一定要准点.无故迟到很不礼貌,到得太早也不必要.如因故延误或临时取消约会,要设法用电话通知对方.英国的电话可以直拨全国各地及世界许多城市. -哈哈,现在的英国人能够晚半个小时都算是早的啦,当然, 商务活动和婚礼葬礼等除外.
  绝大部分英国商人每周工作5天,星期六和星期日是假日.8月份最好不要访英,因大部分人都去休假.另外,还要避开12月20日至次年1月2日,因人们都准备过圣诞节和新年.3月底至4月中旬是复活节.5、8两月还有假日. -有时候一周工作4天,别忘了还有个BANK HOLIDAY.
  煤块 英格兰人新年到别人家拜访时,必须携带一块煤,并且亲手把煤放进人家的炉子里,作为敬贺新年的礼品.同时还说一句祝福的话:“祝你家的煤炭,长燃不息不能加塞 英国人有排队的习惯.你可以看到他们一个挨一个地排队上公共汽车、火车或买报纸.加塞是一种令人不齿的行为.
  不能问女士的年龄 英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的.如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声“你看上去好年轻”更好的恭维了.毫无疑问,每个女士的发型、化妆和衣着都是为了让自己看起来更美丽、更年轻,但是如果她的打扮让人感到太刻意,那么别人就会带着非难的口吻说她“显得俗气”.
  不能砍价 在英国购物,最忌讳的是砍价.英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情.如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或数量很大的商品时,你也需要小心地与卖方商定一个全部的价钱.英国人很少讨价还价,如果他们认为一件商品的价钱合适就买下,不合适就走开.
  英国人热爱红茶的程度世界知名.在一天中许多不同的时刻,都会暂停下来喝杯茶.英国女皇Queen Anne爱好饮茶并深深地影响了英国人喝早餐茶的风气.英国女爵安娜玛丽亚于1840年代带动了喝下午茶的习惯;维多利亚女皇更是每天喝下午茶,将下午茶普级化.
  London's Sunday, not all stores are closed, but most (especially personal) emblem closed all stores and most cinema theaters are also closed. Because the London people like to go out of town at the Sunday picnic.
  United Kingdom, the best time to send gifts lighter gift. Because the fee will not be mistaken for more than a bribe. British are also the same as most other Europeans. Like premium chocolate, wines and flowers. Decorated with the guests for their company logo gifts, most of them did not appreciate. - Agree
  Tea, the British people at all levels have a favorite tea, almost as Britain's national drink, especially women addicted to tea became an addiction. British hobbies are cooking the tea, put one or two lumps of sugar add a little cold milk. - Not freshly brewed tea, but Lipton tea, soak a drink. Also add two spoonfuls of sugar, a little milk, to see personal taste, right?
  Afternoon tea in the country, also known as dirty tea, or a full tea, tea with fish, meat dishes instead of dinner. - Now has no cuisine of the tea. If the hungry, the donuts and the like to replace.
  Britain also had five o'clock tea, is a pro-class women's social activities, not so much tea, better to say about a friend 17 o'clock tea, meet to talk about the heart, the equivalent of European women's coffee reception. - Now, it does not already.
  When he met the British do not like about a private matter, but love to talk about the weather, otherwise it will be to cold. Not love to talk about the weather, but the weather was beginning to resolve the embarrassing situation of not talking.
  Alice thumb in the UK is the meaning of highway for a lift. - Now no one did, more dangerous.
  In the UK, if the streets wearing masks, one would think that infectious diseases are running out, perhaps some people call an ambulance. - This however does not know, have not tried.
  - Clothing:
  Comparison of wear on the British still pay attention to, so parlor, visit or participate in a reception, banquet, party was still wear a suit and tie. In the summer, you can not wear a suit, wearing short-sleeved shirt, but have to tie. - See occasions it, generally do not wear suits are based on casual clothing.
  - Dating:
  Strong British sense of time. On the scheduled date must be punctual. Late is rude for no reason, to the too early and unnecessary. If for some reason the delay or cancellation of appointments, to try to inform the other party by telephone. UK, direct-dial telephone in many cities around the country and the world. - Ha ha, now the British are considered to half an hour early evening friends, of course, funerals, weddings and business activities except.
  Most British businessman working 5 days per week, Saturday and Sunday is a holiday. August is best not to visit Britain, because most people have to leave. Also, avoid the December 20 to January 2 next year, because people are getting ready for Christmas and New Year. By the end of March to mid April is Easter. 5,8 There are two months holiday. - Sometimes 4 days a week, do not forget there is a BANK HOLIDAY.
  British people tend to drink beer and whiskey without ice. In addition, they like to fetch a longer distance to travel in groups. So this holiday is very important for the British, they must eat an almond pudding, and then eat something else. If others in this week received a gift, I feel not suitable, or not satisfied, you can also hold to the original gift shop, for the price they like the same things. Thus, gifts and the gifts of the people would feel very easy.
  Coal England New Year to visit someone's home, they must bring a piece of coal, and the people own hands into the oven coal, Greeting the New Year as a gift. Also added a blessing: I wish your family the coal, smoldering stopper in the British can not have the habit of queuing. You can see them side by side to line up on the bus, train or buy a newspaper. Stoppering a behaving honorably.
  Can not ask a lady her age, the British did not like to talk about the wages of men and women age, even the furniture in his house worth, but also should not ask. If you ask a lady her age, is very inappropriate, because she thought it was her own secret, and everyone wants to remain forever young, middle-aged women than to say you look so young a better compliment. No doubt, each lady hair, makeup and clothing are to make themselves look more beautiful, more younger people, but if her dress was too deliberate, then people will take the tone of disapproval that she appears tacky.
  Can not bargain shopping in the UK, the most taboo is the bargain. British do not like the bargain that it is losing face thing. If you are buying a large number of precious works of art or of goods, you also need to be careful with all of the seller to agree on a price. British little bargaining, if they think the price of a commodity to buy a suitable, not appropriate to go away.
  Bathroom and go to 100
  The original meaning of the hand-washing toilet or wash your face in places, but its actual meaning is the toilet, the toilet when the British will not directly say toilet in time to remind others as well, not directly mentioned toilet word. If you go to the toilet, you can say to a man's room, or to the woman's room, you can say please forgive a few minutes or I want to wash their hands and so on. Children when they say they want to the bathroom, I'm going to that place. Within the family and between friends, 100 is the most common way.
  Britain's New Year's Day custom:
  The day before New Year, every household must be a wine bottle, hood and meat. British believed that without the rest of the wine and meat, in the coming year will be poor. In addition, the United Kingdom also popular New Year wells of the customs, people get water for the first, that the first human well-being of people fetching water, calling water the water is auspicious. British New Year's Eve the night, often bring out cake and wine to visit, they do not knock, it went straight into the family and friends home. According to British custom, the night after New Year's Eve 1000, the first foot forward towards the house who herald the new year of luck. If the first guest was a black hair man, or a happy, happy, prosperous people, the owner will be lucky to go good luck throughout the year. If the first guest is a light yellow-haired woman, or a sad, poor, unfortunate people, the owner will be in the new year was bad luck, will encounter difficulties and disasters. New Year's Eve at the relatives and friends came to visit the people, without talking to before, want to go to fiddle with the fire of the fireplace, the master wishes, open the door down. In some areas of central England, New Year's morning out, whether familiar or unfamiliar, will send each other coins, they think that this would have other financial gas a year, but also to bring their own luck.
  English in daily life, often drinking English Breakfast tea and Earl Grey. Including English Breakfast tea, also known as eyes open, tea, line selection, India, Ceylon, Kenya tea all over to blend flavorful best to enjoy the morning after. Earl Grey tea as the base is based on the Chinese tea, made by adding bergamot modulation. Special aroma, popular in European high society.
  The extent of the British love tea world. In many different times of day will be suspended down a cup of tea. Queen Queen Anne tea-loving and deeply affected the British breakfast tea drinking culture. British Baroness Anna Maria in the 1840s brought about the habit of drinking tea; Queen Victoria is a daily afternoon tea, will general level of afternoon tea
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