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解决时间 2021-04-14 04:40
1. 根据专业分数奖学金也有一定的要求的
2. 我国很多优秀的学子在国外获得全额奖学金的
3. 具体的有英文版原文可查考;NTU Research Scholarship  
Who is eligible?
You are eligible for this scholarship if you are a local or international student seeking admission as a full-time candidate pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme by research at NTU.

Eligibility criteria
You must have a First Class Honours or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours or its equivalent
You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award
The award is tenable for one year in the first instance and is renewable subject to good progress.
The monthly stipend for Ph.D. students will be S$2,500 for Singapore Citizens, S$2,200 for Singapore Permanent Residents and S$2,000 for international students.
For students who pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination/Confirmation, the stipend may be increased to S$3,000 for Singapore Citizens, S$2,700 for Singapore Permanent Residents and S$2,500 for international students, subject to good performance in research and the attainment of required standards for courses taken. The University reserves the right to vary the amount of the stipend at any time by written notice.
In addition to the monthly stipend, the award also covers the annual tuition fee and the annual computer fee.
The maximum period of the award is up to four years for Ph.D. candidates, subject to good performance and progress, as well as availability of research funding.
* For student intake prior to AY2010, the monthly stipend for Singapore Citizens is $2,300 and for those after the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination/Confirmation, the amount will be increased by S$500.

There is no bond attached to the scholarship.

Application procedure
You can apply for this scholarship when you are filling in your application form. Complete the “Application for Scholarship” section in your application form.

Research work and duties
You must undertake to carry out research work at NTU as directed by the Chair of the School concerned.
Upon your confirmation of PhD candidature, you will be required to assist your School in teaching duties for three hours a week.  There will be no remuneration.
In addition, the School, at its discretion, may appoint you to assist in academic or administration work not exceeding 10 hours of work per week. There may or may not be any remuneration.
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你自己看吧。 国际学生,每月2000新币 NTU Research Scholarship Who is eligible? You are eligible for this scholarship if you are a local or international student seeking admission as a full-time candidate pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme by research at NTU. Eligibility criteria You must have a First Class Honours or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours or its equivalent You should not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary or top-up allowance during the prescribed period of the award Coverage The award is tenable for one year in the first instance and is renewable subject to good progress. The monthly stipend for Ph.D. students will be S$2,500 for Singapore Citizens, S$2,200 for Singapore Permanent Residents and S$2,000 for international students. For students who pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination/Confirmation, the stipend may be increased to S$3,000 for Singapore Citizens, S$2,700 for Singapore Permanent Residents and S$2,500 for international students, subject to good performance in research and the attainment of required standards for courses taken. The University reserves the right to vary the amount of the stipend at any time by written notice. In addition to the monthly stipend, the award also covers the annual tuition fee and the annual computer fee. The maximum period of the award is up to four years for Ph.D. candidates, subject to good performance and progress, as well as availability of research funding. * For student intake prior to AY2010, the monthly stipend for Singapore Citizens is $2,300 and for those after the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination/Confirmation, the amount will be increased by S$500. Bond There is no bond attached to the scholarship. Application procedure You can apply for this scholarship when you are filling in your application form. Complete the “Application for Scholarship” section in your application form. Research work and duties You must undertake to carry out research work at NTU as directed by the Chair of the School concerned. Upon your confirmation of PhD candidature, you will be required to assist your School in teaching duties for three hours a week. There will be no remuneration. In addition, the School, at its discretion, may appoint you to assist in academic or administration work not exceeding 10 hours of work per week. There may or may not be any remuneration.
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