
Eddy and the movie star 讲了什么

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Eddy and the movie star 讲了什么
Chapter 1: A special story for Eddy.

1) Where does Eddy work?
He works at Daily News, the newspaper of San Francisco.

2) What is his job?
He is a reporter of the Daily News.

3) Did Eddy want to write about horse-racing or to have a more serious assignment?
A more serious assignment. He don’t like horse-racing.

4) What did Mr Lee ask Eddy to write about?
A story about Cathy Chen, a famous movie star, that we don’t know much about.

5) Was Eddy pleased?
No, He will something that more serious was.

6) What did Rosita think about Eddy’s assignment?
That it his big chance is.

Chapter 2: In Cathy Chen’s garden.

1) Did Eddy speak to Cathy Chen when he went to her house?
No, he speaks in the intercom and she hear that he from the Daily News was, then she turns down the intercom.

2) How did Eddy get into Cathy Chen’s garden?
He climbed over a broken part of the wall and he was inside Cathy Chen’s garden.

3) How many voices did Eddy hear?
When he was in The garden, he hear two voices.

4) Describe the voices.
A voice of Cathy Chen. She was crying and a voice of Paul Kwok. He is voice was angry.

5) Who was in the black car?
A driver and a passenger. The passenger was Paul Kwok.

Chapter 3: Lucky Eddy!

1) Did Eddy write an article about Cathy Chen?
Yes, he will write a good story.

2) Was Mr Lee pleased with Eddy’s article?
No, he said that nobody will believe his story.

3) What did Mr Lee say to Eddy?
That he a better story must write.

4) Why did Eddy go to the Write Nights club?
He can meet Cathy Chen there and then he can write a good story.

5) Where did Cathy Chen’s driver tell Eddy to go?
To Stinson Beach. She walk there by the ocean in the evening.

Chapter 4: At Stinson beach.

1) What did Cathy Chen climb?
The big rocks at the edge of the water

2) Did Eddy like the place?
Yes, he found the ocean beautiful in the moonlight.

3) What did Eddy shout to Cathy Chen?
That she don’t jump to the rock and that she must wait of him.

4) What did Cathy Chen call reporters?
Rats, that they are rats.

5) What did Cathy Chen say to Eddy?
That a photographer, Su Lin, photos made of her fiancé and her and that send to a newspaper. Then see her ex-fiancé the photo.

6) Who does Su Lin want to sell the photographs to?
Eddy would buy the photographs from Su Lin and give she to Cathy Chen.

Chapter 5: A dangerous woman.

1) Where did Mr Lee send Eddy?
To Su Lin, she have photos of Cathy Chen. Those photos must he buy of Cathy Chen.

2) What did Mr Lee give Eddy?
A cheque with money of the Daily News. So can he the photos buy of Su Lin.

3) What was printed on the photographs?
Cathy Chen with a other man then her fiancé.

4) How much did Eddy pay for the photographs?
Su Lin would twenty thousand dollar but he pay ten thousand dollar.

5) Su Lin showed Eddy six photographs. How many were there in the brown envelope?
They are five photos in the envelope but that morning there are six photos in the envelope.

6) What did Eddy find in the drawer?
Two more photographs and some negatives.

Chapter 6: Mr Wu gives Eddy a haircut.

1) Who followed Eddy into the cable car?
Two men, with hats of they head.

2) Why did Eddy want a haircut?
Because his hair was much too long and because he don’t want to see Cathy Chen with long hair

3) Who came into the barber shop?
They two men from the cable car. One of them was very tall. And she wear sunglasses.

4) Write two of the questions that the men asked Eddy.
- Why are you so interested in Miss Chen?
- Why did you meet her at he beach?

5) How did Eddy escape?
He escape of he hands from the two men and he jumped into a taxi and the taxi drove away.

Chapter 7: The envelope.

1) Why did Eddy go back to Mr Wu’s barber shop?
His envelope with photographs from Cathy Chen were there. He had threw the envelope at the floor. He must find the photographs now.

2) Where did Eddy find the envelope?
He fond the key of the drawer, where he thought where the photographs were. He opened the drawer and there are the photographs.

3) Who knocked on the door of the barber shop?
The two men from the cable car. The men who him following.

Chapter 8: I don’t want to make trouble.

) Who did Eddy phone?
Paul Kwok because he don’t want that the two men him following.

2) What did Eddy ask?
He asked Paul of the two men can stop with following him. He hate that.

3) Eddy said, “It was an old envelope from the office.” Was this true or a lie?
That was a true. He get the envelope from Su Lin. The envelope can’t a old envelope of the office.

4) Who knocked on Eddy’s door the first time?
The two men, the two men are Lenny, a very good football player, and Ivan.

5) Who knocked on Eddy’s door the second time?
Mr Lee, the boss of Eddy. He would have a story about Cathy Chen.

Chapter 9: Do you think I’m a fool?

1) What did Eddy say to Mr Lee?
That he don’t pay the photos because they were bad photographs.

2) Did Eddy pay for the photos with the Daily News` money?
No, he pay the photos with his own money. He had give the cheque to Mr Lee.

3) Mr Lee was angry. What did he say to Eddy?
That he could work by the worst job in the office. By ‘answering readers’.

4) Who phoned Eddy?
Cathy Chen, she said to Eddy that he tomorrow evening at the Golden Gate Bridge at six o’clock her meet.

Chapter 10: Friends are very important.

1) What did Eddy hate?
He hated is job by ‘answering readers’.

2) What did Rosita say to him?
That he must work on the readers’ letters and that Mr Lee him perhaps give another chance one day.

3) What was Eddy afraid of?
He was afraid of high places and he was afraid of falling but Cathy Chen love high places.

4) What did Cathy Chen do with the photographs?
She tear the photos into small pieces and then blew the wind the pieces away.

5) Did Eddy love Cathy Chen? How do you know?
Yes, he wouldn’t that she fall, he run to her, because he thought that she fall at the rock.

6) Eddy said to Cathy Chen, “You don’t care about me.” Was that true?
No, she do care about Eddy. She is Eddy’s friend.

Chapter 11: Eddy gets another chance.

1) Who invited Eddy to lunch? Why?
By Cathy Chen because she and Paul Kwok want to tell him something.

2) Had Eddy met Paul Kwok before?
No, he had him earlier spoken other the phone.

3) What were Cathy Chen and Paul Kwok going to do?
They are getting married that afternoon.

4) Who will have the exclusive story?
The Daily News get the exclusive story and Eddy write him!

5) Did Mr Lee promote Eddy immediately?
No, he will talk with Eddy about promotion. But I think that he promotion.

6) What did Cathy Chen say on the phone?
That she the happiest woman of the world is and that she Eddy some more photographs send. Also Eddy like her and her husband a interview.

7) What did Mr Lee say then?
That Eddy will have another exclusive story about Cathy Chen on the front page of the Daily News and he was smiling.
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