

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-21 22:08
And there stood Cinderella in the loveliest gown she had ever seen. On her tiny feet were delicate glass slippers.
Cinderella was delighted. “Oh, fairy godmother – it’s like a dream come true!”
“Yes, child. But like all dreams, it can’t last forever. On the stroke of midnight, the spell will be broken, and everything will be as it was before.”
“I’ll remember,” promised Cinderella. “Oh, it’s more than I ever hoped for! Thank you, fairy godmother.”
“Bless you, my child. Now hurry up. It’s getting late.”
Cinderella stepped into the pumpkin coach and was whisked away to the royal ball.

The King’s ballroom was magnificent. Every lady in the land was dressed in her finest gown. But Cinderella was the loveliest of them all.
When the Prince saw the charming Cinderella, he fell in love instantly. The Duke said to the King, You see, Your Majesty, the Prince has danced with that girl all evening. It looks like he’s found the girl he wants to marry.
All at once the tower clock began to strike midnight. Cinderella cried, “Oh, I almost forgot!” And without another word, away she ran, out of the ballroom and down the palace stairs. On the way she lost one of the glass slippers, but she couldn’t stop to get it.
Cinderella stepped into the magic coach, and quickly drove away. As the clock struck for the twelfth time, the magic ended! Cinderella was left with a pumpkin, some mice, and the memory of her wonderful evening.

The next morning the whole kingdom was wondering who the mysterious girl was. The only clue was the lost slipper. The Grand Duke carried the glass shoe from house to house looking for its owner, for the Prince had said he would marry no one but the girl who could wear the tiny slipper.
Every girl in the land tried hard to put the slipper on. The ugly stepsisters tried hardest of all! But it was no use. Not a single girl could fit her foot into the glass shoe.
And where was Cinderella? Locked in her room, the mean old stepmother was taking no chances that poor Cinderella would try on the slipper. But Cinderella’s mice friends found the key and rushed it up to the locked room.
The Duke was just about to leave. “Well, madam, if you have no other daughters, I’ll bid you good day.” Just then he heard a voice calling to him. “Please wait! May I try the slipper?” It was Cinderella.
“Of course,” said the Duke. “Every girl must have a chance. Please sit down.” He slid the glass shoe onto Cinderella’s foot and it fit perfectly.
Cinderella’s dream had come true. No longer would she slave for her cruel stepmother and her foolish stepsisters. She would marry the Prince and live happily ever after. And what became of the little mice who had been Cinderella’s only friends? They went to the palace, too. And they all lived happily ever after
cinderella once upon a time, there was a kind and pretty girl named cinderella. she had to live in the kitchen and do all the work in the house. one day, the prince invited all the girls to b big party at the palace, but cinderella was ordered to stay home. she was sad. suddenly, a fairy appeared. she turned a pumpkin into a wonderful coach and the shoes into shining glass slippers! cinderella happily got in the coach. he fairy said, “remember, come back before midnight!” cinderella was the most beautiful girl at the party and the prince danced every dance with her she was so happy that she forgot the time. suddenly, she heard the bell strike twelve. she ran out in a hurry and left a slipper on the way. the next morning, the prince had all the girls in the country try on the slipper. finally, he found cinderella. they got married and were happy ever after. 翻译: 灰姑娘 从前有一个美丽善良的女孩,叫灰姑娘.她只能住在厨房里,还要干屋里所有的活. 有一天,王子邀请所有的王宫参加一个盛大的舞会,但是她要留在家里不准去.她很伤心,突然,一位仙女出现了.她把南瓜变成了一辆漂亮的马车,灰姑娘的鞋子也变成了闪闪发光的玻璃鞋!灰姑娘高兴地上了马车.仙女说:”记住,!半夜十二点之前回来啊!” 灰姑娘是舞会上最漂亮的姑娘,每一首曲子王子都不得和她跳.她高兴得忘记了时间,突然,她听到大钟敲了十二下她匆匆忙忙地跑了出去,并在路上掉了一只玻璃鞋. 第二天,王子让全国所有的女孩子都试穿好运只玻璃鞋过日子.最后他终于找到了灰姑娘.他们结了婚,从此以后一直开心快乐.
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