
WASHINGTON — It is announced Friday that White House visitor records will be opened up on

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解决时间 2021-04-06 07:25
WASHINGTON — It is announced Friday that White House visitor records will be opened up on a regular basis for the first time in modern history, providing the public an unusually detailed look at who gets the opportunity to help shape American policy at the highest levels.
“Americans have a right to know whose voices are being heard in the policymaking process,” the president said in a written statement issued by the White House while he vacationed with his family at Camp David.
By the end of the year, the White House will begin posting online every month the names of the people who visited in the last 90 to 120 days. Each person’s full name will be listed, along with the date and time they entered and left and the name of the person they visited. About 70,000 to 100,000 people visit the White House each month, and the records will include tourists as well as people conducting business.
The White House pointed out several exceptions to the policy: “purely personal guests” of the Obama family; those cases in which the disclosure(透露) of visitors’ names “would threaten national safety interests”; and those who come for “particularly sensitive meetings,” like candidates for a Supreme Court nomination(提名). Officials said only a “small number” will fit in the latter category(类别), and their names would eventually be disclosed after they are no longer secret, like after a nomination is publicly announced. Moreover, they said, the number of undisclosed visitors will be disclosed, to make clear how few they are.
【小题1】Why will the White House visitor records be open to the public?A.To attract more visitors to the White House. B.To allow people to know more about the life of the Obama family. C.To let the public know who are influencing the policies. D.To ask the public help correct the policies made by the government.【小题2】From the passage we can learn that . A.All the visitors’ names will be posted online soon after their visits B.Not all visitors are allowed to visit the White HouseC.Some visitors’ names can be found online until they’re not secretD.The records of the visitors will be kept for at least 4 months【小题3】According to the passage, whose name might be kept secret for some time?A.A tourist.B.A businessman.C.A foreign student.D.A foreign minister.【小题4】 What’s the main idea of the passage?A.The White House will open the records of the visitors to the public.B.In America more and more people are becoming policy makers. C.The Americans have a right to know who are making policies.D.President Obama has announced a new policy while on holiday.C
(答案→)C 解析:本文主要讲述的是白宫向公众公布来访者的名单,让人们知道谁能够影响美国的国家政策。【小题1】C 细节题。根据文章第二段“Americans have a right to know whose voices are being heard in the policymaking process,”说明这样做的目的是让美国人知道谁在影响着美国的政策。故C项正确。【小题2】C 细节题。根据第二段2,3,4行Each person’s full name will be listed, along with the date and time they entered and left and the name of the person they visited.可知这些人的名字会被列出。故C正确。【小题3】D 推理题。根据文章最后4行and their names would eventually be disclosed after they are no longer secret, like after a nomination is publicly announced. Moreover, they said, the number of undisclosed visitors will be disclosed, to make clear how few they are.可知这些不能被公布的机密如国家的大事是不能公布的。选项中D项符合这一点。故D正确。【小题4】A 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段WASHINGTON — It is announced Friday that White House visitor records will be opened up on a regular basis for the first time in modern history可知本文主要讲述的是白宫向公众公布来访者的名单,让人们知道谁能够影响美国的国家政策。故A正确。
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