

答案:3  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-17 17:17
比如两个朋友共同接到一位朋友的生日聚会邀请,两人商量如何送礼,着装。三分钟对话 电话或者面对面对话都可以
朱迪: Hi, Cindy, glad to see you here. 嗨.辛迪.很高兴在这里见到你. 辛迪: Fine, thank you. Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday. I bought a tie for him as a birthday present. 我很好.谢谢.明天是我男朋友的生日.我买了条领带给他作为生日礼物. 朱迪: Oh, a tie is a good present for a man. Could you let me have a look? 噢.领带对男士来讲是不错的礼物.能让我看看吗? 辛迪: Of course, here you are. What would you think of my tie? 当然可以.给你.你认为我买的领带怎么样? 朱迪: Well....uh.... I think it's ok. 喔...呃...我认为还可以. 辛迪: You don't really like it, do you? 你并不是真的喜欢.对吧? 朱迪: Well, uh... To be honest, your tie is a little to colorful, I don't think it fits your boyfriend. 喔.呃.坦白讲.你买的领带太花了.我认为不是很适合你的男朋友. 辛迪: Mm, you may be right. I don't know how to choose from so many things. 恩.或许你是对的.我不知道怎么从那么多商品中选出合适的. 朱迪: It's my favourite. I'd like to come with you next time. 我这方面最擅长了.下次我和你去. 辛迪: Thank you in advance. 先谢谢你了.
Hello, A Hey,B how are you? Great, thank you. Do you know C's birthday is next Tuesday? Oh, year. C told me last week and asked me to go her party.I am thinking what should I wear and what present should I give. So do I. Do you have any ideas? Not yet. I don't know what she wants. Last time, I heared she wants to read the bible. Wow, does she a christrian? Hehe, no, she just wants to read the story of the god. Ok, so you will buy the bible for her? Year. I suggest you can buy a cross neckless to her. That's a great idea. Thank you.What will you wear on that day? Oh, C said she wants us to play pingpong with her. So I decide to wear the norma T-shirt and shorts. Thanks so much. Let's go to the shop together to choose the present, OK? I 'd love to. Hope we can find great stuff. A B stand for the two friends, C stands for the person who has a birthday party
:Hello,this is Lily. YF:Hello,this is Lucy Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come! YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday! Y:Thank you! YF:What time do you want to start? Y:Just at 18:00 YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow! Y:Thank you!See you! 聚会后的描述: last satauday i came to the hotel to celebrate the birthday of my friday Wang lin. it's very interesting of the party. Wang lin parpered a beautiful birthday cake.it is crowded with some gifts we send to her on the table. the bowls which we uesd to eat food is on the table too. in front of me there is a bottle of wine and a glass. the wine is not so good. after the meal my friends were all coming to sing songs. they stay on the stage with a microphone. how happy they are! i don't like this kind of atmosphere. i came out. there waas a taxi on the road. the mooon was so bright. it's so quiet. why people prefer the noisy life here 聚会中A:There you are !I'm so happy that all of you can come. B:(smile),of course ,you are my best friend,happy birthday! A:Thank you! C:This is my present for you! A:oh,it's so nice of you!(open),wow,it;s really very wonderful,i love it ~ D:Look ,this is mine,it's may not very expensive,but there is my best wishes A:It is precious for me! Umm,i think you must be very hungry,just help yoursefves,and then i'll show someone to you ,it's can be surprising~~ BCD:OK~ladies,let's go ....
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