答案:2 悬赏:70 手机版
解决时间 2021-03-09 18:05
- 提问者网友:棒棒糖
- 2021-03-09 03:29
- 五星知识达人网友:第四晚心情
- 2021-03-09 04:38
Computer Game--neither Good nor Bad Itself
With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business in computer games in recent years. Since computer game has dominated the life of many people, especially the young, parents and teachers cry out against it. However, in my humble opinion, it is meaningless to debate whether or not computer game is detrimental, since computer game itself is neither good nor bad; it is totally at our disposal.
Being an indispensable side-product of IT industry, computer game has been burning its way into the fabric of social life. Obviously, the appliance of three dimensions and special sound effects has turned the plain gaming process into a visual and audio feast that we have never been to before. In addition, the brand new experience of playing another role in games is so vicarious and gratifying that when playing, people tend to immerse themselves thoroughly into the virtual world. It can definitely be a good entertainment and recreation, as long as it is taken in moderation. Computer-gaming binge is absolutely dangerous, but in that case, it is not the games to blame.
With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business in computer games in recent years. Since computer game has dominated the life of many people, especially the young, parents and teachers cry out against it. However, in my humble opinion, it is meaningless to debate whether or not computer game is detrimental, since computer game itself is neither good nor bad; it is totally at our disposal.
Being an indispensable side-product of IT industry, computer game has been burning its way into the fabric of social life. Obviously, the appliance of three dimensions and special sound effects has turned the plain gaming process into a visual and audio feast that we have never been to before. In addition, the brand new experience of playing another role in games is so vicarious and gratifying that when playing, people tend to immerse themselves thoroughly into the virtual world. It can definitely be a good entertainment and recreation, as long as it is taken in moderation. Computer-gaming binge is absolutely dangerous, but in that case, it is not the games to blame.
- 1楼网友:一袍清酒付
- 2021-03-09 05:47
不同的游戏对人有不同的作用,三国志大航海时代等历史地理相关类的游戏可以丰富人们的知识,竞技对战类的游戏可以增强人们的竞争意识,其它休闲类的小游戏则可以使人们身心放松网络游戏可以让人摆脱现实中的烦恼,投入到另一世界.我们站在客观立场上正视电脑游戏的诸多益处:它对于喜欢它的人来说可以有缓解压力、增加生活乐趣的功效,对于喜欢它的青少年来讲可以使他们增加反应力、帮助提高智商系数,还能使他们对与电脑游戏相关的电脑技术产生莫大的兴趣,起极大的启蒙作用.如浙江省某市第一中学的高三学生尹科,因玩电脑游戏而成为软件高手,被多家企业聘为总经理顾问.这便是在玩中学, 可见游戏对学习有积极的影响. 但是也不是任何人都能靠游戏取得成功的,这需要付出一定的辛劳,而且不是把游戏当成消遣来玩,是要对其有专业性的研究和发现的. 当然我认为玩电脑游戏确实有一些反面效果,其焦点在于沉迷二字.据调查分析发现:电脑游戏是事先设计好的控制程序,是一种固定模式的大脑定型训练、这种重复刺激会使大脑活动趋于条件反射,其灵活性下降、而且玩电子游戏只能刺激脑部主管视觉与行动两块的发展,但不能代替所有的东西而使人脑得到全面的发展.长期沉迷于游戏,必定对学习产生不利的影响.由此可见、我们不能忽略基础数学,阅读写作而让孩子沉迷于电脑游戏里. 我认为、任何事物都有两重性,电子,电脑游戏也不例外,由于它对多数国人来讲还算是个新生事物,相比于其他娱乐方式又有其特殊性,因此,负面影响是难免的,我们只能尽量减少游戏的消极作用,而关键还是看玩家控制自我的能力的强弱,能否控制自己不沉迷其中、而是从游戏的积极作用中获益,我们认为、这才是一种正确的态度.还是那句话:很多事情都是两面性的,游戏对中学生学习的影响既有积极的, 又有消极的, 问题是在于如何利用, 如何把握.庄子曾经说过至乐无乐,过度放纵便无法得到欢乐.所以我们要倡导同学们在平时的娱乐中把握好自己的心态、注意娱乐的分寸、 注意平衡游戏与其他方面的关系,掌握分寸、好好利用电子游戏的益处,而不是让游戏成为我们生活的全部.