这段内容在写法/拼写等方面上有错吗?(我很奇怪为什么外国人认为有错误?)How to Get ove
答案:2 悬赏:0 手机版
解决时间 2021-01-27 21:03
- 提问者网友:辞取
- 2021-01-26 21:16
这段内容在写法/拼写等方面上有错吗?(我很奇怪为什么外国人认为有错误?)How to Get ove
- 五星知识达人网友:北方的南先生
- 2021-01-26 21:28
首先,心读(subvocalising),心读是一种除本人外其他人觉察不出来的有声阅读形式.心读时,读者在心里对自己清晰地发出某个词的读音并好象清楚地听到自己在念一个个词.而不是你所说的什么reading in mind.How to overcome subvocalising?(actually its(its和it's区别大了) like read(动名词) silently by heart)?thats really bothering(bothering一般作为形容词使用,你可以用irritating,frustrating etc.)!(少主语)dont know when i started(不是开始这种习惯,是开始带有,所以建议started with) this bad habit and(表转折用but不是and) it's sure(sure不能这样用,你一定要用,就用it's for sure) that the problem has been following(习惯没跟随你,是你本身就有,改为it has been WITH..) me for quite a while.everytime i read or think about things(语意模糊) then i(+just)cant help using my heart.for example,while i was reading It's one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can do with any difficult things,i was just(建议改only) reading these words but dont(don't改coudn't) get anything which it means.so in a way it's just a waste of time for me to read course i cant understand anythings by using heart.(最后这句,很明显你连自己想说什么都没理清楚,by using heart,你到反而不能understand anything了,那你的意思不用心反而能理解了?幽默.)综上,看得出来你英语学习多是通过与人聊天或网络上学来,未接受过基础的语法训练,这也是为什么你在尝试表达某个主题的时候,写出来的东西与你想要表达的东西不一致.友情建议,进行基础语法学习,特别是句子成分及结构方面.最后,也许上述忠言比较逆你的耳朵,但我讲的都是实话(虽然回帖是冲50分来的)======以下答案可供参考======供参考答案1:这段就不能算英文, i是啥意思, I才是表示我就像楼上说的,基本上是chinglish,英文写作不是先写好中文再翻译,而是用英文表达意思。就像你第一句话, that 指代就不明。dont know when i started... 这句话没主语。中文可以说不知道什么时候开始,英文没你这种说法i was just reading these words but dont get anything which it means. so in a way it's just a waste of time for me to read course i cant understand anythings by using heart. 语法错误。而且不明白你要表达什么意思。供参考答案2:i think that is sth we call chinglish in your writting, sorry for no time to correct,but think about some ways you express is not the english way.it is obvious you are using the chinese mind to write in english.
- 1楼网友:西风乍起
- 2021-01-26 22:17