

答案:6  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-30 06:08
YEAH, Sir,就5分钟.写完都累死我了.嗬

Company Background: Apple Computer Inc. was founded in 1976, is headquartered in California Qiupodinuo City, in the heart of Silicon Valley. Apple specializes in the development, manufacture, sales of personal computers, servers, peripherals, computer software, online services and personal digital accessories. 1995 was the year the world's third largest PC supplier, was ranked 'the world's hundred largest information technology company' first top 11, 'the world's 50 largest software companies' 25th. 94, 95 years in the global multi-media market share topped the list.
Apple American Group was founded in 1958, is located in California, Hacienda Street Woboluoke 14,502. Over the years, Apple has been concentrated in high-tech group, cutting-edge research and development of the digital processing system, computer, computer games, clothing, leather goods, as well as a worldwide reputation in the field of digital audio, and won.
In 2001, Apple Group of the United States to enter the Chinese market, after several years of promotion and development of the United States of the Group Apple brand in particular clothing, leather goods industry in China has people.
Today, Apple American Group to build a modern digital carrier Jianqun, in June 2006 SHENZHAN together industry groups, the United States formed the Group of Apple's operations center in China: Shenzhen, five-star Apple Digital Technology Co., Ltd..
China Area operations center is located in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City Komeito way street Tourism Department of Science and Technology Industry Park, near an area of 120,000 square meters, mainly R & D, production, sales of the Group of the United States Apple brand MP3, MP4, U disk, and other digital products.
Apple American Group to promote the use of new digital technology for users of "digital joy of new life experience" to provide consumers with innovative, stylish, digital entertainment, learning, and other products, and specialized, differentiated, high-quality products Provide consumers with new consumer services.
苹果电脑国际有限公司,或苹果电脑股份有限公司,简称苹果电脑,英文名Apple Computer, Inc.,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的库比提诺,核心业务是电脑科技产品。苹果电脑的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。最知名的产品是其出品的Apple II、Macintosh电脑、iPod数码音乐播放器和iTunes音乐商店,它在高科技企业中以创新而闻名。
早期的苹果电脑,Apple IIc1976年,由斯蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak,简称沃兹)创立。在当年开发并销售Apple I电脑。
1977年发售最早的个人电脑Apple II。
2003年推出最早的64位个人电脑Apple Macintosh G5。
在他们一起创立苹果电脑前,沃兹已经是一个电子学黑客,自1975年,他在HP上班和帮斯蒂夫·乔布斯设计Atari电子游戏。当时沃兹向由Alex Kamradt开设的分时电脑系统服务公司Call Computer租用小型电脑使用。当时的电脑只能够以纸张印字输出,而由德州仪器推出的Silent 700是当时最尖端的热升华印字机型号。沃兹曾看到大众电子学杂志 (Popular Electronics) 介绍如何自制电脑终端机,使用现成的零件,Woz设计了一部能够和电脑沟通的电传印字机。该部只能印出大阶英文字符的印字机能印出每版24行,每行40个字,而且能够接驳到Call Computer旗下的小型电脑使用。Call Computer 的老板Alex Kamradt代理了这个设计,并售出少数目的机器。从1975年起沃兹开始出席家酿计算机俱乐部(Homebrew Computer Club)的活动,当时新型的微型电脑如Altair 8800和IMSAI触发Woz将微处理内建于其电传印字机之内,成为一部完整的电脑。
当时在市面上能弄到的微机处理器只有9美元的英特尔(Intel)8080和0美元的摩托罗拉(Motorola)6800。沃兹软喜欢6800,但两者都超出他的预算范围。所以他只能透过观察和学习学习,在纸上设计电脑,并等待着能买得起处理器的那天。 1976年,当MOS Technology发表只需美元的著名处理器6502时,沃兹为这伙处理器编写了一个BASIC程序语言版本,再设计一部可运行这种BASIC程序语言的电脑。由于6502的设计者和6800是相同的(因为MOS Technology是由Motorola的前雇员成立的),故此Woz早前在纸上设计,建基于6800的电脑,只需作出轻征修改就可以使用6502作为微处理器。
1990年的苹果电脑,Macintosh Classic
1971年,16岁的斯蒂夫•乔布斯和21岁的斯蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克(“两个斯蒂夫”)经朋友介绍而结识。1976年,乔布斯成功说服沃兹装配机器之余更拿去推销,他们另一位朋友,罗•韦恩(Ron Wayne)也加入,三人在1976年4月1日组成了苹果电脑公司。
同年5月份,乔布斯与一间本地电脑商店The Byte Shop洽商,负责人表示如果这部电脑完全装配好才会感兴趣。店主保罗•泰瑞尔(Paul Terrell)考虑得更长远,他想订购50部,并在交货时支付每部0。取了这份订单后,为了筹备资金,出售自己各种值钱的东西筹款(像计算机和一台大众面包车)。乔布斯到大型电子零件分销商Cramer Electronics订购零件,店铺的信用部经理问乔布斯如何结帐,他说:“我有一份Byte Shop向我订50部电脑的订单,付款条件是货到付款,如果你给我30天付款期,我可以在付款期限内把电脑装配好,送货给泰瑞尔后再付清帐款。”那名经理致电当时正在太平洋树林市出席IEEE电脑讨论会的泰瑞尔查询,惊讶于乔布斯的坚韧,泰瑞尔向经理确实订单说如果乔布斯送货给他的话,乔布斯肯定有足够的钱付款。他们三人与两名朋友借用乔布斯家人的车房日夜不分地装配和进行马拉松式的测试,终于在期限前送货给泰瑞尔,泰瑞尔也如当初承诺付钱给乔布斯,使他付清零件的帐单,而且赚了一笔可观的羸利用来庆祝和留作本钱。
Apple Computer International Limited, or Apple Computer Inc., Apple Computer referred to as the English were Apple Computer, Inc., Headquartered in California, the Cupertino, is the core business of computer technology products. Apple's Apple II computer in the 1970s fueled the PC revolution, then relay the Macintosh in the 1980s sustainable development. The most well-known products is its production of the Apple II, Macintosh computers, iPod digital music player and iTunes music store, its high-tech enterprises with innovative and well-known.
A Brief History
Apple's first in 1976, before the use of a sign
Early Apple computers, Apple IIc1976, by Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) and Steve Wozniak (Steve Wozniak, referred to as Watts) was founded. In the year to develop and sell Apple I computer.
In 1977 the sale of the first personal computer Apple II.
In 1984 introduced the revolutionary Macintosh computer.
In 2003 launched the first 64-bit personal computer Apple Macintosh G5.
2005 Steve Jobs announced that next year will use Intel processors.
Before the establishment of the
Together they founded Apple Computer ago, Watts has been a hacker electronics since 1975, he had to go to work and help HP Steve Jobs Atari video game design. At that time, Watts by Alex Kamradt to set up computer time-sharing systems Call Computer Services leased the use of small computers. At that time, the computer can only output to paper printing, and Texas Instruments introduced by the Silent 700 was the most sophisticated models of dye-sublimation printer. Woods has seen popular electronics magazines (Popular Electronics) describes how self-made computer terminals, the use of off-the-shelf parts, Woz designed to a computer and fax communication between the printer. The Department of big order can only be printed in English characters function printers print version of the 24 per line, 40 characters per line, and be able to connect to the Call Computer's use of small computers. Call Computer boss Alex Kamradt agent this design, and the purpose of a small number of machines sold. Since 1975, Woods began to attend the Homebrew Computer Club (Homebrew Computer Club), then a new type of micro-computers such as the Altair 8800 and IMSAI trigger Woz will be built-in microprocessor in its fax printer, to become a complete Computer.
At that time, in the market for PC processors could get only 9 dollars Intel (Intel) 8080 and 0 dollars Motorola (Motorola) 6800. Watts soft like 6800, both beyond his budget. So he can only learn through observation and study, computer design on paper and can afford to wait for a processor that day. In 1976, when the MOS Technology just published a well-known U.S. processor 6502, the gang processors for Woods to prepare a version of the BASIC programming language, designed to run such a BASIC computer programming language. As the designer of the 6502 and 6800 are the same (as MOS Technology by Motorola prior to the establishment of an employee), the Woz earlier in the design of the paper, based on the 6800 computer, just to make minor amendments to be able to use 6502 as a Microprocessors.
Watts, after completion of the machine, it brought "Homebrew Computer Club" gathering of electronic and colleagues demonstrated its system. There, he met an old friend Steve Jobs. Jobs aware of these small business machines leisure potential.
1990 Apple Computer, Macintosh Classic
Apple's origin
Jobs Watts and the two decided to set up a company, they want to name a few, there are times travel Jobs returned to the Watts suggested that the company named Apple Computer.
In 1971, 16-year-old Steve Jobs • and 21-year-old Steve Wozniak • ( "Steve") as a friend and get to know. In 1976, to persuade Jobs succeed Watts assembly of the machines take more than marketing, they are also a friend of mine, Luo • Wayne (Ron Wayne) also joined the three in April 1, 1976 formed the Apple Computer Companies.
In the same year in May, Jobs and a local computer store The Byte Shop negotiations, said that if this computer will be of interest to complete the assembly well. • Paul Tyrrell owner (Paul Terrell) to consider a more long-term, he would like to order 50, at the time of delivery and payment for each 0. It took orders, in preparation for the funds to sell their fund-raising all kinds of valuables (such as computers and a public minibus). Jobs to large-scale electronic components distributors to order parts Cramer Electronics, the credit manager of the shop asked Jobs how to check, he said: "I have a Byte Shop, I set out to the 50 computer orders, payments on the condition that Cash on Delivery, if you give me a 30-day payment period, I can pay period in the computer assembly, delivery to the balance paid after the Tyrrell. "Name that was call the manager of Pacific City to attend the woods IEEE Computer seminar Tyrrell's inquiries, Jobs surprised at the tenacity, Tyrrell orders to the manager did say that if Jobs delivered to him, Jobs certainly have enough money to pay. Three of them with two friends to use the Jobs family garage day and night to assemble and test the marathon, in the last period before delivery to the Tyrrell, Tyrrell also had commitments such as paying Job Sri Lanka made him pay parts of the bill, and earned a substantial win to celebrate and for the use of capital.
苹果电脑国际有限公司,或苹果电脑股份有限公司,简称苹果电脑,英文名Apple Computer, Inc.,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的库比提诺,核心业务是电脑科技产品。苹果电脑的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。最知名的产品是其出品的Apple II、Macintosh电脑、iPod数码音乐播放器和iTunes音乐商店,它在高科技企业中以创新而闻名。
早期的苹果电脑,Apple IIc1976年,由斯蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak,简称沃兹)创立。在当年开发并销售Apple I电脑。
1977年发售最早的个人电脑Apple II。
2003年推出最早的64位个人电脑Apple Macintosh G5。
在他们一起创立苹果电脑前,沃兹已经是一个电子学黑客,自1975年,他在HP上班和帮斯蒂夫·乔布斯设计Atari电子游戏。当时沃兹向由Alex Kamradt开设的分时电脑系统服务公司Call Computer租用小型电脑使用。当时的电脑只能够以纸张印字输出,而由德州仪器推出的Silent 700是当时最尖端的热升华印字机型号。沃兹曾看到大众电子学杂志 (Popular Electronics) 介绍如何自制电脑终端机,使用现成的零件,Woz设计了一部能够和电脑沟通的电传印字机。该部只能印出大阶英文字符的印字机能印出每版24行,每行40个字,而且能够接驳到Call Computer旗下的小型电脑使用。Call Computer 的老板Alex Kamradt代理了这个设计,并售出少数目的机器。从1975年起沃兹开始出席家酿计算机俱乐部(Homebrew Computer Club)的活动,当时新型的微型电脑如Altair 8800和IMSAI触发Woz将微处理内建于其电传印字机之内,成为一部完整的电脑。
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