
红警2共和国之辉里 国民训练中心在RULES.INI里的代码

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-12 13:23
不是要下载 是要RULES.ini里的代码 我想在普通的1.006版里加一个这个建筑 不知道如何设置

国民训练中心就是普通的兵进去 出来就变成最高等级的那个国旗一样的建筑
大哥 ,有这东西吗? 你要加什么建筑???,是玛雅金字塔还是心灵突变器。我有啊,不知道砸出来个那东西,金字塔够旱的,20多辆我的天企瞬间就没了,是它吗?? 呵呵,我打开这个文件就是这得,文件字数太长了,复制不下,就截取了一小部分发过来了,你要是看全部的话,加我QQ 1172295848. ; RULE*.INI
  ; *** Red Alert 2 Rules ***
  ; 天涯制作~~加速测试版
  ; 欢迎试用!!!!

  Name=Red Alert 2 -- Official Rules of Engagement

  ; veteran factors ;gs checked up on these since Armor was broken. Now they are all multipliers.
  VeteranRatio=3.0 ; must destroy this multiple of self-value to become a veteran [per level]
  VeteranCombat=1.1 ; multiplier to damage
  VeteranSpeed=1.2 ; multiplier to max speed
  VeteranSight=0.0 ; multiplier to sight !!!going past ten is a hard code Vegas crash!!!
  VeteranArmor=1.5 ; For armor, think of it as max strength being multiplied by the number (in reality, damage is divided by this
  VeteranROF=0.6 ; ROF delay multiplier
  VeteranCap=2 ; maximum veteran level that can be obtained
  InitialVeteran=no ; Do initial forces start as veterans?

  ; repair and refit
  RefundPercent=50% ; percent of original cost to refund when building/unit is sold
  ReloadRate=.3 ; minutes to reload each ammo point for aircraft or helicopters
  RepairPercent=15% ; percent cost to fully repair as ratio of full cost
  RepairRate=.016 ; minutes between applying repair step
  RepairStep=8 ; hit points to heal per repair 'tick'
  URepairRate=.016 ; [units only] minutes between applying repair step
  IRepairRate=.001 ; [infantry only] minutes between applying repair step
  IRepairStep=20 ; [infantry only] hit points to heal per repair 'tick' for infantry
  TiberiumHeal=.010 ; minutes between applying Tiberium healing [for those units that heal in Tiberium]

  ; income and production
  ;BailCount=28 ; number of 'bails' carried by a harvester
  BuildSpeed=.7 ; general build speed [time (in minutes) to produce a 1000 credit cost item]
  BuildupTime=.06 ; average minutes that building build-up animation runs
  GrowthRate=5 ; minutes between ore (Tiberium) growth
  TiberiumGrows=yes ; Does ore grow denser over time?
  TiberiumSpreads=yes ; Does ore spread into adjacent areas?
  SeparateAircraft=yes ; Is first helicopter to be purchased separately from helipad?
  SurvivorRate=.4 ; fraction of building cost to be converted to survivors when sold ;gs This is no longer used, as the sell price of the building gives more control
  AlliedSurvivorDivisor=500 ; gs divide the sell cost of a building by this to get number of survivors
  SovietSurvivorDivisor=250 ; gs this split is needed since no longer have a common infantry
  PlacementDelay=.05 ; delay before retrying produced object deploy if temporary blockage detected
  WeedCapacity=56 ; Amount of weed that needs to be harvested by a house in order to build the chem missile
  HarvestersPerRefinery=2 ; gs This used to be hard coded. If it is here then designers can override it in maps (It controls overriding the Teams in deciding what to build next from the Weapons factory)

  ; computer and movement controls
  CurleyShuffle=yes ; Should helicopter shuffle position between shots [as in C&C]?
  BaseBias=2 ; multiplier to threat target value when enemy is close to friendly base
  BaseDefenseDelay=.25 ; minutes delay between sending response teams to deal with base threat
  CloseEnough=2.25 ; If distance to destination less than this, then abort movement if otherwise blocked.
  DamageDelay=1 ; minutes between applying trivial structure damage when low on power
  GameSpeedBias=1.6 ; multiplier to overall game object movement speed
  ;was 1.2
  Stray=2.0 ; radius distance (cells) that team members may stray without causing regroup action
  RelaxedStray=3.0 ;gs Gather commands will use this number instead, allowing for bigger teams in AIT
  CloakDelay=.02 ; forced delay that subs will remain on surface before allowing to submerge
  SuspendDelay=2 ; minutes that suspended teams will remain suspended
  SuspendPriority=1 ; teams with less than this priority will suspend during base defense ops
  FlightLevel=1500 ;gs from 600 ; typical flight level for aircraft [above ground level]
  GuardModeStray=2.0 ; BGC - how many cells away a unit can get from the unit it is guarding before it's told to move.

  MissileSpeedVar=.25 ; speed flucuation percentage that guided missiles have
  MissileROTVar=.25 ; rate of turn fluctuation percentage that guided missiles have
  MissileSafetyAltitude=750 ;gs this is the altitude a missile fired at an air target that dies will fly to before detonating.

  ;DB look here! -RTO
  TeamDelays=2000,2500,3500 ; interval between checking for and creating teams, by difficulty level (easy, medium, hard)

  AIHateDelays=30,50,70 ; delay in frames before the computer chooses an enemy, by difficulty level
  AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff=1000 ; When to start whimping out on spending money


  ; -RTO*
  MultiplayerAICM=400,0,0 ;Multiplayer AI Coefficient of Money (Genius, Smart, Easy) ;was 400,300,200
  AIVirtualPurifiers=4,2,0 ; h,m,e gs Normally at 25% each, this controls harvested money bonus except in Campaign (8,4,2)
  HealScanRadius=10 ; how far should medic-type units scan for targets? Used to override the range
  ; of these units, because they need to have very short ranges
  FillEarliestTeamProbability=100,100,100 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)

  ;DB changed below -RTO
  MinimumAIDefensiveTeams=1,1,1 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
  MaximumAIDefensiveTeams=2,2,2 ; " "
  TotalAITeamCap=30,30,30 ; (by difficulty level, from hardest to easiest)
  DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay=5000 ; how long to wait before dissolving an ai trigger team that has no members (multiplay only)

  LargeVisceroid=VISC_LRG ; when two small visceroids combine they turn into this
  SmallVisceroid=VISC_SML ; when infantry transmorgifies into a visceroid

  ; controls how the computer AI scores potential ion cannon targets
  ; the first value is for hard computer opponents, next for normal, and finally for easy
  ; right now, normal and hard are the same, because on hard, the computer will actually wait for
  ; production on an object to finish if that object is the best target; in this way all three
  ; difficulty levels are different.

  ;Also, note that these are not a weighted distribution. They are absolute ordering
  ;of targets. --gs

  ; Ion storm control ;gs Now, Weather Control, err... Control
  LightningDeferment=250 ; PCG; Number of frames between announcement of strike and its commencement.
  LightningDamage=250 ; Damage done by lightning strike. ;used to be 250
  LightningStormDuration=180 ; Default ion storm duration in frames. This is overriden by the trigger control. ;used to be 420
  LightningWarhead=IonWH ; Warhead used by ion storm strike.
  LightningHitDelay=10 ; How often the direct target gets hit in frames ;used to be 150
  LightningScatterDelay=5 ; Frame delay between random bolts -- DO NOT DECREASE -- PERFORMANCE HIT ;used to be 14
  LightningCellSpread=10 ; and how far away random bolts can go ( n by n square ) ;used to be 10
  LightningSeparation=3 ; SJM: city-block distance in cells between clouds/bolts
  IonStorms=no ; Are random ion storms going to appear?

  ; Prism Cannon control ; SJM
  PrismType=ATESLA ; In the Building code, I need to know when I have a Prism Cannon
  PrismSupportModifier=150% ; Each Prism Cannon support beam adds this % to firing beam's damage
  PrismSupportMax=8 ; Max number of support beams that may assist a Prism Cannon
  PrismSupportDelay=60 ; Firing a support beam takes a Prism offline for this long
  PrismSupportDuration=15 ; A support beam is visible for this long
  PrismSupportHeight=420 ; Support beam is aimed this many leptons above target building

  ; V3 Rocket control ;SJM
  V3RocketPauseFrames=0 ; How many frames the rocket pauses on the launcher before tilting
  V3RocketTiltFrames=60 ; How many frames it takes for the V3 rocket to tilt to firing position
  V3RocketPitchInitial=0.21; Starting pitch of the rocket before tilting up (0=horizontal,1=vertical)
  V3RocketPitchFinal=0.5 ; Ending pitch of the rocket after tilting up; now it fires
  V3RocketTurnRate=0.05 ; Pitch maneuverability of rocket in air. Adjust by trial and error.
  V3RocketAcceleration=0.4 ; This much is added to the rocket's velocity each frame during launch
  V3RocketAltitude=768 ; Cruising altitude in leptons: at this height rocket BEGINS leveling off
  V3RocketDamage=200 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
  V3RocketEliteDamage=400 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
  V3RocketBodyLength=256 ; The body of the rocket is this many leptons long
  V3RocketLazyCurve=yes ; The rocket's path is a big, lazy curve. V3 yes. DMisl no.

  ; Dreadnought Missile control ;SJM
  DMislPauseFrames=20 ; How many frames the rocket pauses on the launcher before tilting
  DMislTiltFrames=60 ; How many frames it takes for the missile to tilt to firing position
  DMislPitchInitial=0 ; Starting pitch of the missile before tilting up (0=horizontal,1=vertical)
  DMislPitchFinal=0.5 ; Ending pitch of the missile after tilting up; now it fires
  DMislTurnRate=0.08 ; Pitch maneuverability of missile in air. Adjust by trial and error.
  DMislAcceleration=0.8 ; This much is added to the missile's velocity each frame during launch
  DMislAltitude=768 ; Cruising altitude in leptons: at this height missile BEGINS leveling off
  DMislDamage=300 ; Exploding DMisl does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
  DMislEliteDamage=600 ; Exploding DMisl does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably).
  DMislBodyLength=128 ; The body of the rocket is this many leptons long
  DMislLazyCurve=no ; The rocket's path is a big, lazy curve. V3 yes. DMisl no.

  ; Paratroop Drop control
  ParadropRadius=1024 ; Drop paratroopers if plane is within this many leptons from drop site.

  ; misc
  FogOfWar=no ; Is fog of war enabled?
  Visceroids=no ; Are randomly appearing visceroids going to occur?
  Meteorites=no ; Are tiberium meteorites going to occur?
  CrewEscape=50% ; percent chance that crew will escape from destroyed vehicle
  CameraRange=9 ; distance around spy camera to reveal map
  FineDiffControl=no ; Allow 5 difficulty settings instead of only 3 settings?
  Pilot=E1 ; pilot type that parachutes out of aircraft
  AlliedCrew=E1 ; soldier that emerges from destroyed unit or building
  SovietCrew=E2 ; soldier that emerges from destroyed unit or building
  Technician=CTECH ; civilian infantry type to serve as technician survivor [should be armed variety]
  Engineer=ENGINEER ; special (limited supply) infantry survivor from construction yards [probably engineer type]
  PParatrooper=E1 ; infantry that is dropped as a paratrooper

  ;*** Reinforcement/Chrono Stuff ***

  ChronoDelay=60 ;delay after teleport for chrono sphere
  ChronoReinfDelay=180 ;delay after teleport for chrono reinforcements
  ChronoDistanceFactor=48 ;default = 32 amount to divide the distance to destination by to get the warped out delay
  ChronoTrigger=yes ;defus a constant
  ChronoMinimumDelay=16 ;default=0;this is the minimum delay for teleporting, no matter how short the distance
  ;this value will also be used if the ChronoTrigger flag is turned off
  ChronoRangeMinimum=0 ;this can be used to set a small range within which the delay is constant
  ;the range is measured in leptons (256 per cell) within this range the delay will be set to the minimum
  ;a value of 32 for ChronoDistanceFactor gives a delay of eight frames for every cell traveled.
  ;256 leptons per pixel, so to get frames delay per cell use 256/ChronoDistanceFactor
  ;this is an inverse function, so larger number means shorter delay
  ;minimum value can be one (not zero!) which would result in 256 frames of delay per cell traveled

  ;************ American Paradrop Special Rules ***********
  ;These two lists _must_ have the same number of elements, otherwise bad crashiness will result

  ;AmerParaDropInf=E1,GHOST,ENGINEER ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
  ;AmerParaDropNum=6,6,6 ;How many of each of those infantry

  AmerParaDropInf=E1 ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
  AmerParaDropNum=8 ;How many of each of those infantry

  AllyParaDropInf=E1 ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
  AllyParaDropNum=6 ;How many of each of those infantry

  SovParaDropInf=E2 ;Types of infantry for the planes to drop
  SovParaDropNum=9 ;How many of each of those infantry

  ;*** Spy stuff ***
  SovietDisguise=E2 ; these are the defaults for the spy if a MakeupKit hasn't been used
  SpyPowerBlackout=1000 ; Frame time a spy shuts down power for (900 = 1 minute)
  SpyMoneyStealPercent=.5 ; Percent of total money you take with a spy
  AttackCursorOnDisguise=no ;gs If yes, the mouse will be an attack cursor on a disguised unit as if he is not disguised.
  ;If no, you will still get an attack cursor on a fake-blinking Mirage and a spy _always_

  ; SJM: Default disguise for the Mirage Tank (object type)
  DefaultMirageDisguises=TREE01,TREE02,TREE03,TREE04 ; Must be a Terrain Type object (a tree or box; NOT a rock)
  InfantryBlinkDisguiseTime=20 ;must be bigger than 8 to be reliable, can be 0 to prevent infantry from detecting mirages; this is a logic blink so others will join in the shooting

  MaximumCheerRate=300 ;gs In frames, how often a team is allowed to cheer from the keyboard or ACB

  ;*** New AI type snippets ***
  AISafeDistance=20 ;gs cell distance the AI will consider in Gathering outside enemy base (from center of enemy base)
  AIMinorSuperReadyPercent=.7 ;gs When a Curtain or Sphere is this charged, the AI will consider it in its AITriggers
  HarvesterTooFarDistance=5 ;gs If a harvester is farther than this from the refinery it wants, it will move next to it instead of reserving it and refigure things out when it stops. This should be small to approximate the wait time concern versus driving to the next refinery.
  ChronoHarvTooFarDistance=50 ;gs Same as above, but for Chrono harvesters. Rather than have them teleport super far and then repick an ore patch (or teleport super far and drive super far back), they will stay on their side of the map (like for two bases)
  AlliedBaseDefenseCounts=25,20,6 ;gs h,m,e This is the explicit number of base defenses that easy, normal, and hard level will plan on making
  SovietBaseDefenseCounts=25,22,6 ;gs these defaults are the numbers the old arcane formula used to come up with ((TotalBaseCost-2000)/1500 * GDIBaseDefenseCoefficient) + 3*(Level-1)
  AIPickWallDefensePercent=50,25,10 ;gs h,m,e Each time the computer picks to build a base defense, this is the percent chance he will override picking a gun type with picking a wall (if there are buildings that still need walls)
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