

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-07-18 12:02
我以前玩第九城市的激战 感觉不错 就是现在国服关闭了 听说激战2要出来 2个游戏有关联不?

guildwars2 FAQ: http://www.guildwars2.com/en/faq

When is Guild Wars 2 going to be released?

When it's finished. Guild Wars 2 is the largest project ArenaNet® has ever undertaken, and we want to make sure we take the time to do it right.

When are you going to release more information?

We will release more info about lore and races later this year. We will reveal more about gameplay early next year.

When will there be a beta?

Although we publicly beta-tested the original Guild Wars® while it was still in early development, with Guild Wars 2 we will commence beta testing closer to the game's release. Guild Wars 2 is a very large and ambitious game, and Guild Wars players rightfully have very high expectations. We want players to be absolutely blown away by the game the first time they experience it.

What platforms will Guild Wars 2 be available on?

Guild Wars 2 is being developed for the PC.

Will there be a subscription fee for Guild Wars 2?

Nope. Like the original Guild Wars, there will be no subscription fee for Guild Wars 2. You just buy the game and play it online without paying a monthly fee.

Will Guild Wars 2 be an MMO?

Yes. Guild Wars 2 provides a massive, online persistent world.

How is Guild Wars 2 different from other MMOs?

While Guild Wars 2 adds a persistent-world experience, it retains the unique characteristics of the original game, including strong narrative, extensive instanced gameplay, anti-grind design philosophy, and strong support for competitive play.

Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

Absolutely! In addition to humans, players will be able to create, customize, and play a variety of non-human races.

How will character progression work? Will you be raising the level cap?

Guild Wars 2 will have the kind of extensive character advancement appropriate to a persistent-world RPG. Our goal is to avoid forcing players into the grind-based gameplay that too often accompanies a high level cap.

Also, to allow players the freedom to play together even if their friends are at a much higher (or lower) level, we are planning to implement a strong sidekick system, similar to that used in City of Heroes™.

We're applying this same philosophy to competitive play. Players will be able to engage in organized, balanced PvP (similar to GvG in the original Guild Wars) without first leveling up characters, finding equipment, and unlocking skills. While inside the organized PvP area, all characters will be the same power level and will have access to the same equipment.

Will Guild Wars 2 be solo-able?

Yes. You will be able to advance your character to the maximum level without ever joining a group if you so desire. Most content will be designed in a solo-friendly way, though often with mechanisms for scaling up in difficulty when more players are involved. This will give players the option to experience the game however they prefer.

At the same time, it is important for an MMO community to join together to overcome challenges. Guild Wars 2 will feature challenges that require players to join forces.

Can I play my original Guild Wars character in Guild Wars 2?

Guild Wars 2 is a whole new game with different professions and races, new technology, and expanded gameplay. It is not possible to directly use an original Guild Wars character.

However, your original Guild Wars character names will be reserved for your use in Guild Wars 2. The Hall of Monuments in Guild Wars 2 recognizes the accomplishments commemorated by your original Guild Wars characters and provides you with unique rewards to showcase those achievements.

When will we find out the specific benefits that the Hall of Monuments provides to Guild Wars 2 characters?

We will reveal exactly how the Hall of Monuments works when we're closer to the launch of the game.

What are the system requirements for Guild Wars 2?

The system requirements haven't been finalized, but just as with the original Guild Wars series, we're committed to creating a beautiful game that will play great on mid-range gaming PCs.

It looks like the charr have guns in the Guild Wars 2 trailer. Will there be firearms in Guild Wars 2?

Since Guild Wars 2 takes place 250 years in the future from Guild Wars, we wanted to introduce new technology to Tyria. From the mystical tech of the asura to the industrial war machines of the charr, Guild Wars 2 unmistakably takes place in a different era than the original game, and the weaponry and machinery reflect that. Firearms will definitely be part of the equation — but with a unique twist.

The aquatic scenes in the preview video look really cool. Will players be able to explore underwater?

Absolutely! We want to make underwater exploration easy and exciting for players and eliminate some of the traditional limitations (i.e., drowning) to aquatic travel found in many games. The underwater zones open up exciting new possibilities and greatly expand the explorable areas in Guild Wars 2









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