何必每天过着不是人的生活? 人生下来不是让你痛苦的,何必这样呢!,悲伤什么?痛苦什么?
往往只是一瞬间 我们却可以铭记一辈子 ###
已经有好多心事 我不再诉说 已经有好多人我不再多想
已经有好多文字 想写却怎么也写不出来
看到你们悲伤的 埋怨的 愤怒的 无奈的 快乐的
孤单的 寂寞的发泄着 我只是笑笑而过
曾几何时 我也拥有过它们
只是现在怎么也找不回 我已经没有太多的情绪
呵呵,你们一定要快乐? 我只要你们快乐就ok,
我不想看见你们每一个人悲伤的样子!, ok?
I'm Qian GeGe.
Everyone looked at the sad, sorry, I do not know why, look at how you read, sorry
How sad, I just laugh and over, we are the same, we will experience happiness is not too far away from you,
Things to understand, better than anything else, I believe, you see open, some will be happy, well What a happy day?
Why is not every day lives of the people live? Life not let you down pain, why it!, Sad what? Suffering what?
Failed to fail, like to see opened up, no make life difficult for things, but also make life difficult in!, We just like the memories of memories,
There is always a moment, let us move,
There is always a moment, let us rejoice,
There is always a moment, let's consciousness,
There is always a moment, let us remember,
There is always a moment, let us understand
There is always a moment, let us lose,
There is always a moment, let us meet,
Often only a lifetime moment we can bear in mind # # #
I just hope that we will be happy to go on,
I just hope that we'll be happy walking,
I just hope that we will go on to understand,
I just hope that we will be your favorite person
I just hope we do not grieve the pain sad
I just hope that we have to remember what I said,
I hope, just hope that we will be happy happy, I know, do not know, we have happy,
I do not have a lot of mind has a lot of people tell me not to think about
Have wanted to write but how many also can not write text to
Sad to see you complain about the angry frustration of happiness
Vent a lonely lonely I just laugh and over
Once upon a time I have had them
But now also brought back how much I have no feelings
So I do not want to see those things so heavy
Oh, you must be happy? Me as long as you happy on ok,
I do not want to see each of you look sad!, Ok?
Xiao Wei