
求英语作文 We all make a difference

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解决时间 2021-01-30 21:57
求英语作文 We all make a difference
Make a Difference for Kids, Inc. is non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization promoting awareness and prevention of cyberbullying and suicide through education.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Kentuckians 15-19 years-old. Almost as many teens die by suicide as those who die from all natural causes combined. We don't think that is how things should be.

We can all make a difference, it starts with you.
The individual always faces a dilemma in becoming part of a group or collective. Questions arise regarding the equation of what is given up by the individual in order to be part of the collective. Can I be free and in relationship? Can I be unique and compliant? Can I take risks, be innovative and be secure at the same time? Will my individuality be subverted to conformity within the group?
In fact, the reason each individual in a group is capable of making a difference is because we each are different. Our differences brought together with a common vision and mission give the collective, family, tribe, institution, corporation, community, city, state, country all the component parts to create a vehicle/container that moves the entire group forward with the creativity, generativity and resilency necessary to benefit the individual and the whole. To best serve the collective, rather than deny our differences and diversity, we must fully express ourselves. That is how we make a difference.
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Unitarian minister, philosopher, and naturalist of the early 19th century who championed self-reliance and self-expression, and had a strong influence on Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau’s work on behalf of individualism, the natural world and civil disobedience inspired Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandala. In spite of his emphasis on individuality, Emerson saw our individuality in a collective context.
At the same time, Emerson saw each individual as a creator of their own unique world and saw the power and potential of diverse individuals compounded through their interconnection. The co-creative power of the individual and the group increased the capacity to survive, change, evolve and innovate. Everywhere he looked in the natural world, he saw immense diversity and the interconnectedness of the web of life. He saw nature as not separate from but rather a mirror of the human experience. Underlying and beyond the natural world, he saw a unity in the cosmos. This both/and view of the uniqueness of the individual and the interconnectedness of all creation allowed him, for example, to look at a river and be reminded of the flow of reality.
His transcendent view of an underlying unity in common for all of the natural world including each of us, moved him to form a club known as the “Transcendentalist Club”. One of its members noted “we are called like-minded because no two of us think alike.”
For Emerson, the individual who awakened to a transcendent universality and inter-connection among all empowered their own imagination, strength, gifts and talents. By identifying, claiming and then expressing our unique talents, we grow in authenticity. In a collective, through service to a “greater good” and a vision bigger than our own personal self-interest, we become not more like others, but more like ourselves.
具体的。初中高中还是什么的。字数,详细内容有无。我可以帮你写。保证质量。追问材料: We all make a difference 背景材料讲的是一滴干净的水为了体会变脏的感觉就把自己弄脏,害得整瓶水变脏,后来好不容易又变干净,结尾写了一句:我们要避免成为糟蹋一切的脏水。初中,要求两三百字,内容吗,贴切实际就好了。追答初中要求是120左右吧。。。300就是托福文章了。。还有我假设你的题目是:观察下图,并以此写一篇文章。
As far as I am concerned, the material is depicting a story about a drop of water. This drop of water, who wants to experience the feeling of being dirty, dirtys itself. Unfortunately, the rest of the water in this bottle is polluted, since the existence of that drop of dirty water. Afterwards, it costs so much to clean the water that we can draw a conclusion that we ought to avoid being such dirty water which can contaminate everything. We all make a difference.追问哦,那好吧追答采纳采纳嘛。嘿嘿。追问我问过了,据说是倾向写一个人可以改变一个集体追答初高中作文应该还不需要自己的扩充吧。只要描写材料就好了。而且我最后给也给你写了我们不应该成为这样一滴污染的水啊。追问那是演讲稿,要200,300的追答。。。
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