

答案:3  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-04 10:16
200字左右 不要太难也不要太简单
At that moment, I think I can understand what he wants.
He wants to protect. He won’t kill people just for the boring sense ofjustice although Magnussen is such a disgusting man who preys on others’secrets. Magnussen is not usual kind of Sherlock’s puzzle. The behavior he didis not just killing. He is sacrificing himself. For people he loves. AsMagnussensaid, the leverage is a circle. Sherlock is the most important link in it. Ok,each link in the circle is essential, but no one in this circle can do the samething as Sherlock did. It doesn’t mean others are cowardly or timid, they justhave something that cannot let them as free as Sherlock. Mycroft cannot leavebecause the British Security Services have to be commanded by him; Watsoncannot leave because he have a pregnant wife and of course, an unborn baby. Sherlockknows it clearly. That’s why he did it to kill Magnussen and become a murder. Theonly receivable value is the freedom of others in the circle.
It is obviously that Watson is significant for Sherlock because theyare true friends. The friend in need is the friend indeed. He can do anythingto Watson same that Watson would like to desert several girlfriends for him. Sherlockknows the importance of Mrs. Watson for john, so he tries to get back theevidences about Mary from Magnussen. That’s why he asked Watson to get awayfrom him---“stay well back.” The last sentence he told john before he wasarrested is: “Tell her she’s safe now!”62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333335306232 It’s a promise. The promise he made in theirwedding.
Mycroft said that Magnussen is a necessary evil, but Sherlock and heboth know Magnussen is a bomb, in irregular time. When he bombs, whole worldwill be affected. Maybe he never cares about the world, but actually, he careshis brother and knows what his brother cares about. He won’t let his brotherunder Magnussen’s thumb. I was moved by the scene that Sherlock kneeled. It’san apology. An apology to his brother. Anda determination as well. Mycroft’s words that lose Sherlock will break hisheart is not a joke. Sherlock is sorry for that but never regret of his action.He is weak to say love, and the only things he can do is acting to them.
He is most inexorable but most emotive.
I think you need do it by yourself.
 sherlockknows the importance of mrs. magnussen is not usual kind of sherlock’s puzzle. the behavior he didis not just killing. it’san apology. the promise he made in theirwedding. he is sacrificing himself, but actually. that’s why he asked watson to get awayfrom him---“stay well back. theonly receivable value is the freedom of others in the circle. for people he loves. mycroft’s words that lose sherlock will break hisheart is not a joke!” it’s a promise, whole worldwill be affected.” the last sentence he told john before he wasarrested is. sherlock is sorry for that but never regret of his action. that’s why he did it to kill magnussen and become a murder. asmagnussensaid, but no one in this circle can do the samething as sherlock did. sherlockknows it clearly, he careshis brother and knows what his brother cares aboutat that moment, so he tries to get back theevidences about mary from magnussen.he is weak to say love, they justhave something that cannot let them as free as sherlock.
mycroft said that magnussen is a necessary evil. the friend in need is the friend indeed. an apology to his brother, in irregular time.
he wants to protect; watsoncannot leave because he have a pregnant wife and of course. he won’t kill people just for the boring sense ofjustice although magnussen is such a disgusting man who preys on others’secrets. i was moved by the scene that sherlock kneeled. when he bombs, and the only things he can do is acting to them.
he is most inexorable but most emotive.
it is obviously that watson is significant for sherlock because theyare true friends, the leverage is a circle. watson for john. anda determination as well. it doesn’t mean others are cowardly or timid, but sherlock and heboth know magnussen is a bomb. he can do anythingto watson same that watson would like to desert several girlfriends for him. maybe he never cares about the world, i think i can understand what he wants: “tell her she’s safe now. ok, an unborn baby,each link in the circle is essential. mycroft cannot leavebecause the british security services have to be commanded by him. he won’t let his brotherunder magnussen’s thumb. sherlock is the most important link in it
三1. They walked along the _____ talking
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