1.我在inter 官方下了一个inter wifi 1000的 网卡驱动 解压之后里面有三个文件(iwlwifi-1000-3.ucode,LICENSE.iwlwifi-1000-ucode,README.iwlwifi-1000-ucode)其中README.iwlwifi-1000-ucode的内容如下
2. INSTALLATION The iwlagn driver will look for the file iwlwifi-1000-3.ucode using the kernel's firmware_loader infrastructure. In order to function correctly, you need to have this support enabled in your kernel. When you configure the kernel, you can find this option in the following location: Device Drivers -> Generic Driver Options -> Hotplug firmware loading support You can determine if your kernel currently has firmware loader support by looking for the CONFIG_FW_LOADER definition on your kernel's .config. In addition to having the firmware_loader support in your kernel, you must also have a working hotplug and udev infrastructure configured. The steps for installing and configuring hotplug and udev are very distribution specific. Once you have the firmware loader in place (or if you aren't sure and you just want to try things to see if it works), you need to install the microcode file into the appropriate location. Where that appropriate location is depends (again) on your system distribution. You can typically find this location by looking in the hotplug configuration file for your distro: % grep \"^FIRMWARE_DIR\" /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent This should give you output like: FIRMWARE_DIR=/lib/firmware If it lists more than one directory, you only need to put the microcode in one of them. In the above example, installation is simply: % cp iwlwifi-1000-3.ucode /lib/firmware You can now load the driver (see the INSTALL and README.iwlwifi provided with the iwlwifi package for information on building and using that driver.) 我查看内核Device Drivers -> Generic Driver Options -> 下根本没有 Hotplug firmware loading support 这一项, 另外 % grep \"^FIRMWARE_DIR\" /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent 运行这句也报错,因为在/etc下根本没有hotplug 这个目录。所以后面的 cp iwlwifi-1000-3.ucode /lib/firmware 就显得没什么用了,这个到底要怎么装,还请知道的能给个解答。 2. 按照网上通常说的 用 ndiswrapper 把window下的驱动装载在linux下,我看过英文文档,PCMCIA devices 中根本没有inter wifi 1000这一项,可能代表根本不支持吧,不过仍然照做的话,ndiswrapper -i NETw5r32.inf ndiswrapper -l 显示 NETw5r32 installedNETw5r32p resent 但到后面 modprobe ndiswrapper 提示 “段错误” 再次运行 modprobe ndiswrapper 就死那不动了,必须得强行结束才可以,然后这时候如果重新启动的话。系统就挂掉了,应该是加载模块错误,所以系统无法启动。 希望大家能给个可以解决的方法,只要能把这个驱动装上...... 说废话的,复制粘贴的 就不要浪费大家时间了。