英语论文 文化差异对国际商务的影响 相关英文资料
英语论文 文化差异对国际商务的影响 相关英文资料
Of cultural differences on the impact of international business
With the development of trade, cultural differences impact on trade is also increasingly highlighted. This is reflected in language, religion, social customs, political philosophy, social structure, education, culture, consisting of various levels. Must develop cross-cultural awareness, strengthen cross-cultural business communication skills, cultural exchange and presentation, focusing on cultural integration and change, thereby promoting the development of world trade.
Keywords: international trade; cultural differences; trade expansion
Culture is the social and historical development of mankind in the process of creation of material wealth and spiritual wealth, the sum is the history of accumulation is also different regions, different countries and different ethnic characteristics of a carrier. Although the course of history, different cultures influence each other and infiltration, but the different countries and cultures is still maintained its own unique side. Therefore, the culture has differences, a culture that is critical things about other cultures, as far as possible and not be so seriously. But with the changes in the structure of the world economy and the acceleration of world economic integration, international trade continued to grow, and continued to deepen. However, along with the development of trade is also increasingly the impact of cultural differences, highlighted. Cultural differences in world trade has affected the presence of international trade activities.
First, the type of cultural differences and their impact
1. Linguistic differences. Language is unique to human beings used to express ideas, exchange of ideas, tools, is a special and universal social phenomenon. Language is culture. Each language has its unique cultural connotations. In the economic globalization today, to carry out international trade activities, the exchanges between the different languages, conversion is essential. However, the existence of cultural differences has led to communication between different languages, translation difficulties, thus affecting the international business contacts.
General Motors Corp. advertising phrase: "living in Belgium" (BodyinBelgium) Franks phrase was translated as "Fisherman's body next to" (CorpsebyFisher). A very creative advertising because of language differences led to expand the market adversely. Similarly, a Brazilian airlines ad said that she had a "very comfortable cabin" (comfortablerendezvous), but this is changing as Portuguese was "illegal sex service establishments" (aroomforillicitsexualen counters). This shows that the language of international trade with great impact.
2. Religious differences. Religion is a social phenomenon and social behavior, which includes the guiding ideology, organization, operations, culture and other aspects. Religion is a kind of community dominated by the cult of cognitive and cultural customs of the enlightenment, is a kind of social and historical phenomenon. Ever since become a group activity of human biological, into a social group since the religion is its role as a foster and strengthen the role of human society as an important social behavior and become a social necessity.
Therefore, as the ideological dimensions of religion, also affect the operation of international trade. The world's different countries, different regions and different ethnic groups have different religious beliefs. The world's major cases