找规律,填成语 例:(三)思而行 (四)面楚歌——(丢三落四) (声)色俱厉 蛛丝马(迹)——( )
答案:2 悬赏:60 手机版
解决时间 2021-01-26 00:58
- 提问者网友:心如荒岛囚我终老
- 2021-01-25 14:12
找规律,填成语 例:(三)思而行 (四)面楚歌——(丢三落四) (声)色俱厉 蛛丝马(迹)——( )
- 五星知识达人网友:街头电车
- 2021-01-25 15:10
(声)色俱厉 蛛丝马(迹)——( 销声匿迹 ) 销声匿迹 销:通“消”,消失;匿:隐藏;迹:踪迹.指隐藏起来,不公开露面.【出自】:宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷十一:“家生避地,亦到锦江,然畏颖川知之,遂旅游资中郡,销声敛迹,惟恐人知.”【示例】:他生平最是趋炎附势的,如何肯~.◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十八回【近义词】:隐姓埋名、无影无踪、销声敛迹【反义词】:死灰复燃、东山再起【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、补语;用于人或事物======以下答案可供参考======供参考答案1:销声匿迹 埋声晦迹 敛声匿迹 韬声匿迹 销声割迹 消声灭迹 销声敛迹供参考答案2:消声匿迹供参考答案3:销声匿迹 【造句】冬天来了,所有的小昆虫都销声匿迹了。 世界上越来越多的物种销声匿迹了。 人们不爱惜动物,它们迟早会销声匿迹的 冬天悄悄的到来了,平日里那些活波可爱的小昆虫都销声匿迹了。 1.掌握了两个世纪霸权的英国海军,在印度洋上销声匿迹了。British seapower, after two centuries of hegemony, vanished from the Indian Ocean..2 所以在考完英语之后的这一个礼拜里,我几乎销声匿迹了。So in test finish English after of this week, I almost disappeared quietly.3. 那类以男士送贵重礼品为其择偶标准的女*正在销声匿迹。The breed of women who lives off the expensive gifts a man gives her is vanishing.4.那个歌星也只是昙花一现,考试大出了几张唱片就销声匿迹了。That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into thin air after having made one or two records.5.. 同时又有另一种端午节食,称为“龟”也只在晋朝昙花一现,随即销声匿迹。... first of this two day, on mushroom leaf wrapped sticky rice, mixed with millet to boiling sun concentrated juice of the ash cooked.6. 值得注意的是,全国主流房企在率先降价回笼资金时,在土地市场几乎集体销声匿迹。It is worth noting that the mainstream of the national housing price level in the first return of funds, the land market in the collective almost disappeared.7.. 也可能我正是因为急于想知道这个故事,所以才对阿尔芒的销声匿迹感到如此不安的。Unfortunately, I did not know his address, and of all those I had questioned, no one had been able to tell me what it was.8. 卡罗尔和杰克:……在舞台上时而得意,时而悲伤,然后就销声匿迹,这是一个痴人说的故事。Carol and Jake: …struts and frets its hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told no more by an idiot.9. 我的买卖点都用最王道的邱老师所说的话,再做反向操作,可是最近销声匿迹,让我失去市场方向。As long as you take my money, you'd better get into any position I demand—according to Kama Sutra.
- 1楼网友:孤老序
- 2021-01-25 16:04