
七年级人教版英语第二单元试卷 (2009~2010) 1

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七年级人教版英语第二单元试卷 (2009~2010) 1

班级____________ 姓名__________ 学号__________
一 词组翻译(10分)
1. 例如________________________ 6. most of us___________________________
2. 寄明信片给__________________ 7. shop until ten o’clock at night ___________
3. 不必走很远__________________ 8. order a pizza _________________________
4. 乘地铁______________________ 9. become good friends with … ____________
5. 四盒牛奶____________________ 10. enjoy a full day ______________________
二 根据句子意思及所给汉语写单词(10分)
1. How many ________ (条) of bread are there on the table?
2. It is ________ (晴朗) today.
3. People like ________ (西方) food in many places.
4. Our neighbours are ________ (友好的) and we are happy here.
5. Why not ________ (骑) a bicycle?
6. Would you like to live in a tall ________ (建筑物).
7. There is less air ________ (污染) in Sunshine Town.
8. The Great Wall is a ________ (极好的) place to visit.
9. ---Would you like something to eat? --- No, thanks. I’m ________ (饱的).
10. You can go to the ________ (剧院) to enjoy Beijing Opera.
三 选择填空(15分)
( )1. There are about two ______ workers in the factory.
A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. hundred of
( )2. What do they want to buy ______ the money.
A. use B. in C. with D. by
( )3. Kitty ______ go to school ______ she was seven.
A. did, until B. didn’t, until C. /, until D. isn’t, until
( )4. Would you like ______ cup of tea?
A. other B. another C. the other D. the others
( )5. How do you ______ this in English?
A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk
( )6. The boy ______ the toys ______ this.
A. like, like B. likes, likes C. like, likes D. likes, like
( )7. These books are ______. ______ books are over there.
A. my, Yours B. your, Mine C. mine, Yours D. yours, My
( )8. One of the ______ in our class ______ from England.
A. students, is B. students, are C. student, is D. student, are
( )9. You can choose ______ book you like in the library.
A. some B. many C. a D. any
( )10. There is ______ cat in the chair. ______ cat is yellow.
A. a, the B. a, a C. the, the D. the, a
( )11. I’m thirsty. I want to drink ______.
A. anything cool B. something cool C. cool anything D. cool something
( )12. ---How many pencils are there in your pencil case? --- ______.
A. No B. Not C. None D. No one
( )13. Your home is different from ______.
A. I B. my C. me D. mine
( )14. ______ beef and ______ eggs do you need?
A. How much, how many B. How much, how much
C. How many, how much D. How many, how many
( )15. Your key ring ______ in your schoolbag.
A. may B. maybe C. may be D. be
四 句型转换(10分)
1. Why don’t we go out for a walk? (改为同义句)
________ ________ going out for a walk?
2. There is only one tin of dog food in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ of dog food ________ ________ in the fridge?
3. What other things do you want to buy? (改为同义句)
________ ________ do you want to buy?
4. My home isn’t far from the bus stop. (改为同义句)
My home is ________ ________ the bus stop.
5. The shirt is Jim’s. (改为同义句)
The shirt ________ ________ ________.
6. The girl in red is Kate. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ is Kate?
7. It takes me half an hour to read English every morning.(改为同义句)
I ________ half an hour ________ English every morning.
8. All of us like hamburgers. ( 改为否定句)
________ of us ________ hamburgers.
五 翻译句子(15分)
1. Daniel正在带他的朋友参观他的学校.
2. 下个星期天我妈妈将带我去颐和园.
3. 常熟是居住的好地方.
4. 我想每样二十个将足够了.
5. 让我教你唱京剧.
六 完型填空 (10分)
This is Mr Wu’s classroom. It’s Class Three, Grade Two of No. 11 Middle School. Mr Wu usually __1___ in front of the blackboard. He often __2___ to his students and sometimes writes on the __3____ .His class is quite big. There are ___ 4___ students in his class. Some of them are not Chinese, __5____ they are all good friends.
Li Lei and Jim are not tall. They sit in the __ 6____ row( 排). Wei Hua and Han Meimei
__ 7___in the second row. The twins sit ___ 8___ the middle of the classroom. Bill Smith is
____ 9____ than most of the students. He sits in the back row. Lin Tao is on the right. Li Ming sits ___10____ the left.
( )1.A.dances B.sits C.walks D.stands
( )2.A.talks B.phones C.reads D.shouts
( )3.A.door B.window C.blackboard D.desk
( )4.A.much B.a few C.some D.a lot of
( )5.A.and B.but C.or D.yet
( )6.A.right B.middle C.front D.back
( )7.A.sits B.sit C.stand D.go
( )8.A.on B.of C.in D.at
( )9.A.taller B.shorter C.tallest D.higher
( )10.A.besides B.near C.inside D.on
七 阅读理解(20分)
The Whites are French.. Now they are in Nanjing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for two weeks. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They want to learn some Chinese.
Mr White is a doctor. Mrs White is a teacher. She is visiting a middle school near Nanjing. Their son, Jim, is a middle school student. He meets some Chinese students, and he likes to speak French with them.
They take a lot of photos in China. When they are back in France, they are going to show the photos to Mrs White’s students. They want the students in France to know more about China.
( )1. The Whites are from ______ .
A. America B. England C. France D. Canada
( )2. The Whites are in ______ now.
A. Shanghai B. London C. Beijing D. Nanjing
( )3. Mr White is a ______ . He likes driving in Beijing.
A. doctor B. farmer C. worker D. teacher
( )4. Mrs White’s ______ is a middle school student.
A. daughter B. son C. sister D. brother
( )5. The Whites take many photos in China because they ______ .
A. like taking photos
B. want to sell these photos
C. want to take photos to America
D. want the students in France to know more about China
Tom goes to see his grandfather with his father. On the train Tom often puts his head out of the window. His father says, “Tom, don’t put your head out of the window.” But Tom goes on putting his head out of the window.
His father takes Tom’s hat quietly and hides ( 藏 ) it behind his back and says to him, “You see your hat is gone.” Tom is afraid. His father says, “Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Perhaps your hat will come back.” Tom whistles. His father puts his hat on Tom’s head quickly. “ Oh, it’s wonderful!” Tom laughs and says. He quickly takes his father’s hat and throws it out of the window. “Now, it’s your turn to whistle, dad!” he says happily.
( )1. Tom goes to see his grandpa with his mother by train.
( )2. Tom’s father asks him not to put his head out of the window.
( )3. Tom’s hat falls out of the window.
( )4. Tom whistles and his hat comes back from the outside of the window.
( )5. Tom throws his father’s hat out of the window.
八 写作(10分)
根据所给材料以My Home Town为题写一篇短文,可适当发挥.
1. 我的家乡很美,有山有水,花草树木多,污染少.
2. 是一座现代化城市,有许多商店,可买许多纪念品.
3. 大部分人住在高楼里,接近朋友.
4. 最爱青少年活动中心,在那里见朋友.
My Home Town
一 词组翻译(略)
二 根据句子意思及所给汉语写单词
1. loaves 2. sunny 3. western 4. friendly 5. ride
6. building 7. pollution 8. wonderful 9. full 10. theatre
三 选择填空
四 句型转换
1. What/ How about 2.How many tins are there 3. What else 4. close to
5. belongs to Jim 6. Which girl 7. spend reading 8. None likes/ like
五 翻译句子
1. Daniel is showing his friend around his school.
2. My mother will take me to the Summer Palace next Sunday.
3. Changshu is a good place to live.
4. I think twenty of each will be enough.
5. Let me teach you to sing Beijing Opera.
六 完型填空
七 阅读理解
八 写作(略)

CThis is Yi Jianlian. He is from Guangdo
在有N个构件(含机架)组成的构件中有多少 个绝
What you need to do is_____ (try) your bes
2. 从键盘上输入10个数,求出其平均值用c语言
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