
速求用英语介绍Asteroids,Comets,Nebulae,The Solar System!!

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解决时间 2021-07-29 08:33




小行星Asteroids [1] asteroid, minor planet or planetoid
In January 1801 the first day, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered an object, at first he thought it would not again be a comet. But when its orbit has been determined after they found that it is not a comet, but more like a small planet. Piazzi called it Ceres (Ceres, goddess of grain and farming), is a Sicilian grain beauty. The other three small bodies have also been found in successive years (they are Pallas, Vesta, and Juno). By the nineteenth century have been found hundreds of stars. Has been found in more than 7,000 asteroids, and now this figure is still an annual growth rate of a few hundred stars. There is no doubt,
There must be hundreds of asteroids are too small can not be observed on Earth. For now known, there are 26 asteroids larger than 200 km in diameter. Of these visible observations of asteroids have been basically completed, as we know, about 99% of the asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter. For those between 10 and 100 km in diameter asteroid between the catalog has been completed in half. But we know that there are some smaller, perhaps there are nearly 1 million about 1 km in diameter asteroid. The quality of all the asteroids, and the quality of still smaller than the moon.


One of the small solar system object classes. A comet is a mass of frozen material and dust. When it is close to the sun when it is visible. The sun's heat so that the comet material and evaporation of the ice nuclei formed around the hazy coma and a tail composed of thin material flow. As the solar wind pressure, tail of a comet always point to deviate from the direction of the sun.
Comet is the interstellar material, commonly known as "broom star." English is the comet Comet, was evolved from the Greek, meaning "tail" or "hair," there are 'long-haired star' means. In Chinese, the "comet" of the word is "broom" means. In the "astronomical On", wrote this book: the comet is strange star, there is first a tail, vulgar like its shape and name, called Broom stars. "Spring and Autumn" recorded in 613 BC, "a star Bei into the Dipper", which is recognized as the world's first on an accurate record of Halley's comet, 600 years earlier than in Europe.


Nebula (Nebula) In addition to planets and comets contain almost all outside the extended-type objects. Their main ingredient is hydrogen, followed by nitrogen, but also contains a certain proportion of metallic elements and non-metallic element. In recent years, studies have also found to contain substances such as organic molecules. Nebula interstellar space by the combination of gas and dust into the cloudy objects. The density of matter inside the nebula is very low, if taking the standards of the earth, then, if there is a vacuum. But the nebula is very large in size, often up to tens of light years radius. Thus, the nebula more than the sun to be heavy.
The shape of the nebula is the variety and state. Nebulae and star has a "blood" relationship. The star will become a nebula of gas thrown part of the nebula of material compressed under the force of gravity to become stars. Under certain conditions, the nebula is the ability of mutual transformation.
Initially all of the cloudy objects in the universe are called nebulae. Subsequently, the development of astronomical telescopes, people's rising standard of observation, only then the original is divided into clusters of nebulae, galaxies and nebulae three types.


Solar System (Solar System) is a star system where we are now. It is based on the sun as the center, and all bound by the solar gravity collection of objects: eight planets, at least 165 known satellites, and the hundreds of millions of small solar system bodies. These small objects, including asteroids, Kuiper belt objects, comets and interstellar dust.
A broad sense, the solar system include the sun, four inner planets like Earth, formed by many small rocky asteroid belt, filled with four huge gas planets, filled with frozen small rocks, known as the Kuiper Belt's second a small celestial body area. Also in the Kuiper belt beyond the disk separated the ecliptic, the sun circle and still hypothetical Oort cloud.
In accordance with the distance from the sun, planets order of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (from the sun closer to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars is called the terrestrial planets) 8 in 7 a natural satellite around these stars is because the Earth's satellite customarily referred to as the moon and are considered to be the moon. In the outer planets are from the dust and small particles consisting of a number of rings around the planet, but apart from the Earth, the planets visible to the five elements in the name of, in the West are all Greek and Roman myth in the name of the gods. Orbit within the solar system objects

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