
求英文辩论材料过段时间要参加英语辩论,希望大家可以提供一些材料.有以下5个话题:1.advertisement 广告宣传

答案:1  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-07-20 07:39
1.advertisement 广告宣传
2.challenge 竞争
3.education 教育
4.the rights of the youth 青年的权利
5.living style 生活方式

之前也参加了英语辩论赛 里面有广告扮演积极还是消极的角色的辩题
我把当时我们写的一、二、三辩稿的资料都发给你 希望对你有用
Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, everyone!
First let me anylize the topic. Essentially,advertising is a way of transinformation.Then negative means lacking in definite, constructive or helpful qualities or charateristics,namely making bad effects on subjects. So how can we judge an object is negative or positive. Every coin has two sides, we cannot deny its advantages but we firmly believe advertising plays a negative role because it mainly make bad effects on our society.
Then let me count it in full detail.
First, advertising dusts the eyes of consumers. Advertising should be a way of getting imformations, but nowadays, the contents of them are too untruthful and overstating to believe. What's more,the costs of advertising are actually from consumers' pockets just like someone cheat us with a mask but we have to pay for it.
Second, advertising worsen the competition in industry. Most companies are minor enterprise. They waste a mass of manpower and financial resources to blindly seek the benefits from advertising but pay less attention on business management and quality of products. Qinchi wine factory is a typical example.
Third, to society, based on the above, advertising causes excessive expense and the crisis of good faith.
According to the comparison above, we definie advertising is a necessary evil, it has advantages but it plays a negative role in our society. Thus we should take measures to face it's negative influences. In our opinion, on one hand, the government should strengthen the legal system and institutions to limit advertising and pay more attentions to the consuming education to help generations build a proper consuming logos. On the other hand, companies should be established in good faith. In a short, we shoule take effective measures to face the negative role that advertising plays in our society.
1.Thank you. This toothpaste is advertised very well. One of my partners have used this toothpaste for one year,but why his teeth can't not look like the advertising shows?
2.60% cost of Naobaijin is spended in advertising. What do you think about it?
3.Last week, the actor Hou Yaohua was charged for -----for untruthful advertising. He said sorry but no overstate, no advertising. What do you think about it?
4.Please answer me how can we choose a good apple from those each one has been put in fancy packing box?
1. We can hardly find an advertising of Huawei Company, but it is one of the strongest companies in China. What do you think about it?
2.In 1997, Qinchi wine factory paid more than 2 hundred million yuan to get the right to advertise during golden time in CCTV. But this factory went bankrucy later. Why?
1.Nowadays, we can see some signboards like Clean Resturant, Relieved drugstore. Isn't it the result that lacking good faith from advertising?
2.Love her, let her drink shangdao coffee, take her to eat Haagen-dazs, a romantic appointment bring about a month of quickserved noodles and steamed bread. Advertising lead to such a consuming habitat. How can we deny its negative side?
1.帮助产品吸引消费者 Yes, so these untruthful and overstating imformation push consumers to buy something they don't need.
2.对消费者信息资讯 But these informations are one-sided, untruthful and overstating.
3.对产品进行品牌定位 I wonder how can we choose a good apple from those each one has been put in fancy packing box.
4.艺术享受 Let us think about how much artistic quality it has, naobaijin,gaizhonggai,or the limitless elligal advertising in chongyou.
5.引导一种潮流和社In fact, as we can see, it lead an overmuch consuming and sumptuous atmosphere.
6.公益广告 According to the data we got, there are no more than 3% of advertising are commeonweal in every TV station. Thus how can they represent all advertisings.
7.广告法 I wonder if my fellow debaters realize the reality, if the law of advertising can limit advertising enough, why so many tragedies happen again and again
AHonorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, everyone!
According to my fellow debaters’ opinion, they agree that ….
First, we have to emphasize that we have never said a word that advertising has nothing positive. We define it is negative because its main influences to society are negative. My fellow debaters just refered to commonweal advertising.But according to the data we got, there are at the most 3% of advertising are commeonweal in every TV station. Quite apart from this, in advertising theory, commonweal advertising is strictly just a publicly announced playlet but not advertising.
OK, let us turn back to the topic. We should realize that advertising has two nature characteristics, one, only telling the advantages but avoiding the disavantages, two, spreading an extremely wide range. Because of these charateristics, with the quickly development of technology, nowadays advertising becomes a mainly tool to get extra profits and lead to abnormal develoments. As far, advertising is not only a way to get informations but extremely act as a cheat for profits. As we can see, it has more and more means of spreading, but spreading more and more untruthful imformations, it has more and more range to spread but its artistic quality is more and more lower. Just like naobaijin which has being advertized on TV for ten years, don't tell me it's really attractive.
Today we are debating about what role advertising plays in our society but not what role it should or will play. Just look at the reality, potentially,30,000 babies have been harmed by melamine of powdered milk, according to the survey in Shanghai, there are 55% of people have been cheated by advertising,and what about limitless illegal advertising, it causes a serious problem of informational pollution. All above set us thinking about why so many tragedies happen again and again, the rudimentary reason is that advertising just transmit one-sided,overstating, untruthful and in poor taste informations.
Today we stand here, we aren't going to perish advertising, but reminding everyone that advertising is much more negative than positive. We should realize that since advertising is necessary in our life and society, we must envisage its negative side and take effective measures to restrict it.Thus in such a rapidly developing society we can protect our benefits and lead a more colorful life.
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