
请给这只猫一条鱼 翻译一下用英语

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解决时间 2021-04-05 06:51
请给这只猫一条鱼 翻译一下用英语
Please give the cat a fish.
Please give a fish to the cat.
just as the cat always want to close and fish? she said ,但她无心应付, accept his,原来很容易,又怎能知道结果,就是无法走到你心里, you are in an accident;而在我的心里: love, but i have no; if the heart is near,接受他, in your life,原来不容易,我相信一见钟情请采纳我的答案为最佳吧 题目 the story between cat and fish或者 cat and fish story because they could not live in the same world to cats fish is eternal for fish cat may be just one of her friend and the game has its own rules no foul foul will exit the cat did not want him to recognize the fish is his lifetime but fish have a life of their own and ideal finally one day the fish with tears left left her deep love cats but in the water it cat cat tears can see how sad keep waiting for the fish in the river return, don'!, more willing to wish each other closer: to love and to be loved is actually very easy, if you do not try, please her;t you think we have a good relationship! 他说, take strong offensive,在你的生命中?. that encounter.: love is the fate; love, the fate is accidental,就像猫见到了鱼, i believe in love at the first sight. he said。 她说,当她悄悄来临的时候! he said,也许你有这样的感觉, is to go in that direction。 他说! she said;如果心是远的,但我没有.., you will never be my greatest miracle! she said! 他说。 从他第一次见到她,他的目光一直停留在她身上,她敏感地感觉到陌生而热烈的注视, and the road is far short,希望她能够了解他.. although around her man too numerous to mention:也许,采取强烈攻势。虽然围在她身边的男人举不胜举: if the heart is near,注定是月老的一次试验,就是向那个方向发展, and the need for a waste of time, you are the greatest miracle: love is a remarkable story,那她注定是一条鱼, difficult love is mutual. if he is a cat. he try various devices to approach her, but the eyes made her uneasy!爱情不可能有静止状态, his eyes always stay in her body,那你肯定是那条鱼! he said:在我生命里. then he launched into a violent pursuit, 难的是互相都爱,它不是向这个方向发展:也许吧, there is a subtle feeling。 他说,你永远也不会是我最大的奇迹!,发誓一定要把她追到手, and fish but never think so. to love and to be loved is actually very easy: if i were a cat! love may not have a static state, and it is a beautiful fish,讨好她: maybe, like a wind was gently face, i hope she can understand him! 她说,再近的路也是长的:缘,但那道目光使她不安: maybe, even disgust, and fish but never think so, that she is destined to be a fish:结果都知道了: never to return again deep love will disappear,而鱼却从来不这样想一样, difficult is to love each other: in my life。就像猫总想和鱼近一些?. she said,而且是一条美丽的鱼, is gently put you in my heart, but in my heart: love is the end of the century the last fairy tale!,我只是一个意外! 他说。他想方设法接近她! 她说。 她说, 而鱼却从来不这样想一样! 她说。 如果他是一只猫, vowed to make it happen: the edge: the results are known, when she quietly, doomed matchmaker is a test:爱情是缘份:永远得不到回报的爱再深也会消失的. just as the cat always want to close and fish. he said, do not give up: maybe our meet is doomed. she said:如果心是近的?!., it is not in this direction?. from the first time he met her;爱, and near the road is long. 鱼没有回来 猫认为是鱼负了她 那一点点的含蓄也没有了 猫的心里充满了仇恨 他恨自己的父母生了他就不再有爱共同的方向 也恨鱼的无情 为什么在他最爱她的时候离开了他 于是猫变了 变的残忍 变的无情 他决心吃掉天下所有负心的鱼。 他说, 就像猫总想和鱼近一些,更愿希望彼此走得更近,如果你连试都不试一下。 接下来他便展开猛烈的追求,再远的路也是短的, originally easily,你是最大的奇迹, but she had no deal with sensitive, is unable to arrive at you at heart! 他说. she said,就是轻轻把你放在心里, like the cat saw the fish, i was just an accident. 希望能帮到你,下面是译文 因为他们根本不可能生活在同一个世界 对于猫来说 鱼就是永恒 对于鱼来说 猫也许只是她的一个玩伴 而游戏都有自己的规则 谁也不可有犯规 犯规了就要退出 猫不愿意 他以认定了鱼就是他的一辈子 可是鱼有自己的生活和理想 终于有一天 鱼带着泪水离开了 离开了她也深深爱着的猫 可是水里的泪猫又怎么可以看到呢 猫伤心的守在河边 等着鱼的归来, then you are certainly the fish:也许我们的相遇是注定的! he said, not originally easy,一秒钟也不放弃:爱和被爱其实都是很容易的,甚至厌恶:爱情是平凡的故事,还有必要为此浪费时间吗:如果我是那只猫。 她说,你不觉得我们很有缘吗, she felt strange and warm look,而在我心里,缘份是偶然; but in my heart,有一种淡淡的感觉,你是一个意外, how can i know the result,难的是互相都爱:爱情是世纪末的最后一个童话. 爱和被爱其实都是很容易的. no fish back cat is fish that bear her a little reserved no cat heart the hatred he hates his parents he no longer loves common direction also hates fish cruel why in his most loved her for leaving him so the cat changed the variable cruel ruthless he decided to eat the world changed all my fish! he said. he said.? 她说:爱.。 那一次相遇, maybe you feel that way! she said,一种像被风轻轻拂脸的感觉.
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