

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-26 07:50
  The Story of Bonnie and Clyde (2010) --- Clyde Barrow   
  The Entitled (2010) --- Paul Dunan   
  Vampire (2010) --- Simon   
  Girl Walks Into a Bar (2010)
  · 已上映
  冷冻 Frozen (2010) --- Dan Walker Transamerica
  绯闻女孩第三季 Gossip Girl (2009-2010) (TV) --- Damian Daalgard   
  The Perfect Age of Rock'n'Roll (2009) --- Spyder   
  夜花园 Gardens of the Night (2008) --- Frank    
  五十活死人 Fifty Dead Man Walking (2008) --- Sean  
  纽约湾海峡 The Narrows (2008) --- Mike Manadoro   
  天使不流泪 The Stone Angel (2007) --- John   
  奥斯汀书会 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) --- Trey    
  Normal (2007) --- Jordie   
  女男变错身 It's a Boy Girl Thing (2006) --- Woody Deane   
  超人集中营 Zoom (2006) --- Conner Superheroes   
  窈窕老爸/穿越美国 Transamerica (2005) --- Toby The Hollow 剧照
  Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005) --- Ben Davidson   
  豪斯医生 House M.D.(2005) --- Brandon Merrell   
  沉睡谷 The Hollow (2004) --- Ian Cranston   
  止住的芬芳 Some Things That Stay (2004) --- Rusty Murphy   
  活死人黎明 Dawn of the Dead (2004) --- Terry   
  鬼挡路/致命弯道 Wrong Turn (2003) --- Evan   
  超人前传 Smallville (2003)(TV) --- Seth Nelson   T
  he Incredible Mrs. Ritchie (2003) --- Charlie   
  黑暗中的恐惧 Fear of the Dark (2002) --- Dale Bilings Fear of the Dark
  虎女龙驹 Virginia's Run (2002) --- Darrow Raines   
  飞狗巴迪4 Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch (2002) --- Josh Framm    Sex, Lies & Obsession (2001) --- Josh Thomas    
  The Acting Class (2000) --- Lou Carpman   
  "Titans" (2000) --- Ethan Benchley   
  飞狗巴迪3:世界杯 Air Bud: World Pup (2000) --- Josh Framm   
  分时度假 Time Share (2000) --- Thomas Weiland   
  最有价值球员 MVP: Most Valuable Primate (2000) --- Steven Westover Air Bud 2 So Weird (1999)(TV) --- Ryan Ollman   
  Twice in a Lifetime(1999)(TV) --- Young Flash Jericho  
  巨蜥科摩多 Komodo (1999) --- Patrick Connally  
  It Came from the Sky (1999)(TV) --- Andy Bridges   
  金银岛 Treasure Island (1999) --- Jim Hatcher   
  96小时大逃命 Four Days (1999) --- Simon   
  飞狗巴迪2:金牌接球员 Air Bud: Golden Receiver (1998) --- Josh Framm    
  Shadow Builder (1998) --- Chris Hawkins
  独角兽尼克 Nico the Unicorn (1998) --- Billy Hastings   
  A Call to Remember (1997) --- Ben Tobias Treasure Island 剧照
  飞狗巴迪 Air Bud (1997) --- Josh Framm   
  Rose Hill (1997) --- Cole Claybome   
  Traders (1996-1997)(TV) --- Sean Blake   
  The Magic School Bus (1994-1996) (TV) --- Caller   
  Goosebumps (1996) (TV) --- Noah Thompson  
  Murder on the Iditarod Trail (1996)(TV) --- Matthew Amold 
  变种人 Specimen (1996) --- Bart   
  X档案 The X-Files (1995)(TV) --- Kevin Kryder   
  The Silence of Adultery (1995)(TV) --- Steven Harvett   
  Avonlea(1995)(TV) --- Gordon Bradley   
  战栗黑洞 In the Mouth of Madness (1995) --- Kid  
  Thicker Than Blood: The Larry McLinden Story (1994) --- Larry  
  Free Willy (1994)(TV) --- Einstein Air Bud
  Tales from the Cryptkeeper (1993)(TV) --- 6X   
  福星急转弯 Life with Mikey (1993) --- Little Mickey   
  Street Legal (1992)(TV) --- Jeremy Morris   
  绯闻女孩Gossip Girl第三季与第四季 --- Damien Dalgaard
冷冻 Frozen (2010) --- Dan Walker Transamerica 绯闻女孩第三季 Gossip Girl (2009-2010) (TV) --- Damian Daalgard    The Perfect Age of Rock'n'Roll (2009) --- Spyder    夜花园 Gardens of the Night (2008) --- Frank     五十活死人 Fifty Dead Man Walking (2008) --- Sean    纽约湾海峡 The Narrows (2008) --- Mike Manadoro    天使不流泪 The Stone Angel (2007) --- John    奥斯汀书会 The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) --- Trey     Normal (2007) --- Jordie    女男变错身 It's a Boy Girl Thing (2006) --- Woody Deane    超人集中营 Zoom (2006) --- Conner Superheroes    窈窕老爸/穿越美国 Transamerica (2005) --- Toby The Hollow 剧照 Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005) --- Ben Davidson    豪斯医生 House M.D.(2005) --- Brandon Merrell    沉睡谷 The Hollow (2004) --- Ian Cranston    止住的芬芳 Some Things That Stay (2004) --- Rusty Murphy    活死人黎明 Dawn of the Dead (2004) --- Terry    鬼挡路/致命弯道 Wrong Turn (2003) --- Evan    超人前传 Smallville (2003)(TV) --- Seth Nelson   T he Incredible Mrs. Ritchie (2003) --- Charlie    黑暗中的恐惧 Fear of the Dark (2002) --- Dale Bilings Fear of the Dark 虎女龙驹 Virginia's Run (2002) --- Darrow Raines    飞狗巴迪4 Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch (2002) --- Josh Framm    Sex, Lies & Obsession (2001) --- Josh Thomas     The Acting Class (2000) --- Lou Carpman    "Titans" (2000) --- Ethan Benchley    飞狗巴迪3:世界杯 Air Bud: World Pup (2000) --- Josh Framm    分时度假 Time Share (2000) --- Thomas Weiland    最有价值球员 MVP: Most Valuable Primate (2000) --- Steven Westover Air Bud 2 So Weird (1999)(TV) --- Ryan Ollman    Twice in a Lifetime(1999)(TV) --- Young Flash Jericho    巨蜥科摩多 Komodo (1999) --- Patrick Connally    It Came from the Sky (1999)(TV) --- Andy Bridges    金银岛 Treasure Island (1999) --- Jim Hatcher    96小时大逃命 Four Days (1999) --- Simon    飞狗巴迪2:金牌接球员 Air Bud: Golden Receiver (1998) --- Josh Framm     Shadow Builder (1998) --- Chris Hawkins 独角兽尼克 Nico the Unicorn (1998) --- Billy Hastings    A Call to Remember (1997) --- Ben Tobias Treasure Island 剧照 飞狗巴迪 Air Bud (1997) --- Josh Framm    Rose Hill (1997) --- Cole Claybome    Traders (1996-1997)(TV) --- Sean Blake    The Magic School Bus (1994-1996) (TV) --- Caller    Goosebumps (1996) (TV) --- Noah Thompson    Murder on the Iditarod Trail (1996)(TV) --- Matthew Amold  变种人 Specimen (1996) --- Bart    X档案 The X-Files (1995)(TV) --- Kevin Kryder    The Silence of Adultery (1995)(TV) --- Steven Harvett    Avonlea(1995)(TV) --- Gordon Bradley    战栗黑洞 In the Mouth of Madness (1995) --- Kid    Thicker Than Blood: The Larry McLinden Story (1994) --- Larry    Free Willy (1994)(TV) --- Einstein Air Bud Tales from the Cryptkeeper (1993)(TV) --- 6X    福星急转弯 Life with Mikey (1993) --- Little Mickey    Street Legal (1992)(TV) --- Jeremy Morris    绯闻女孩Gossip Girl第三季与第四季 --- Damien Dalgaard
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