
everyone needs friend.they are very important be

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解决时间 2021-01-27 17:10
ause friends bring us h
除【everyone needs friends. they are very important be】之外,便什么也看不到!
Everyone needs friends. they are very important in your whole life. Not only could they help you to achieve some of your goals, but also occasion your different living any time.
food is very important to our 1 .everyone needs to eat well 2__ he or she wants to have a strong body. our minds, __3__ our bodies, always the need best food. this kind of food is knowledge(知识). we start 4 knowledge when we are very young.
studying on our own 5 us the most knowledge. when we get 6 , we should enjoy reading and learning about all kinds of things. if we 7 accept(接受)answers without thinking about 8 , we never learn well. when we study in the right 9 and get knowledge on our own, we enjoy learning. we 10 learn more and understand better.
( ) 1. head b. mouth c. health d. country
( ) 2 . so b. if c. before d. until
( ) 3. a. in b. to c. like d. by
( ) 4. a. get b. gets c. got d. getting
( ) 5. a. brings b. takes c. sends d. makes
( ) 6. a. young b. old c. younger d. older
( ) 7. a. ready b. often c. just d. first
( ) 8. a. it b. them c. her d. they
( ) 9. a. day b. way c. time d. place
( )10.a.either b. both c. also d. last

 1---5 cbcda 6---10 dcbbb
阅读理解. Everyone needs friends. They are very important because friends bring us happiness. However, the ability to make friends varies from person to person. To some people, making friends is easy; But to others, We all have the ability to make friends. Unfortunately many people never reach their potential. Making friends is a skill, and the first step in developing that skill is knowing how to get along with others. People who are good at getting along with others take an interest in what other people like. They learn to develop interests that make them enjoyable to be around.Therefore, the more things that your child knows how to do that involve connecting with other kids, the more chances he or she has to make friends. If your child has trouble making friends, you cantell him or her what to do. You have skills and talents that others can enjoy. Some people don't let others see their good points, but yous hould believe that you are a good person who has something to share with others. Develop a sense of humor Learn to laugh at yourself and your short comings. It will relieve some of the stress in your life. If you ever feel like poking fun at someone, let it be you, never anyone else. Smile, smile, smile. Respect the rights of others They have their opinions, you have yours. Different opinions are healthy. Learn how to listen to others without putting them down or trying to persuade them that your opinion is right. Throughout your life, you will learn that if you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you. When should you start being kind? Right now. Give someone acompliment. Open the door for someone. Wave to afriend. Encourage someone who is discouraged. Say something positive. There are hundreds of little things youcan do to show your kindness. Be empathetic Try to understand what others are going through. Look at life through their eyes. If you empathize with someone's feelings, you can help. Don't complain People get tired of listening to constant complaining. Life doesn't always go the way you want. Learn to accept what you can't change and work hard to change what you can. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Replace the time you used to spend complaining with the time spent being kind. Never give up,Even if you are faced with negative, closed minded people, never give up. Don't let them change you into one of them. Find people who will appreciate you. 1.What is the best title of the passage? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? In life you will learn that people would treat you as you treat them. __________________________________________________________________ 3. How to understand what others are going through? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Which of the suggestions do you think is the most important one for you? Why? __________________________________________________________________ 5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. ___________________________________________________________________ 答案: 1、Tips on makirig friends 2、Throughout your life,you will learn that if you are kind to others. they will usually be kind to you. 3、Look at life through their eyes. If you empathize with someone's feelings, you can help. 4、I think developing a sense of hurnor is the most important, becausc it will relieve some of the stress in life. 5、学会接受你所不能改变的,努力改变你所能改变的.
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