

答案:1  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-16 14:29
1-5 CBACA 6-10 BACBB 11-15 BACBC 16-20 ACAAA
21-25 A C C A B 26-30 A C D B A 31-35 C D B B D
36-40 C A B D C 41-45 A D A C B 46-50 D B A B C 51-55 A C A B D
56-59 ABCB 60-63 BCCA 64-66 DDA 67-70 CDAB
七选五 71-75 ACGFE
Dear Brad,
Online shopping is increasingly gaining a popularity in recent year. Some people like to
purchase goods online. But personal, I don’t like to shop online, because online shopping is
much more reliable and trustworthy than traditional shopping. Some dishonest merchants
even provide for false online information ∧cheat customers. So we shouldn’t trust online
shopping easily. Do you like online shopping? Have you never purchased something online?
ever anything
What was your opinion in online shopping?
is on/about/of

作文 A possible version
Love Is Everywhere
Good morning, everyone:
You must have heard of the story of Cynda from America—a travelling volunteer. I’m deeply impressed with her commitment to helping others. Young as she is, she has a broad heart.
Using her love and enthusiasm, she warms the world and her conducts can never be over-praised. The world should be a place which is full of love and care. Only by making devotions can we make it better.
In our daily life, we can do a lot to help others. Picking up waste paper in the streets, offering seats to a grandma on buses, and taking care of sick classmates are all good deeds. Let’s start right now and make the world a joyous place to live in.
Thank you.
Text 1
M: Now, Tina, tell us something about your hometown. You come from Mississippi, right?
W: That’s true, and I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.
Text 2
M: Tess, I’m sorry, but have you got a cloth? I’ve spilt some wine.
W: Yes, there’s one in the kitchen.
Text 3
M: How long has your boyfriend been staying in Seattle?
W: Half a year.
M: Do you write to him or send him e-mails to keep in contact with him?
W: I neither write to him nor e-mail him. I ring him up now and then.
Text 4
M: They said that the eleven o’clock train was running late again, like before.
W: We arrived at the station at 10:50. However, we’ve already been waiting for thirty minutes. What time did they say it would arrive?
M: Well, we’ll probably have to wait another quarter of an hour.
Text 5
M: Would you prefer beef or meat?
W: Could I have a vegetarian meal?
M: I’m sorry. We no longer serve special meals on domestic flights.
Text 6
M: Look!It’s snowing! Winter is here at last.
W: It’s really cold today. I’m glad I have my overcoat on.
M: There’s ice on the lake, too. We’ll be able to go stating this weekend.
W: Not if it’s too windy. Come on! I’m freezing.
M: You’ll just have to learn to like it. The weather is going to be like this for the next three months.
Text 7
M: It’s a long time since we got together.
W: Why don’t we?
M: I’d love to. But in February I’ll be busy and in March I’ll be busy, pretty busy, too. How about getting together sometime in April?
W: OK!
M: Good! I’ll figure out a good time and call you.
W: Fine.
Text 8
M: What are you doing, Mary?
W: I’m designing a garden.
M: Why?
W: There’s a TV competition for the best garden design. The prize is a two-week holiday in Australia.
M: Great! Show me.
W: Well… My garden is going to be organic. Everything is going to be natural. I’m not putting any chemicals on my plants or vegetables.
M: Great. What are you going to plant?
W: Well… plants… flowers that birds and butterflies will like.
Text 9
M: Miss Caroline, can you tell us a little bit about where you have worked before?
W: Well, my last job was with PMPT.
M: And when did you start with them?
W: Three years ago.
M: I see. So why did you decide to leave?
W: Well, perhaps you’ve heard that the company closed down earlier this year.
M: Yes, we’ve heard about it. And where did you work before PMPT?
W: Golden Sun Company.
M: How long did you work for them?
W: For eight years, as an engineer.
W: And why did you leave that job as an engineer?
W: Well, I felt I needed a change. I think I learnt all I could learn there.
M: OK, that’s enough on your work experience. Thank you.
Text 10
I did not know the city at all and what’s more, I could not speak a word of the language. After having spent my first day sightseeing in the town center, I decided to lose my way on my second day, since I believed that this was the surest way of getting to know my way around. I got on the first bus that passed and got off some thirty minutes later out of the city. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. I discovered little bookshops in back streets and then arrived at a marketplace where I stopped and had a coffee in an open-air café. Then I decided to get back to my hotel for lunch. After walking around for some time, I determined to ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the hotel in which I lived and even that I pronounced badly.
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