

答案:1  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-29 01:25
1-5 BCCAA 6-10 BAACB11-15 CCACC 16-20 BCAAC21-25 DCABD 26-30 BBCAA31-35 DDBAC 36-40 CABAD41-45 CBDAA 46-50 DBCBD51-55 BACCB 56-60 DCBBC61-65 ACAAB 66-70 DCBBA71-75 CDFAE76. When she gets excited. / When something goes her way.77. She felt embarrassed / awkward.78. Not to do the silly dance in public.79. She will continue to sing. / She won’t stop singing.80. Being oneself. / Being who he / she is.短文改错:81. ... friend calling Emily. calling → called82. ... things that like ... 掉that83. ... what she asked ... asked加for84. ... she has borrowed! has → had85. ..., though she said ... though → but86. ... she could remember ... could → couldn't或could加not87. ... made the list ... the → a88. ... gave them to ... them → it89. For my surprise, ... For → To90. ... a dirt T-shirt. dirt → dirtyOne possible version:Dear Editor,Rubbish is now one of the main environmental problems.With the increasing population, more and more rubbish is produced every day and some rubbish does great harm to the environment: it pollutes the air, the soil and the water. Today many cities are troubled by mountains of rubbish. It not only affects our daily life but results in serious illnesses.We must find a better way to deal with rubbish. First of all, rubbish should be put in different places according to whether they can be recycled or not. Secondly, everybody must realise that it is everybody's duty to keep the environment clean. Finally, I think that laws must be passed on how to deal with rubbish.Yours sincerely, Li Hua部解析 单项填空:21. Dhave a(n) ... effect on sb. 某…… 影响;growth 句意数名词且其of children限定表特指故其前用the22. C根据答语Sorry 及表示转折but知处指事情紧急(urgent)concerned 担;major 主要;scary恐怖吓23. Ahold 与the sports meet 间逻辑宾关系根据the day after tomorrow 知hold 作尚未发故用定式般式语态作定语修饰the sports meet24. B玛丽总鼓励游泳目增强腿部力量(strength)energy精力力;protection 保护;position 位置25. Dhave no choice but to do sth. 别选择能做某事;do nothing but do sth. 都做做某事26. B根据答语危险知应答者让孩晚Absolutely not(绝行)符合语境hopefully 希望;thankfully 谢谢;rarely极少27. B析句结构知空格定语句且定语句缺少点状语故选where相于in which28. C根据答语别担我喜欢软点知,句说融化(melts)前赶快吃掉冰淇淋expand 膨胀;dissolve溶解;recycle再循环29. Acomplain to sb. about sth.向某抱怨某事30. A该句make 接复合宾语to get there on time 真宾语故用it 作形式宾语31. D根据tomorrow 知用there be句型故选D项32. D题意:塑料燃烧散发(give out)气体种气体害并且严重污染气take in 吸收;take away 拿走;give up放弃33. B由没少间知应选in a nutshell( 简言概括讲)in other words 换句说;in a way 某种程度;one after another 接34. A根据句我想坏主意知I couldn't agree with you more.( 我完全同意)符合语境35. C根据答语Yes 知应答者尽力按完项工作I'll do my best我尽力完形填空:题:情本文夹叙夹议文位轻松鼠跳跃树枝启发鼓起勇气决仪职位冒险36. C让垂涎梦想想用尽切办使现实(reality)梦想37. A由文... take a risk ..., he landed safely in a position 知位轻工作遇麻烦知何面(face)38. B由文But it still landed ... on a branch several feet lower 知松鼠棵高(high)树跳另棵39. A松鼠想跳另外棵树树枝aim for ……目标40. D由文the jump looked impossible知松鼠离想跳树枝远out of reach够41. C由文But 词知松鼠没跳想跳树枝miss 处fail to reach意42. B虽未达目标松鼠仍安全(safely)跳较低树枝文never seen one of them get hurt提示43. D松鼠继续跳跃终自想要(wanted)达根树枝44. A认松鼠断跳跃场面趣(funny)45. A松鼠轻看松鼠跳跃(jump)46. D松鼠错目标与未看松鼠受伤间转折关系故选but47. B由文to take a chance 知松鼠冒险(risk)跳跃树枝48. C松鼠树间跳跃49. B松鼠尝试高树跳跃另外棵高树做准备冒险be prepared to do sth.准备做某事;乐意做某事50. D轻看松鼠跳跃树枝勇敢反问自否缺少勇气(courage)面工作困境51. B由文he landed safely in a position知轻决定(decided)冒险做想做事情52. A轻所职位原觉决(never)能53. C54. C由松鼠跳跃树枝故事知定奔向月亮远志向纵使(Even if)能达跻身于繁星比现位置更高、更end up……结束55. B既短暂光易逝何努力实现精彩呢possible能发阅读理解:A篇(自)本文记叙文文章介绍美历史严重气候灾难56. D细节理解题根据第二段the wind picked up earth 第三段the angry mountain of dust 知黑色星期发场沙尘暴57. C推理判断题根据第三段Lila Lee说I was sure I was going to die 知面1935 场沙尘暴非惊恐58. B篇章结构题根据文知粘合土壤草皮铲掉才导致沙尘暴发59. B细节理解题由倒数第二段During World War Ⅰ, there was good rain and wheat prices were high. But after the war, prices dropped 知战麦价格跌导致些放弃土B篇(周围)本文记叙文文章介绍十二岁孩Anna Koppelman 创办慈善组织帮助故事60. C推理判断题第三段I got there and saw the kids' faces light up 知孩脸喜悦笑容说明安娜初举办慈善宴功61. A细节理解题根据第四段she has been amazed at the amount of time, energy, and resources people have been willing to donate to her cause 知支持安娜慈善组织62. C推理判断题根据倒数第二段encourages others to form Birthday Fairies clubs 段she'd like to see Birthday Fairies clubs in schools across the United States and in other parts of the world 知安娜希望传播善举63. A标题归纳题本文主要介绍十二岁孩Anna Koppelman 办慈善组织Birthday Fairies 帮助故事A项A sweet cause 指代Anna Koppelman 所事慈善项能带给美、甜蜜事业C篇(热点题)本文议论文文章图书馆否应该提供视频游戏进行讨论64. A细节理解题休斯顿公共图书馆事例句Adding video games has helped some libraries attract more visitors 进步补充由于提供视频游戏休斯顿公共图书馆访问者越越65. B词义猜测题文章第段调查报告显示图书馆提供视频游戏喜第二段however 转折引事讨论由知并所都赞图书馆提供视频游戏故该短语支持意思66. D主旨意题本文作者项研究报告始引用两位读者观点展图书馆否应该提供视频游戏讨论D篇(旅游)本文应用文文章项迷冒险广告宣传67. C细节理解题由文Return ferry crossing to Vancouver Island 知乘船旅行部68. B细节理解题由Activities You Can Choose (paid locally)部所列Whale watching US$70-$90 知观看鲸鱼自由选择69. B细节理解题由文Accommodation:3 nights camping with equipment(except the sleeping bag)知游客需自备睡袋70. A推理判断题由文dates can be chosen to suit your needs 知Private Departures 更加灵游客自行决定发期选做题参考答案及解析参考答案I. 1-5 DDABD 6-10 CBCAC11-15 BADCD 16-20 BCDBDII. 1-5 DBBDD解析完形填空:题:社本文说明文文章介绍收利用旧物品项目1. D由文has got used to recycling ...知收旧物品Thornebrooke 说已经种习惯(habit)2. D3. A由文pays the school for the old products 知Thornebrooke 通收(recycling)旧物品(earned)钱4. B通收旧物获利种校集资(raising money)式5. D由文The cartridges are refilled and resold. Used electronics are made into new products 知收再利用球节约(saving)资源6. C习惯收旧物品说明已经意识(realized)球节约资源7. B收再利用件确(right)事情8. C由文free boxes to send the collected materials by post 知Thornebrooke收旧物品 寄给(mails)FundingFactory9. AThornebrooke FundingFactory合作关系校寄东西反(in turn)公司些旧物品支付定费用10. C除旧手机旧油墨盒FundingFactory接受(accepts)其电产品11. B由文It provides free posters ...and free boxes ... 知FundingFactory提供便利使校容易(easy)参与12. A校给FundingFactory 邮寄收旧物品新产品或者现金either ... or ... 固定搭配或……或……13. D收再利用旧物品项目世界未产影响(making a difference)14. C全社共同合作些绿色项目传递重要(important)信息15. DFundingFactory 家接收校邮递旧物品公司企业捐赠给校旧产品由知通Funding-Factory 项目企业校建立联系(connections)16. BFundingFactory 项目目帮助(help)校17. C由文their used products 知收东西都企业准备扔掉(throw away)18. D由Lewis has bought new equipment知校通FundingFactory 项目钱购买新设备19. B媒体报道故收再利用兴奋(excited)20. DFeagin Mill 校收本要企业扔掉旧产品件环境保护益事情故努力与环境关(environmental)阅读理解:题:节本文说明文文章介绍2013 纽约漫画1. D细节理解题根据第二段Fans can also meet their favorite comic artists at Artist Alley 知许漫画艺术家受邀参加2013 纽约漫画2. B细节理解题根据第二段At the convention, salespeople sell toys, movies, posters, clothes, and comics 知漫画售商品3. B细节理解题根据第三段sales of comic books have been decreasing for many years 知漫画书业现状读者越越少4. D推理判断题根据第五段内容知the Stan Lee Foundation 所做切都鼓励孩阅读漫画书5. D推理判断题根据两段内容知Elissa漫画兴趣
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