

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 09:42
阅读理解 Time and how we experience it have always puzzled us.Physicists have created fascinating theories, but their time is measured by a pendulum (钟摆) and is not psychological time, which leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar.As some-one who understood the distinction observed, When you sit with a nice girl for two hours it seems like a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove, a minute seems like two hours.Psychologists have long noticed that larger units of time, such as months and years, fly on swifter wings as we age.They also note that the more time is structured with schedules and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass.For example, a day at the office flies compared with a day at the beach.Since most of us spend fewer days at the beach and more at the office as we age, an increase in structured tune could well be to blame for why time seems to speed up as we grow older.Expectation and familiarity also make time seem to flow more rapidly.Almost all of us have had the experience of driving somewhere we’ve never been before. Surrounded by unfamiliar scenery, with no real idea of when we’ll arrive, we experience the trip as lasting a long time. But the return trip, although exactly as long, seems to take far less time. The novelty of the outward journey has become routine. Thus taking a different route on occasions can often help slow the clock.When was become as identical as identical as beads(小珠子)on a string, they mix together, and even months become a single day. To counter this, try to find ways to interrupt the structure of your day—to stop time, so to speak.Learning something new is one of the ways to slow the passage of time. One of the reasons the days of our youth seems so full and long is that these are the days of learning and discovery. For many of us, learning ends when we leave school, but this doesn’t have to be.1.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 is used to show .A.psychological time is quite puzzlingB.time should not be measured by a pendulumC.physical time is different from psychological timeD.physical theory has nothing to do with the true sense of time2.Why do units of time fly faster as we grow older?A.Our sense of time changes.B.We spend less time at the beach.C.More time is structured and scheduled.D.Time is structured with too many appointments.3.In Paragraph 3 “novelty” probably means .A.excitementB.unfamiliarityC.imaginationD.amusement4.The purpose of the passage is to .A.give various explanations about timeB.describe how we experience time psychologicallyC.show the different ideas of physicists and psychologists on timeD.explain why time flies and how to slow it down psychologically
CCBD解析此篇主要讲的是同样的事情,同样的时间,但是心里层面的时间和物理概念的时间是有差别的。1.细节理解题 根据第一段中“Physicists have created fascinating theories, but their time is measured by a pendulum (钟摆) and is not psychological time, which leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar”可知,物理概念的时间和心里的时间是有区别的。2.细节理解题 根据第二段中“They also note that the more time is structured with schedules and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass.”可知,因为单位时间是被规划好的,所以越是细致的规划者时间,看上去就过的越快。3.推理判断题 根据这段中“Surrounded by unfamiliar scenery, with no real idea of when we’ll arrive, we experience the trip as lasting a long time.”可知,因为对周边环境的不熟悉才觉得时间过得慢,可知这种户外的“不熟悉”就会成为我们生活的一种常规了。4.推理判断题 根据最后一段“Learning something new is one of the ways to slow the passage of time. One of the reasons the days of our youth seems so full and long is that these are the days of learning and discovery. For many of us, learning ends when we leave school, but this doesn’t have to be”可知,
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