Let F be a finite field of order f=|F| and let c be an element in F. How many (ordered) pairs (x,y) are there that solve the equation x2+y2=c?
Answers should be closed-form functions of f and c and should be accompanied by proofs of correctness.
Let F be a finite field of order f=|F| and let c be an element in F. How many (ordered) pairs (x,y) are there that solve the equation x2+y2=c?
Answers should be closed-form functions of f and c and should be accompanied by proofs of correctness.
设F是集合f=|F| 的有限区间,c是F是中的一个元素.问集合内满足方程X²+Y²=c 的解x,y有多少组.
设F是一个阶F = | F |,让C是在多少号元素(有序有限域)双(的x,y)是否有能够解决的方程x2 + y2 = c吗? 答案应该是封闭的F和C,应该由正确性证明方面形成的功能。