

答案:4  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-14 00:26
开门炮仗 春节早晨,开门大吉,先放爆竹,叫做“开门炮仗”。爆竹声后,碎红满地,灿若云锦,称为“满堂红”。这时满街瑞气,喜气洋洋。 拜年 春节里的一项重要活动,是到亲朋好友家和邻居那里祝贺新春,旧称拜年。汉族拜年之风,汉代已有。唐宋之后十分盛行,有些不必亲身前往的,可用名帖投贺。东汉时称为“刺”,故名片又称“名刺”。明代之后,许多人家在门口贴一个红纸袋,专收名帖,叫“门簿”。 民间互访拜年的形式,根据彼此的社会关系,大体可分4类: 一是走亲戚。初一必须到岳父、须带礼物。进门后先向佛像、祖宗影像、牌位各行三叩首礼,然后再给长辈们依次跪拜。可以逗留吃饭、玩耍。 二是礼节性的拜访。如给同事、朋友拜年,一进屋门,仅向佛像三叩首,如与主人系平辈则只须拱手一揖而已,如比自己年长,仍应主动跪拜,主人应走下座位做搀扶状,连说免礼表示谦恭。这种情况一般不宜久坐,寒暄两句客套话就要告辞。主人受拜后,应择日回拜。 三是感谢性的拜访。凡一年来对人家欠情的(如律师、医生等)就要买些礼物送去,借拜年之机,表示谢忱。 四是串门式的拜访。对于左邻右舍的街坊,素日没有多大来往,但见面都能说得来,到了年禧,只是到院里,见面彼此一抱拳说:“恭禧发财”、“一顺百顺”,在屋里坐一会儿而已,无甚过多礼节。 古时有拜年和贺年之分:拜年是向长辈叩岁;贺年是平辈相互道贺。现在,有些机关、团体、企业、学校,大家聚在一起相互祝贺,称之为“团拜”。 随着时代的发展,拜年的习俗亦不断增添新的内容和形式。现在人们除了沿袭以往的拜年方式外,又兴起了礼仪电报拜年和电话拜年等。 聚财 俗传正月初一为扫帚生日,这一天不能动用扫帚,否则会扫走运气、破财,而把“扫帚星”引来,招致霉运。假使非要扫地不可,须从外头扫到里边。这一天也不能往外泼水倒垃圾,怕因此破财。今天许多地方还保存着一习俗,大年夜扫除干净,年初一不出扫帚,不倒垃圾,备一大桶,以盛废水,当日不外泼。
The firecracker went off in the morning, open the door open Spring Festival first plug and firecrackers, called the "open the firecracker went off". The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called "the ManTangGong". Then RuiQi streets, jubilant. Happy New Year Spring Festival in an important activity, is to relatives and friends home and neighbors there new spring, old say congratulations to a happy New Year. Han Chinese New Year wind, han dynasty existing. Tang is a very popular, some don't after personally to greet MingTie shots, usable. Han dynasty, so called "ci" card, say again "MingCi". After the Ming dynasty, many people in the doorway stick a red paper bags, only collect MingTie, called "door book". Folk visits paid form, according to each other's social relationship, are generally classified into four types: one is the relatives. Junior must to father-in-law, should bring gifts. After taking the door first to Buddha and fathers images, all three KouShou mantle rite, then give the elders in turn bow. Can stay dinner and playing. 2 it is courtesy of visit. As to colleagues, and friends, one room door, only to Buddha three KouShou, such as with host is simply a perso department salutes yi just, such as older than himself, and still should be active, the master shall bow down walk down the seat do hold shape, even said free gift said humbly. This kind of circumstance should not be commonly sedentary, fatal two conventional remarks will leave. Master should be worshipped HuiBai election. Three is thanks to sexual call. All for one year to somebody else QianQing (such as lawyers, doctors, etc.) will want to buy some gifts to the New Year, borrow machine, say thanks. The fourth is door type call. To meet our neighbors neighborhood, not much, but baals associate can ShuiDeLai, came to meet him in, but to meet each other in a fuels said: "congratulations rich", "YiShun 100 shun" in the house to sit down for a while just, without very excessive etiquette. In ancient times, it has paid the points: happy New Year and he nian to elder age; knock! He nian is equals mutual congratulation. Now, some state organs, public organizations, enterprises, schools, together mutual congratulations, called "celebration, its all about". With the development of The Times, New Year's custom also continually add new contents and forms. Now people besides follows previous best way outside, has been a happy New Year and telephone etiquette telegraph paid etc. Mo vulgar preach the first day of the first birthday that day broom, otherwise, it will not use brooms sweep away the lucky, the poorer SaoZhouXing "draws and incur bad luck. If must sweep the floor, must not from outside to inside Saul. The day is also cannot go toward outside splashed out the garbage, afraid so poorer. Today many places have kept a custom, eve swept away, BTW out broom, rubbish, prepare a VAT undeniable, to fill wastewater, that day comes spilt. If anyone can,

Time reversal will,

Return to so much regret, and been,

Hardly had happened before.

I will be his most devout believers. In a...
Chinese New Year firecrackers morning to open the door, open the door down, first set off fire crackers, called "open firecracker." Firecrackers, the broken red everywhere, Canruo brocade, known as the "full house." At this time the streets Bling ahead. New Year Spring Festival, an important activity, is home to friends and neighbors congratulated the New Year, formerly known as New Year. Han Chinese New Year of the wind, the Han Dynasty have been. After the Tang and Song is very popular, and some do not have to go in person, and He can Mingtie vote. Eastern Han Dynasty, known as the "thorn", so the card is also called "name thorn." Ming Dynasty, many people posted a red paper bag at the door, the admission of Mingtie, called "gate book." New Year in the form of private visits, according to social relations with each other, generally can be divided into four categories: First visit relatives. First day to the father, must bring a gift. After the first door statues, ancestral images, three tablets each line kowtowed ceremony, then kneel in order to give elders. Can stay to eat, and play. Second, the courtesy call. Such as to colleagues, friends, New Year, entered the room door, only to the Buddha three Koushou, if the owner is only required to hand over Yi Yi, Department of the same generation only, such as older than themselves, should take the initiative to bow down, the owner should be doing down the arm-like seating, Li said that to avoid even the humble. This situation is typical not sedentary, greeting a few words of courtesy we should leave. Master by the worship, it should be optional at Huibai. Third, thanks of the visit. Over the past year due to the people who love (such as lawyers, doctors, etc.) will buy some gifts to send, through the New Year of the machine, expressed gratitude. Fourth, stopping by to visit type. For neighbors of the neighborhood, Suri is not much contact, but the meeting could Shuide Lai, to the Jubilee Year, just to the yard, meet with each other, a Bao Quan said: "Congratulations rich", "a smooth Baishun" in the house sit in it, little too much courtesy. Happy New Year and Chinese New Year in ancient times has divided: New Year's beating to the older age; Chinese New Year is the same generation congratulate each other. Now, some agencies, organizations, businesses, schools, everyone together to congratulate each other, known as the "gathering." With the development of the times, New Year's customs are constantly adding new content and form. It is now past New Year's addition to the old way, the New Year and the rise of the telegraph and telephone etiquette New Year and so on. Popular enrichment broom pass the first day for birthdays, this day can not use a broom, otherwise it will sweep away the luck, or even bankruptcy, and the "Sao Zhouxing" attracted, lead to bad luck. If not have to sweep the floor to be swept from the outside to the inside. The day is also splashing out the trash is not out of fear of a result or even bankruptcy. Preserved in many places today, a custom, a rule, swept away, New Year's Day no brooms, no trash, have a bucket to water Sheng, on nothing more than throwing.
The firecracker went off in the morning, open the door open Spring Festival first plug and firecrackers, called the "open the firecracker went off". The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called "the ManTangGong". Then RuiQi streets, jubilant. Happy New Year Spring Festival in an important activity, is to relatives and friends home and neighbors there new spring, old say congratulations to a happy New Year. Han Chinese New Year wind, han dynasty existing. Tang is a very popular, some don't after personally to greet MingTie shots, usable. Han dynasty, so called "ci" card, say again "MingCi". After the Ming dynasty, many people in the doorway stick a red paper bags, only collect MingTie, called "door book". Folk visits paid form, according to each other's social relationship, are generally classified into four types: one is the relatives. Junior must to father-in-law, should bring gifts. After taking the door first to Buddha and fathers images, all three KouShou mantle rite, then give the elders in turn bow. Can stay dinner and playing. 2 it is courtesy of visit. As to colleagues, and friends, one room door, only to Buddha three KouShou, such as with host is simply a perso department salutes yi just, such as older than himself, and still should be active, the master shall bow down walk down the seat do hold shape, even said free gift said humbly. This kind of circumstance should not be commonly sedentary, fatal two conventional remarks will leave. Master should be worshipped HuiBai election. Three is thanks to sexual call. All for one year to somebody else QianQing (such as lawyers, doctors, etc.) will want to buy some gifts to the New Year, borrow machine, say thanks. The fourth is door type call. To meet our neighbors neighborhood, not much, but baals associate can ShuiDeLai, came to meet him in, but to meet each other in a fuels said: "congratulations rich", "YiShun 100 shun" in the house to sit down for a while just, without very excessive etiquette. In ancient times, it has paid the points: happy New Year and he nian to elder age; knock! He nian is equals mutual congratulation. Now, some state organs, public organizations, enterprises, schools, together mutual congratulations, called "celebration, its all about". With the development of The Times, New Year's custom also continually add new contents and forms. Now people besides follows previous best way outside, has been a happy New Year and telephone etiquette telegraph paid etc. Mo vulgar preach the first day of the first birthday that day broom, otherwise, it will not use brooms sweep away the lucky, the poorer SaoZhouXing "draws and incur bad luck. If must sweep the floor, must not from outside to inside Saul. The day is also cannot go toward outside splashed out the garbage, afraid so poorer. Today many places have kept a custom, eve swept away, BTW out broom, rubbish, prepare a VAT undeniable, to fill wastewater, that day comes spilt.
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