要点: 1. 简要描写图画内容。 2. 说明图画的含义。 3. 谈谈你的看法。
In the picture, we can see that
In the picture, we can see that the girl’s parents and her grandmother are helping the girl, which makes it impossible for the girl to ride bicycle on herself. What is more ridiculous is that her mother even carries a first-aid kit for her.
请根据下图写一篇100~120词的短文。要点: 1. 简要描写图画内容。 2. 说明图画的含义。 3. 谈谈你的看法。注意:短文的开头已给出(不计字数)In the picture
答案:2 悬赏:70 手机版
解决时间 2021-04-12 12:46
- 提问者网友:城市野鹿
- 2021-04-12 04:15
- 五星知识达人网友:神也偏爱
- 2021-04-12 04:42
(答案→)In the picture, we can see that the girl’s parents and her grandmother are helping the girl, which makes it impossible for the girl to ride bicycle on herself. What is more ridiculous is that her mother even carries a first-aid kit for her. 解析:本文是一篇漫画作文。漫画作文写作主要通过三步完成:第一步:认真观察,正确叙述画面内容。画面的主体往往是人物。要仔细观察画面中人物的形体,相貌,表情,语言,动作等,推测人物的思想面貌,尤其注意人物在干什么;还要观察周围环境,弄清事件发生的时间,地点以及和事件有关的情况,然后把这些信息连贯性地表达出来,使静止的画面“活动化”。平面的事物“立体化”。通常以记叙为主,用一般现在时态或一般过去时态,第三人称。第二步:选点立意。通过收集画面所提供的内容,去粗取精,揣摩画意,揭示实质,得出结论。第三步:引发评论。与现实生活联系,由此及彼地加以联想与引申,在画面意义的基础上联想到另一层新内容,发表自己的看法,可以提出一些建议和办法。第二和第三步没有明显界线。可以一气呵成,以议论为主。常用句型;1.开头:This is a picture about…/ In the picture we can see…/ From the picture it can be seen that…/ Let’s look at the picture…2.结尾段:It is not right that…/ If they do like that…/ We can draw a conclusion that…/ The story tells us that …/ It teaches us a lesson…3.承接词汇及句型:in my opinion / in our daily life / nowadays / As the proverb says …/ I’m sure… / meanwhile / however / at the same time / but / so / as a result / Do you think so?...4.另外,漫画作文在揭示实质后往往会有精彩的谚语,格言,成语等出现,给文章添彩不少。如:No pains, no gains. / All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. / Dripping water wears through rock./ Constant effort brings success.(滴水能穿石,功到自然成)/Use “one stone” to kill “two birds”(一石击双鸟)
- 1楼网友:英雄的欲望
- 2021-04-12 06:11