"I believe in love, it’s the best of everything -*/-*
I believe in hope and the changes it can bring -*/-*
If you believe then nothing can stand in your way -*/-*
Just say" 追击 告诉自己I Believe一定会有结果-*/-*
! I am ——+——+—— this right...... just
do it。。。***。。。***。。。*** It’s a fact of life that we’re all in the game -*/-*
But it’s still your call -*/-*
But we all play it -*/-*
Sometimes we win, s-*/-*ometimes we fall
But that’s no reason just to give it up, cause after all-*/-*
If you can’t choose what to be -*/-*
You can choose what to dream -*/-*
And I believe ...>。。。100%的觅扬,战士の...```...```...!!!