新科技怎样改变生活 英语作文
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解决时间 2021-02-15 15:26
- 提问者网友:战皆罪
- 2021-02-14 15:25
新科技怎样改变生活 英语作文
- 五星知识达人网友:大漠
- 2021-02-14 16:56
看科技怎样改变我们的生活 See how technology is changing our lives 今年最流行的九个科技新产品 The most popular this year the nine new science products 最新一期出版的美国《福布斯》杂志,评选出了2005年最流行的九个科技新产品. Latest issue of Forbes magazine, voted for 2005's most popular nine new science products. 全息存储光盘 Holographic storage disc 2005年将会是两种存储方式的相争之年. 2005 will be two kinds of storage ways contend years. 一种是由索尼、三星、先锋和松下领导的Blu-ray磁盘技术; One is by SONY, samsung, pioneer and panasonic Blu - ray disk led technology; 另一种则是由东芝、NEC倡导的HD-DVDS技术. Another kind is advocated by Toshiba, NEC HD DVDS technology. 在基本功能方面两种存储方式并无差别,都是提供一种可刻录的高容量、高清晰存储媒介. In the basic function of two kinds of storage ways are there to provide a recordable high capacity, hd storage media. 不过,在存储容量方面,声称有100G的Blu-ray显然要比45G的HD-DVDS容量大. However, in storage capacity, claims to have the Blu - ray obviously is 100 gold than the HD DVDS 45G large capacity. 就在几大公司为传统光学存储技术标准上争得不可开交之时,全息存储则广受关注. Just a few big companies for traditional optical storage technology standards of bee fiercely, holographic storage is wide concern. 传统光学存储将所有信息存储在光盘表面,通过激光进行数据读取; The traditional optical storage will all the information stored on a CD surface, through laser data read; 而全息存储却利用了整个磁盘的所有空间,而不仅仅局限在表面. And holographic storage but utilize the entire disk space, and all is not limited to the surface. 日本一家公司宣布,最新研制的全息存储光盘的单牒容量已经达到传统DVD的200倍. A Japanese company announced that newly developed holographic storage disc single die capacity has reached the traditional DVD 200 times. 语音识别电视 Speech recognition TV 美国IBM公司正同网页浏览器制造商Opera合作,共同创建一种语音识别电视设备. The United States, IBM is with a web browser makers of Opera cooperation, create a kind of speech recognition TV equipment. 通过安装外置机顶盒,电视观众可以通过语音直接“点播”自己喜欢的节目,而现在,人们只能从上百个电视节目中寻找自己喜欢的节目. By installing the external set-top box, TV viewers can directly demand via voice their favorite programs, and now, people can o
- 1楼网友:大漠
- 2021-02-14 17:34