

答案:5  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-17 17:19
As we all know, the existing of language is not far from the cultural, the two functions are intimately linked.Advertising, as a kind of cultural phenomenon,it inevitably will play on the marks of different cultures.For example,China has a kind of wine called Du Kang.When chinese people see the identity of Du Kang, it will remind them of the inventor and the good liquor.So it is common that when the company publicize the wine, they always translate it into Du Kung.To a native English, it won't be have connection in the mind because they haven't the same cultural background and it is not done smoothly the communicative intention.According to the relevance, this translation is irrelevant to the subject and not to mention meet the optimal relevance.But if we translate it into Du Kung -Chinese Baeehus, westerners will show the same reaction as well as chinese see the mark of Du Kang. It is much easier to remind the westerners of goo liquor for the name Baeehus, it is the name of Dionysus in the Greek mythology.In this way we bulid the optimal relevance.The original language and the target language has been established a full contextual effect between audiences.And also the advocates are successful to express the information to the target audiences from the originl language.
As is known to all, language is not from cultural and exist. The two have secret inseparable relationship. Advertising as a kind of cultural phenomenon. Inevitably will play on the marks of different cultures. For example: China has a kind of wine called "du kang". Chinese see "du kang" trademark. Will associate with wine. Then associate inventor du kang good wine. So when the wine in the propaganda, the Kung, many cases for ethnic to English readers. See it because without the same cultural backgrounds. The combination of ethnic Kang just letters. Could not produce similar lenovo, and not done smoothly communicative intention. According to relevance, this translation is not the point not to mention meet optimal relevance. If translated into ethnic Baeehus (Du kang Kung - would a China dionysian). Westerners saw it with the Chinese see the reaction of "Du kang, wood consistent. Reaction Because Baeehus is in the Greek mythology wine the names of god. It is easy to make stepped square person couplet remember wine. So will achieve optimal relevance, the source language and target language between audience also established a full contextual effect. Advocates also successful source language to express the information to the target audience.追问谢谢您的帮助!好人一生平安
As is known to all, language can not exsit without culture for their close link.As a cultural phenomenon, advertisement inevitably possesses features from different nations and cultures.For example, a kind of grain spirits ,Dukang. On seeing the brand name Dukang, Chinese will always think of the inventor and his brilliant creation.Thus, It is a common practice to name this spirits based on its chinese pronounciation when advertising.However, the same purpose cannot be accomplished to English readers for their lack of chinese cultural background. For them ,the name, Dukang ,is only a combination of letters, which can not be associated with the inventor. According to the relevance, this kind of translation is not revelant to the point, let alone proper association.If it is translated into Du Kung -Chinese Baeehus,westerners will have the same response as chinese people because Baeehus is the god of wine in Roman mythology ,easliy reminding westerners of excellent wine.In consquence, relevance is bulit up successfully and contextual effect can be established between the original language and the target one.Moreover, promoters also successfully convey the accruate information of original language to target audience.追问谢谢您的帮助!好人一生平安
It is generally held that there is a close relationship between language and culture.It is impossible to understand a language outside of its cultural context. Advertisement is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Inevitably, advertisement reflects its own society's cultural values.For example, there was a kind of grain spirit in ancient China ,which was named ‘Dukang’.At the sight of the brand of ‘Dukang’. Chinese will be reminded of the creator of 'Dukang' . What's more, people will believe that this is delicious grain spirit. It is quite common to see the similar situation where propaganda is conducted. But the people in English-speaking countries do not have a concept of Dukang. In their eyes, the word 'Dukang' is just a series of letters, which can not evoke their any emtion.Thatt is to say, Dukang fails to convey its meaning. According to sociolinguistic relativity, this kind of translation is irrelevant and can not be understood in the context of a general system which reflects the values of the society. If you change 'Dukang 'to 'Du Kung -Chinese Bacchus', they will understand as well as Chinese dose. They think of the good wine when they see the word Bacchus,which means the Roman god of wine and intoxication.Therefore, it is not hard to fullfil transfer successfully.追问谢谢您的帮助!好人一生平安
Thank you came to see me question ~! If has the ability to please don't abandon the fractional lower help me ~! Artificially help me translate! Thank you
As is known to all, language is not from cultural and exist. The two have secret inseparable relationship. Advertising as a kind of cultural phenomenon. Inevitably will play on the marks of different cultures. For example: China has a kind of wine called "du kang". Chinese see "du kang" trademark. Will associate with wine. Then associate inventor du kang good wine. So when the wine in the propaganda, the Kung, many cases for ethnic to English readers. See it because without the same cultural backgrounds. The combination of ethnic Kang just letters. Could not produce similar lenovo, and not done smoothly communicative intention. According to relevance, this translation is not the point not to mention meet optimal relevance. If translated into ethnic Baeehus (Du kang Kung - would a China dionysian). Westerners saw it with the Chinese see the reaction of "Du kang, wood consistent. Reaction Because Baeehus is in the Greek mythology wine the names of god. It is easy to make stepped square person couplet remember wine. So will achieve optimal relevance, the source language and target language between audience also established a full contextual effect. Advocates also successful source language to express the information to the target audience.追问谢谢您的帮助!好人一生平安
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