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解决时间 2021-08-24 20:37

世博会 brings any to China
世博会 since each time newest civilized achievement andhuman wisdom big gathering, also is the host mobilizes the nationalstrength, the omni-directional demonstration our country society, theeconomical, the cultural achievement and the prospects for developmentmost good opportunity, is the national strength powerful symbol andthe international standing promotion important symbol, thereforecontinuously struggles for the various countries conducts. But since世博会 constrained by the minority developed country, China has wonin 2010 世博会 the sponsor power is for a long time 151 yearsdeveloping nation first. In 2010 世博会 the sponsor power success,is the world to the China reform and open policy policy approval, isto the China economic potentiality approval, also will certainly tothe Chinese society comprehensive progress, the lives of the peoplequality enhancement to have the huge impetus function.
Just closed after a successful session the party 16 was big willpropose that, in the future 20 years, our country comprehensively willconstruct the well-off society. In this section of journey, in 2008the Beijing Olympic Games and in 2010 Shanghai 世博会 displays themidway gas station the vital role.
不可否认, 世博会 is inferior to the Olympic Games in ourcountry common people's well-knownness. But, 世博会 to a stateeconomy development impetus function, is not inferior to the OlympicGames.
In on international, usually has the economical, cultural, thetechnical domain Olympics name 世博会, with the Olympic Games sameplace, two big goes against by the reputation for the whole world thelevel grand meeting. Some data will forecast, in arranges and conductsthe Olympic Games period, to China GDP draws achieves about every year0.3%.
According to plans, Shanghai will use in 世博会 the garden areaconstruction direct investment cost to amount to 3 billion US dollars,but from this the impetus industrial structure adjustment, thetransportation, the trade, the old area transformation and so on willextend the domain investment approximately will be the directinvestment 5 to 10 times. At the same time, 世博会 the demand willexpedite large quantities of chinese-foreign joint venture servicecompany and so on a financing, trade, traveling, management as well aslegal consultation, everywhere merchants will participation the marketspace will be extremely big.
Some people once surveyed, after the Beijing 申奥 success, willestimate in the future several years, our country therefore willincrease 2 million employment posts, the economy rate of rise extrawill increase 0.3% every year. But the Shanghai 世博会 duration forhalf year, the population possibly breaks the historical record.
According to the authoritative department surveys, if in 2010 holds世博会 in Shanghai, the visitor will surpass 70000000, hopefullywill create 世博会 the history the highest record. The concernedexpert believed, if the Shanghai 世博会 admission ticket price is170 Yuan, buys tickets the tourist is 43 million people, then theamount of the gate will amount to 7.31 billion Yuan; If participatesin 世博会 the population to have 60% to dine a time in theconference site, expends 30 Yuan ideas by average each person, thenthe dining income is 780 million Yuan; Estimated visitor 90% can drinkin the conference site with the drink, expends 10 Yuan computationstake average each person, the drink spends the income as 390 millionYuan; Estimated 30% visitor can purchase the traveling souvenir in theconference site, expends 30 Yuan ideas by average each person, thesouvenir sales volume amounts to 390 million Yuan. Will synthesizeeach item, 世博会 the admission ticket, the dining, the travelingsouvenir and so on the direct sales income approaches 9 billion Yuan.
世博会 will be the traveling expense chain the formation addsfuel to the flames, plays to the traveling and the correlationprofession greatly draws the role. According to the world travelingorganization surveys, travels each growth direct income 1 Yuan, therelated profession income can grow 4.3 Yuan.
Moreover, except is direct, the indirect income outside, 世博会also will bring to Shanghai continues to be unable the computationfollowing benefit. This may refer to in historical the experience: TheEiffel tower was in 1889 世博会 leaves behind the money tree toParis, let the French correlation profession profit infinitely.Shanghai is located Yangtze River to enter the seaport, 世博会conducts will certainly to have the remarkable peripheral linkageeffect, radiates East China, even leads the national economy thedevelopment, this aspect value with difficulty will estimate.
Why does the world expo prepare is paid attention
Chinese State Council premier said that, the world expo isdemonstrates the world civilization development newest achievement thegrand meeting. Through holds the world expo, may demonstrate thehumanity in some or the many domains, the achievement which in aspectand so on politics, economy, science and technology and cultureobtains. Holds 世博会 the goal often is for celebrate thesignificant historical event or some national, the local importantcommemorative activity, demonstrated the humanity in some domain, theachievement which in aspect and so on politics, economy, culture andscience and technology obtains. Therefore, 世博会 always is theworld various great nations struggles the undertaking large-scaleinternational activity. Since English first session 世博会, theinternational metropolis always has craved to holds 世博会. 1851London exposition stood the most front which soon arrived in theEuropean industry time; 1893 Chicago exposition announced US mountsthe world stage; 1900 Paris exposition gathered the vision at the newcentury; 1958 Brussels exposition symbolized the postwarreconstruction enters the happiest extent; 1970 Osaka expositiondemonstrated postwar Japan is day by day formidable.
In fact, many develops the huge impetus function science andtechnology product to the world is displays the rapid promotion after世博会:
In 1851, in the first session exposition, has displayed the economicalachievement and the participation country advanced industrial productwhich the England Industrial Revolution produces, like revolver,automatic chain type spinning frame, high efficiency steam engine,track model and so on steam tractor, high speed steam steamboat, hoistcrane as well as advanced steel-making law, tunnel and bridge;
In 1855, Paris 世博会 has displayed the concrete, the steelproduct, the aluminum product and the rubber and so on;
1862 London exposition has displayed the new industry product - sewingmachine, the printer and the train;
1873 Vienna exposition has demonstrated the electrically operatedmotor for the first time;
In 1876, at the American Philadelphia exposition, the massive Americantechnology unfolded in front of the European, had the harvester, thetypewriter, the telephone, ice Kuqa, but also had by identical stripelectric wire synchronization sends two news the dual telegraphs;
In 1878, the Paris world expo has displayed Bell's telephone, Edison'sphonograph, the freezing ship and so on the epoch-making invention;
In 1889, the Paris 世博会 subject tower famous Eiffel tower, untilnow becomes French and Paris and even the world symbol;
In 1893, at Chicago 世博会, the electricity invention and theapplication, caused it to become in this session of 世博会 mostdazzling the star: Uses the exchange generating system for the firsttime, and blows the generating letter and the graph shape with theglass tube, the neon illuminates the Paris nighttime sky;
In 1939 at American New York 世博会, magnetic tape recorder,television, nylon, plastic product and so on budding;
In 1958, after World War II'S first 世博会 conducted in the BelgianBrussels. The exposition central decorations are a huge atomicstructure model. It symbolizes the humanity to be safe, peaceful toapply the atomic energy;
In 1962, at American Seattle's 世博会, has displayed the spacecraftfor the first time, indicated the humanity already could draw supportfrom high tech the might to enter the universe;
In 1964, the American New York held 世博会 once more, theexposition had demonstrated the compound screen, the chair gearingtype image type entertainment, bent down this lens, has specially whatis worth mentioning demonstrated the Coca-Cola and Disney thesubject park;
In 1970, at the Japanese Osaka world expo, the American hall hasdisplayed on moon's stone, this exposition also lets Japan firsttime present by the world developed country image in front of thecommon people;
When in 2000, Hannover 世博会, Hannover has carried on ISDN(synthesis service numeral network) the network construction, causesit to become the junction sink which the information flow and theswiftly moving traffic flows... ...
Similarly, in 2010 the world expo conducted in China not only showedaspect and so on our country politics, economy, science and technologyand culture obtained the huge achievement has gazed for the commonpeople, also indicates on our great national revival path was goingforward in big strides.
Same year the person of father's generation is carved up today tobecome the host
Is same with many developing nations, the Chinese bothfamiliar and is strange to 世博会. China participates in 世博会beginning Yu Wanqing. In 1866, premier alley entrance is invited toparticipate the French Paris exposition, but sets has not managed.The Qing government always by 天朝 poses as, to goes abroad theparticipation certainly not to take, item is wonderful, the uselessaction for match treasure Yao. Translates 世博会 is the matchwonderful meeting, dazzles the wonderful meeting, gathers thetreasure meeting, gathers the valuable meeting and so on, unclearlyincludes acrobatics obscene is skillful despises meaning;
In 1873, at the Vienna world expo, actually is which observed andemulated on behalf of the Chinese is called a package of sacrificialEnglish. He was the total tax affairs department - English Hartdelegated at that time by the Qing Dynasty. China's participation wayitself becomes the match wonderful meeting one is wonderful;
In 1876, American Philadelphia 世博会, the Chinese government firstfaction China industry and commerce participated on behalf of a Lijade tablet person;
In 1915, China attended Panamanian 世博会, has Zhang Xiaoquantraditional handicrafts and so on scissors, Xifeng liquor, maotai, Weikite, maotai wins an award, is ridiculed by the person stated: Chinabesides these things, did not have other;
After new China had been established, until 1982 American Knox theWilliam world expo, China only then returned to the world expo.
On May 1, 1982, the energy specialized 世博会 was held in theAmerican Tennessee state Knoxville city. The Chinese hall mounts世博会 for the first time the stage, becomes 世博会 the newluminescent spot. Display period, in Chinese hall frequently audiencelike tide. - The group comes from Taiwan's student extemporaneously tocompose a poem after the visit: Same year the person of father'sgeneration resembled carves up, the letter broke vaguely two did nothear, today we again assemble, just like Long Huhui wind and cloud.
Hereafter, all previous years 世博会 organizers all invite ourcountry to participate. 世博会 will become our country todemonstrate the comprehensive national strength, the economicaldevelopment and the advance in technology as well as the futureprospects for development important window. Up to 2001 year's end, myKuomintang and Communist Parties attended 10 world expo, and wins ahigher prestige;
In 1992, filled at Uygur advantage Asia 世博会 in Spain, theChinese hall display modern high tech achievement, botanical gardenconstruction art and the handicrafts, by its novel, the rich contentand the unique design are evaluated five star classes exhibitionhall;
In 1993, at South Korean big field 世博会, the Chinese hall haddemonstrated China ancient times and the modern astronautics scienceand technology, the Three Gorges hydraulic engineering and so on, andare evaluated one of 5 greatly best exhibition hall;
In 1998, at Portugese Lisbon 世博会, the Chinese hall display oceandevelopment and the use, the rocket simulated emission satelliteperformance and the link curtain movie hall and so on had theinternational most advanced technique the technical product... ...
Same year the person of father's generation resembled carves up,today became the host, in the world expo Chinese history, thetestimony left China to move towards from the seal accepts, from fromthe solid trend together, moved towards the revival from the declinewinding.
The chart is: Is similar to the Beijing artificial 申奥 successfulrevelry to be same, Shanghai artificial application 世博会 succeedscheers jumps for joy.
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