答案:2 悬赏:30 手机版
解决时间 2021-02-06 07:27
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【答案】 2010 January 14th, the dream factory Dreamworks Animation) in Animation (Los Angeles super big, bad
Pacific Design Center (themselves) Pacific Center held a grand conferences, to showcase their 2010 part 3 animation blockbuster bullridin Dragon record (How to Train Your Dragon), the Shrek 4 (Shrek Forever, as this site xpa report related), and the super big, bad (Megamind) related segments. 1 was introduced in part 3 animation blockbuster which it had been single home animation studios annual record. And in which the super big, bad early for his original story early attracted many friends of eyeball, in this conference, dream factory animation special showed the super big, bad opening segments. And from ZhanYing of a segment run, specifically the super big, bad isn't a subversion other comic book hero film, and it evil do just now is a comic book hero movie profiles of the earliest - Superman (Superman). Although the super big, bad to also will debut as a 3D form, but due to the end of the film to release will be formal, so in this conference ZhanYing segment does not like the shrek 4, use the same 3D form. Besides, according to the turnstiles reflection, the film's opening and many part is not complete. 追问: 亲 我是想知道故事内容的详细英文介绍 在网上找不到啊 可以告诉我吗 谢啦 追答: Metro城是“Metroman”所居住的城市,“Metroman”是一个肌肉发达,着装酷似“猫王”的超级英雄。他有一个同超人一样的记者女友——电视记者Roxanne(蒂娜·菲配音)。碰巧的是,超级坏蛋“Megamind”也对Roxanne“情有独钟”,所以Roxanne和Megamind也很熟悉,只不过Roxanne已经对Megamind屡次失败的统治世界计划感到厌倦了。 影片的一开始,Metroman出席了一个博物馆的剪彩仪式。Metroman还顺便向到场的公众秀了秀他的超能力,博得满堂彩。而这时Megamind绑架了Roxanne,把她带到了自己的秘密老巢。Roxanne已经受够了Megamind屡战屡败的毁灭计划,对这种绑架自己的行动可谓彻底麻木了。 安妥好Roxanne,Megamind通过广播告诉Metroman自己绑架了Roxanne。Roxanne大叫她在一个被废弃的天文台里。于是Metroman迅速前往救援女友,只不过到了天文台,Metroman才发现自己被骗了,Roxanne根本不在这里。与此同时,Megamind却躲在远处的一栋建筑里,观察着Metroman的一举一动。 锁定目标后,Megamind命令助手Minion开动镭射抢,希望以此歼灭Metroman。不过,Megamind却发现启动镭射抢的引导程序运行时间比他想象的要长的多,Megamind十分慌张,认为这次自己又要输了。在漫长了加载镭射枪过程中,Megamind和Metroman开始了一段爆笑的超级坏蛋与超级英雄的对话。 风水轮流转,Megamind突然发现自己找到了Metroman的弱点。原来Metroman惧怕“铜”,而Metraoman现在所在的天文台就是一座以铜为主的建筑。这座建筑在不断消耗Metroman的能量,Metroman想飞却怎么也飞不出去,被死死的困在了里面。终于镭射抢得以启动,Megamind下令开火,Metroman就这样被彻底摧毁了。开场片段到此结束。 最后 Megamind创造了Titan(豪哥),然而他发现,Titan却不想他想的那样与他战斗,而要毁灭城市,在与豪哥的战斗中,Megamind发现Metroman并没有死而是隐居了起来,重燃了希望,打败了Titan,成为了真正的英雄。
Pacific Design Center (themselves) Pacific Center held a grand conferences, to showcase their 2010 part 3 animation blockbuster bullridin Dragon record (How to Train Your Dragon), the Shrek 4 (Shrek Forever, as this site xpa report related), and the super big, bad (Megamind) related segments. 1 was introduced in part 3 animation blockbuster which it had been single home animation studios annual record. And in which the super big, bad early for his original story early attracted many friends of eyeball, in this conference, dream factory animation special showed the super big, bad opening segments. And from ZhanYing of a segment run, specifically the super big, bad isn't a subversion other comic book hero film, and it evil do just now is a comic book hero movie profiles of the earliest - Superman (Superman). Although the super big, bad to also will debut as a 3D form, but due to the end of the film to release will be formal, so in this conference ZhanYing segment does not like the shrek 4, use the same 3D form. Besides, according to the turnstiles reflection, the film's opening and many part is not complete. 追问: 亲 我是想知道故事内容的详细英文介绍 在网上找不到啊 可以告诉我吗 谢啦 追答: Metro城是“Metroman”所居住的城市,“Metroman”是一个肌肉发达,着装酷似“猫王”的超级英雄。他有一个同超人一样的记者女友——电视记者Roxanne(蒂娜·菲配音)。碰巧的是,超级坏蛋“Megamind”也对Roxanne“情有独钟”,所以Roxanne和Megamind也很熟悉,只不过Roxanne已经对Megamind屡次失败的统治世界计划感到厌倦了。 影片的一开始,Metroman出席了一个博物馆的剪彩仪式。Metroman还顺便向到场的公众秀了秀他的超能力,博得满堂彩。而这时Megamind绑架了Roxanne,把她带到了自己的秘密老巢。Roxanne已经受够了Megamind屡战屡败的毁灭计划,对这种绑架自己的行动可谓彻底麻木了。 安妥好Roxanne,Megamind通过广播告诉Metroman自己绑架了Roxanne。Roxanne大叫她在一个被废弃的天文台里。于是Metroman迅速前往救援女友,只不过到了天文台,Metroman才发现自己被骗了,Roxanne根本不在这里。与此同时,Megamind却躲在远处的一栋建筑里,观察着Metroman的一举一动。 锁定目标后,Megamind命令助手Minion开动镭射抢,希望以此歼灭Metroman。不过,Megamind却发现启动镭射抢的引导程序运行时间比他想象的要长的多,Megamind十分慌张,认为这次自己又要输了。在漫长了加载镭射枪过程中,Megamind和Metroman开始了一段爆笑的超级坏蛋与超级英雄的对话。 风水轮流转,Megamind突然发现自己找到了Metroman的弱点。原来Metroman惧怕“铜”,而Metraoman现在所在的天文台就是一座以铜为主的建筑。这座建筑在不断消耗Metroman的能量,Metroman想飞却怎么也飞不出去,被死死的困在了里面。终于镭射抢得以启动,Megamind下令开火,Metroman就这样被彻底摧毁了。开场片段到此结束。 最后 Megamind创造了Titan(豪哥),然而他发现,Titan却不想他想的那样与他战斗,而要毁灭城市,在与豪哥的战斗中,Megamind发现Metroman并没有死而是隐居了起来,重燃了希望,打败了Titan,成为了真正的英雄。
- 1楼网友:患得患失的劫
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