

答案:3  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-23 23:17
Feeling it coming in the air,
Hear the screams from everywhere,
I'm addicted to thrill,
Its a dangerous love affair,
Can't be scared when it goes down,
Got a problem tell me now,
Only thing thats on my mind is who gon run this town tonight,
Who gon run this town tonite,
We gon run this town!

We are,
Yeah I said it we are,
This is Roc Nation,
Pledge your allegiance,
Get your fatigues on,
All black everything,
Black cards, blacks cars,
All black everything,
And that girls a black birds riding with their dillingers,
I get more in depth,
If you boys really real enough
This is la Familia, I'll explain later,
But for now let me get back to this paper,
I'm a couple bands down,
And im tryin get back,
I gave doug a grip and lost a flip for five stacks,
Me im talking 5 comma 6 zero's, got zero's,
Back to running circles round, nigga
Now we squared up, Hold uuuup

(Rihanna - Chorus)
Life's a game and but its not fair,
I break the rules so I don't care,
So i keep doing my own thing,
Walking tall against the rain,
Victory's within the mile,
Almost there don't give up now,
Only thing thats on my mind is who's gon run this town tonight,
Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey
Who's gon run this town tonite,

We are,
Yeah I said it we are,
You can call me Ceasar,
In a dark ceasar,
Please follow the leader,
So Eric B we are,
Microphone fiend, this the return of The God,
Peace God,
Ah ah,
It aint no nobody fresher,
Im in mason, ah, martin, margella,
On the table screaming fuck the other side they jealous,
We got a banquet full of broads,
They got a table full of fella's,
Yeaaaahh, and they aint spending no cake,
They should throw they hand in cos they aint got no spades,
Yeah, my whole team got dough,
So my banquet is looking like millionaires row.

(Rihanna - Chorus)
Life's a game and but its not fair,
I break the rules so I don't care,
So i keep doing my own thing,
Walking tall against the rain,
Victory's within the mile,
Almost there don’t give up now,
Only thing thats on my mind is who's gon run this town tonight,
Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey
Who's gon run this town tonite,

(Kanye West)
Its crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow,
To everybody on your dick, no homo,
I bought my whole family whips, no volvo's
Next time I'm in Church please no photos,
Police escorts, everybody passports,
This the life that everybody ask for
This the fast life we are on a crash course
What you think i rap for to push a fucking Rav 4,
But i know that if I stay stunting,
All these girls only gon want one thing,
I can spend my whole life good will hunting,
Only good gon come is its good when Im coming,
She got an ass that will swallow up a G-string,
And up top ahh, 2 bee stings,
And im beasting off the re sling,
And my nigga just made it out the precinct,
We give a damn bout the drama that your dude bring,
Im just tryin change the color of your mood ring,
Reebok baby, you need to try some new things,
Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings?
Whats that Ye? baby these heels,
Is that a make?
Baby these wheels,
You trippin when you aint sippin, have a refill
You feel like you running huh, now you know how we feel,

Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeeey,
We gon run this town tonight,

run this town 么、挺赞的。

Feeling it coming in the air, 感觉到了,正从空中向这儿蔓延呢,
Hear the screams from everywhere, 我听到到处都是尖叫声,
I'm addicted to thrill, 我沉迷于这种刺激感,
Its a dangerous love affair, 危险的爱恋,
Can't be scared when it goes down, 不要担心它会给你带来麻烦,
Got a problem tell me now, 有问题?找我吧
Only thing thats on my mind is who gon run this town tonight, 现在我脑中只有一个念头,那就是今晚谁来主宰这座城市
Who gon run this town tonite, 今晚谁来主宰这座城市
We gon run this town! 我们来主宰这座城市
We are, 我们,
Yeah I said it we are,是的,我说我们,
This is Roc Nation, 这是ROC的国度,
Pledge your allegiance, 展现你的忠诚吧,
Get your fatigues on, 穿上你的迷彩服
All black everything, 一切纯黑,
Black cards, blacks cars, 黑色卡片,黑色轿车,
All black everything, 一切纯黑,
And that girls a black birds riding with their dillingers, 那个女孩就是只魅惑的黑色鸟儿,
I get more in depth, 我正一步步深入了解她,
If you boys really real enough 我需要刚直(诶?大概就是我不能表现出来的意思吧?)
This is la Familia, I'll explain later, 这是个大家族,一会我会解释的,
But for now let me get back to this paper, 现在让我继续谈谈金钱,
I'm a couple bands down, 我损失了些钱财,
And im tryin get back, 我正在努力赚回来,
I gave doug a grip and lost a flip for five stacks,我给了doug许多钱,我因此失去了更多,
Me im talking 5 comma 6 zero's, got zero's, 五亿美元啊!
Back to running circles round, nigga 重操旧业吧!
Now we squared up, Hold uuuup 来吧,排好队伍,整装待发!

(Rihanna - Chorus)
Life's a game and but its not fair, 生命不过是一场不公平的游戏,
I break the rules so I don't care, 我不按规矩办事,我不在乎!
So i keep doing my own thing, 我想怎样就怎样
Walking tall against the rain, 顶着风雨大步流星,
Victory's within the mile, 胜利就在眼前,
Almost there don't give up now, 我绝不放弃,
Only thing thats on my mind is who's gon run this town tonight,现在我脑中只有一个念头,那就是今晚谁来主宰这座城市
Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey
Who's gon run this town tonite, 今晚谁来主宰这座城市

We are, 我们,
Yeah I said it we are,是的,我说我们,
You can call me Ceasar, 叫我凯撒吧,
In a dark ceasar, 头戴黑色皇冠,
Please follow the leader, 跟着我没错(我才是老大)
So Eric B we are, 我们就像eric B(Eric B,一个非常出色的男演员)
Microphone fiend, this the return of The God, 麦克风在手中,我是王者
Peace God, 我让一切平静
Ah ah,
It aint no nobody fresher, 没人比你更老土了,
Im in mason, ah, martin, margella, 我穿的是马森-马丁-马吉拉的衣服(马丁·马吉拉时装屋新系列的男装,以怀旧的70年代风格为主题,整个系列充满嬉皮士的影子,却又更显文雅。)
On the table screaming fuck the other side they jealous, 他们在辱骂,只不过是因为他们嫉妒我。
We got a banquet full of broads, 我们这儿美女成群
They got a table full of fella's, 他们那儿荒凉遍布
Yeaaaahh, and they aint spending no cake, 我们的胜利他们不能享用
They should throw they hand in cos they aint got no spades, 他们将臣服于我——他们已没有王牌
Yeah, my whole team got dough, 我挥金如土,
So my banquet is looking like millionaires row. 连我的手下都像百万富翁(意思自己不是一般有钱)

(Rihanna - Chorus)
Life's a game and but its not fair, 生命不过是一场不公平的游戏,
I break the rules so I don't care, 我不按规矩办事,我不在乎!
So i keep doing my own thing, 我想怎样就怎样
Walking tall against the rain, 顶着风雨大步流星,
Victory's within the mile, 胜利就在眼前,
Almost there don't give up now, 我绝不放弃,
Only thing thats on my mind is who's gon run this town tonight,现在我脑中只有一个念头,那就是今晚谁来主宰这座城市
Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeey
Who's gon run this town tonite, 今晚谁来主宰这座城市

(Kanye West)
Its crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow, 真是疯狂啊,你原来不过是一个百姓,(Joe Blow代指普通男性)
To everybody on your dick, no homo, 到现在,所有人对你唯命是从,
I bought my whole family whips, no volvo's 我送我全家车子,但不是沃尔沃的(volvo's,一个牌子)
Next time I'm in Church please no photos, 下次我去教堂,不要拍照行不行?
Police escorts, everybody passports, 警察护送,人们拥挤,不过为了看看我
This the life that everybody ask for 人人都想要这样的生活,
This the fast life we are on a crash course 如此飞速的生活,
What you think i rap for to push a fucking Rav 4, 难道我说唱只不过为了一部rav 4?(丰田rav 4、)
But i know that if I stay stunting, 我知道我十分招摇,
All these girls only gon want one thing, 那些女孩只爱我,
I can spend my whole life good will hunting, 我穷尽一生,追求幸福
Only good gon come is its good when Im coming, 其实只要我动动小指头,幸福就会泛滥而来、
She got an ass that will swallow up a G-string, 她的肥臀夹紧了丁字裤,
And up top ahh, 2 bee stings, 噢,忘了说她的丰胸
And im beasting off the re sling,呵呵,难不成是在挑逗我?
And my nigga just made it out the precinct, 我的兄弟冲过来向她搭讪,
We give a damn bout the drama that your dude bring, 不管你们又惹了什么麻烦,
Im just tryin change the color of your mood ring, 我不过是在转换你的心情罢了,
Reebok baby, you need to try some new things, 换个新花样吧,
Have you ever had shoes without shoe strings? 穿没穿过没鞋带的鞋子?(插句嘴,拖鞋、请无视我)
Whats that Ye? baby these heels, 什么来的? -不就在你的脚上么?
Is that a make? 噢,天呐,订制的么?
Baby these wheels, 宝贝,看清楚,那些车才是订制的啊,
You trippin when you aint sippin, have a refill 半醉不醉,再干一杯如何?
You feel like you running huh, now you know how we feel, 是不是觉得自己主宰了这个城市,哈,现在能理解我们的感受了吧

Heeeeey, heeeey, heeeeey,
We gon run this town tonight,今晚,这城市由我们主宰!


Rihanna) 感觉在空中飞来, 听到来自各地的尖叫声, 我沉迷于刺激, 它是一种危险的恋爱, 不能害怕当它出现故障, 得到了现在的问题告诉我, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成坤是谁今晚运行这个城市, 谁坤运行这个镇tonite, 我们坤运行这个城市! (Jay - Z的) 我们是, 是的,我说我们是, 这是大鹏国, 承诺您的忠诚, 让您的迷彩服上, 所有黑人的一切, 黑卡,黑色汽车, 所有黑人的一切, 而女生骑的黑色鸟与dillingers, 我得到更深入, 如果你足够的男孩真正的真实 这是拉法米利亚,我将解释后, 但是现在让我回到本文 我是一对夫妇带下来, 和IM水手都想回来, 我给了道一抓地力和失去5栈一翻转, 我即时交谈5逗号六零的,都是零的, 回到运行兜圈子,nigga 现在,我们敢于挑战,保持uuuup (Rihanna - 合唱) 人生的游戏,但是它的不公平, 我打破了规则,所以我不关心, 因此,我继续做我自己的事情, 散步对雨高, 胜利的一英里范围内, 几乎没有不放弃现在, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成,是谁在运行这个镇坤今晚, Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeey 谁是这个镇坤运行tonite, (Jay - Z的) 我们是, 是的,我说我们是, 你可以叫我凯撒 在黑暗的ceasar, 请按照领导, 因此,我们埃里克乙, 麦克风恶魔,这是上帝的回报, 和平的上帝, 哎呀呀, 这不是没有人清新, IM是石匠,啊,马丁margella, 桌子上尖叫他妈的另一方面他们嫉妒, 我们得到了一个宴会的湖区全面, 他们得到了一个表充满家伙的, Yeaaaahh,他们根本不用花钱没有蛋糕, 他们应该抛出他们在COS他们没有得到任何铁锹的手, 是啊,我的整个团队获得面团, 因此,我的宴会正在寻找像百万富翁行。 Yeaaaaah。 (Rihanna - 合唱) 人生的游戏,但是它的不公平, 我打破了规则,所以我不关心, 因此,我继续做我自己的事情, 散步对雨高, 胜利的一英里范围内, 几乎没有不放弃现在, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成,是谁在运行这个镇坤今晚, Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeey 谁是这个镇坤运行tonite, (肯伊威斯特) 它的疯狂你可以从乔吹, 在您的家伙每一个人,没有同源, 我买了全家鞭子,没有沃尔沃 下一次我会请我没有照片, 警察护送,每个人的护照, 这是每个人的生活要求 这是我们在快速的生活当然是崩溃 你以为我急流为推动一他妈的单轨4, 但我知道如果我留发育迟缓, 所有这些女孩只是坤想一件事, 我可以花一辈子善意狩猎, 唯一的好坤来的是良好的进出口来时, 她得到一个屁股,将吞下了丁字裤, 而最上面稀释,2蜂蜇伤, 和IM beasting过重吊索, 和我的nigga刚才出来的专用区, 我们给一个该死回合的戏剧带来的花花公子, 进出口只是水手都想改变你的心情环的颜色, 锐步宝宝,你需要尝试一些新东西, 你有过没有鞋串鞋? Whats的叶?婴儿这些高跟鞋, 那是什么呢? Whaaat, 这些婴儿车轮, 你trippin当你是不是还在喝,有填充 你觉得你运行嗯,现在你知道我们的感受, (Rihanna) Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeeey, 我们这个镇坤运行今晚,

Rihanna) 感觉在空中飞来, 听到来自各地的尖叫声, 我沉迷于刺激, 它是一种危险的恋爱, 不能害怕当它出现故障, 得到了现在的问题告诉我, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成坤是谁今晚运行这个城市, 谁坤运行这个镇tonite, 我们坤运行这个城市! (Jay - Z的) 我们是, 是的,我说我们是, 这是大鹏国, 承诺您的忠诚, 让您的迷彩服上, 所有黑人的一切, 黑卡,黑色汽车, 所有黑人的一切, 而女生骑的黑色鸟与dillingers, 我得到更深入, 如果你足够的男孩真正的真实 这是拉法米利亚,我将解释后, 但是现在让我回到本文 我是一对夫妇带下来, 和IM水手都想回来, 我给了道一抓地力和失去5栈一翻转, 我即时交谈5逗号六零的,都是零的, 回到运行兜圈子,nigga 现在,我们敢于挑战,保持uuuup (Rihanna - 合唱) 人生的游戏,但是它的不公平, 我打破了规则,所以我不关心, 因此,我继续做我自己的事情, 散步对雨高, 胜利的一英里范围内, 几乎没有不放弃现在, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成,是谁在运行这个镇坤今晚, Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeey 谁是这个镇坤运行tonite, (Jay - Z的) 我们是, 是的,我说我们是, 你可以叫我凯撒 在黑暗的ceasar, 请按照领导, 因此,我们埃里克乙, 麦克风恶魔,这是上帝的回报, 和平的上帝, 哎呀呀, 这不是没有人清新, IM是石匠,啊,马丁margella, 桌子上尖叫他妈的另一方面他们嫉妒, 我们得到了一个宴会的湖区全面, 他们得到了一个表充满家伙的, Yeaaaahh,他们根本不用花钱没有蛋糕, 他们应该抛出他们在COS他们没有得到任何铁锹的手, 是啊,我的整个团队获得面团, 因此,我的宴会正在寻找像百万富翁行。 Yeaaaaah。 (Rihanna - 合唱) 人生的游戏,但是它的不公平, 我打破了规则,所以我不关心, 因此,我继续做我自己的事情, 散步对雨高, 胜利的一英里范围内, 几乎没有不放弃现在, 在我的心中只有多数民众赞成,是谁在运行这个镇坤今晚, Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeey 谁是这个镇坤运行tonite, (肯伊威斯特) 它的疯狂你可以从乔吹, 在您的家伙每一个人,没有同源, 我买了全家鞭子,没有沃尔沃 下一次我会请我没有照片, 警察护送,每个人的护照, 这是每个人的生活要求 这是我们在快速的生活当然是崩溃 你以为我急流为推动一他妈的单轨4, 但我知道如果我留发育迟缓, 所有这些女孩只是坤想一件事, 我可以花一辈子善意狩猎, 唯一的好坤来的是良好的进出口来时, 她得到一个屁股,将吞下了丁字裤, 而最上面稀释,2蜂蜇伤, 和IM beasting过重吊索, 和我的nigga刚才出来的专用区, 我们给一个该死回合的戏剧带来的花花公子, 进出口只是水手都想改变你的心情环的颜色, 锐步宝宝,你需要尝试一些新东西, 你有过没有鞋串鞋? Whats的叶?婴儿这些高跟鞋, 那是什么呢? Whaaat, 这些婴儿车轮, 你trippin当你是不是还在喝,有填充 你觉得你运行嗯,现在你知道我们的感受, (Rihanna) Heeeeey,heeeey,heeeeey, 我们这个镇坤运行今晚,

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