2.他不顧我的感受繼續往下說(regardless of)
3.在這兒我們最多被允許呆兩天(at most)
4.他把盤子上的肉切成小塊(cut up)
5.我們在做決定之前必須想得遠一點(look ahead)
6,此城堡可追溯到古羅馬時代(date back to/date form)
8.我對即將到來的考試非常擔心,如果我有時間複習該有多好啊(if only)
9.魔術師的戲法使他們驚愕地忘了鼓掌(applaud,magician`s tricks)
Their talk was interrupted by knocking at the door.
2.He went on speaking regardless of my feeling
3.We are allowed to stay here two days at most.
4.He cut up the meat on the plate into pieces.
5.We must look ahead before our decision.
6.The castle can date back to Ancient Rome Time.
7.Plaese pass the notice to your neighbours after reading it.
8.I am worried about the coming exam if only I have gone over it.
9.The magician's tricks were so astonished that you forgot to applaud.
1.Their conversation was knock interrupt
2.He regardless of my feeling to continue
3.Here we are at most to stay for two days
4. He cut up the meat into dishes small pieces
5.Before making a decision, we must look ahead
6.This castle dates back to Roman times
7.Read the notice, please pass it on to your neighbors
8.I was very worried about the coming exam, if I have time to review the have much good
9.Magician’s tricks in astonishment that they forgot to applaud