
free talk

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解决时间 2021-07-16 22:37

我现在急需一个大学英语的free talk单词尽量简单点,内容比较时尚就行,可以是一个笑话或者是谈论经济的?字数尽量多点~只要字数多,词汇简单,内容好就可以啦~好的话我会追加分数!!!


Most teenagers are living with their parents, but some teenagers are independent. All those teenagers who are living with their parents are not going to live with their parents their whole life, but when they live with their parents, they have a lot of advantages. Having fewer responsibilities is the most beneficial advantage for teenagers who live with their parents.

Living with their parents, teenagers do not have to worry about the responsibility of financial problems. First of all, they usually do not have to pay any bills. For example, family plans are supplied by most phone service companies. If a family chose a family plan, it would receive one bill for all family members, and one of the parents usually pays the bill. Teenagers who live with their parents also do not have to pay for electricity and water. Second, when teenagers live with their parents, they do not have to pay for the rent. If their parents own a house, the teenagers can live there for free. If their parents lived in an apartment, they would pay the rent every month, not the teenagers. In contrast, those teenagers who do not live with their parents have to spend time looking for a good apartment and pay for the rent monthly. If they did not have a good paying job, they would not have enough money to get what they need. Third, teenagers do not have to worry about purchasing food and clothes. For instance, my brother and I are teenagers who live with our parents, and our parents always get groceries and clothes for my brother and me. Finally, when teenagers live with their parents, they do not have to pay tuition by themselves. As an example, Nishit, one of my best friends, who is a teenager that has lived with his parents for a long time, has had his father pay his tuition a few times. If teenagers had jobs and lived with their parents, they could save a little money for their future, and they would not have any financial problems.

Living with their parents, teenagers do not have to worry about the responsibility of doing housework. First of all, when teenagers live with their parents, they do not have to cook for themselves. When teenagers get home after work or after school, the tables are already set up by their parents, and food is already cooked. Teenagers could just sit down, relax, and enjoy the food. After they finish eating, they do not have to wash the dishes because their parents would consider that their sons or daughters just come back home from workplace or school, and they may be tired or need more time to study; thus, parents would wash all dishes. For the same reason, teenagers do not have to vacuum the carpets. Second, teenagers do not have to wash their clothes by themselves when they live with their parents. Some teenagers are really busy almost every day because they may go to work and go to school in the same day; therefore, they do not have time to wash their clothes. Their parents will wash the clothes; furthermore, they will fold the clothes after the clothes dry. On the other hand, teenagers who are independent have to cook for themselves, and if they were really busy and did not have time to cook, they would buy something to eat. They would spend more money. They also have to wash their clothes by themselves because they do not have any choices. If they did not have time to wash their clothes, nobody would do it for them.

Having fewer responsibilities is the most helpful advantage for teenagers who live with their parents. However, that is not the reason why teenagers live with their parents. The number one reason is that they would be happy and enjoy the time when all the family members get together.

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