北欧风光介绍 要简单点的英文
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- 2021-07-17 22:11
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- 2021-07-17 22:38
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- 2021-07-18 00:09
在北欧四国之中,相信最给大家陌生的感觉非芬兰莫属,翻一翻有关的中学地理课本也很少出现芬兰的痕迹。 芬兰被称为「千湖国」,但其实芬兰总共有十八万七千多个大小湖泊,是全欧洲最大的湖区,而森林面积约有百分之六十九,故大自然已成为芬兰人生活的一部分。芬兰的面积比台湾大十倍,三面分别被瑞典、挪威及俄罗斯包围,而主要的语言为芬兰文,其次是瑞典文及英文。 至于历史方面,在一九一七年前,芬兰先后被苏联及瑞典所占领,度过一段灰色的岁月。首都赫尔辛基的街景中也保留了许多当时历史遗迹。而现在芬兰已成为工业大国及高科技的发展之地方之一,主要输出品为金属、机械及化学用品等等。 挪威十分靠近海洋,全国面积约三十二万平方公里,挪威领土呈现南北狭长,近三分之一的领土深入北极圈之内,有「午夜太阳之国」的绰号,此也成为游客来观光的目的之一。至于本地人所用的语言多为挪威文,但因教育水平高,故懂英文可说是旅游畅行无阻。 挪威的历史最远可追溯到一万年前,当时第一批人民是在此打猎,而其后的维京时代就是挪威的黄金时代,维京人到处掠夺,后数百年更占领冰岛、苏格兰、英格兰及法国诺曼第半岛等地区,并于十三世纪挤身世界强国之一。 在北欧之领土斗争当中,可说是瑞典与丹麦之争夺战。瑞典的全盛时期包含今日的芬兰、挪威。瑞典的祖先是以优异航海技术来作战,威胁欧陆的维京人。 而瑞典在文化上有很多可考究的地方,尤其是首都斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)的文化气息浓厚。 1523年,夫.瓦萨一世建立瓦萨王朝(Vasa),而瑞典势力是在国王古斯塔夫.瓦萨二世推至高峰,成为欧洲不敢忽视的强国之一。 不过,强势的瑞典于第一次世界大战前已崩解,而在第二次世界大战期间,瑞典为了保持中立,便让德国的纳粹军过境作为交换条件,故欧洲一些国家至今仍对此事耿耿于怀。 然而,大战过后,瑞典致力于国际救援及和平工作,是联合国国际和平出力最多的国家之一,而瑞典之中立国地位形象广受国际认同。 丹麦在过去曾经统治瑞典、挪威、冰岛领土,是北欧强国之一。丹麦由四百多个岛屿组成,海岸长达三千公里,乃北欧四国唯一与欧陆相连的国家及欧洲最古老王国之一。 丹麦是君主立宪国家,首都位于哥本哈根女王玛格丽特二世(QueenMargrethe)是一国之首,深受人民爱戴,从丹麦的国庆日都定于她的诞辰即(4月16日)可见。 丹麦作为北欧之枢纽,邻近荷兰,受其影响至深,例如首都哥本哈根的运河及建筑都有荷兰特色,特别在克里斯蒂安港(Christianshaven)一带,有些人称它为「小阿姆斯特丹」。
In the north, believe the non-first-use of strange feeling not to belong to Finland, doubling the related school geography books are rarely trace of Finland. Finland is called "thousands of lakes", but actually 187 thousand have different sizes, Finland is full of Europe's largest lake, the lake, and forest area approximately 69 percent, nature has become the Finn part of life. Finland is 10 times in Taiwan area, three were surrounded by Russia and Sweden, Norway, and the main language for Finnish, followed by sanna Nielsen and English. But history, in 1917 years ago, Finland and Sweden have successively by the Soviet occupation, a grey. Capital Helsinki's street was also retained many historic sites. But now, Finland has become a big industry and the development of high-tech, where one of the chief exports for metal, machinery and chemical products, etc.
Norway is very near the sea, the area of 32 million square kilometers, Norway, present north-south strip territory nearly one-third of the Arctic Circle, have deep within the territory of the midnight sun of nicknames, it also became one of the purposes of tourists to visit. As native language, but for Norway because education level is high, can understand English tourist get around. Norway's history can be traced back to thousand years ago, as at the first people in this hunting, and is followed the Viking era is the golden age of Norway, the vikings everywhere, after hundreds of years more occupied Iceland, Scotland, England and France Normandy peninsula and other regions, and in the thirteenth century world powers into one.
In the northern territory of struggle, Sweden and Denmark's race. Sweden's heyday contains the Finnish, Norwegian today. Sweden's ancestors is superior to combat threats, navigation technology of European vikings. While there are many Swedish culture can be fastidious, especially capital Stockholm (Stockholm) culture breath. 1523 and build. He may (varsa), and Sweden Vasa. He is in the king gustav pushed ii, become one of Europe's power can ignore. However, strong in Sweden in the first world war, and in the already crumbling during world war ii, Sweden to remain neutral, then let the German Nazi army transit in exchange, some European countries still on this matter. However, after the war, Sweden and peace to international relief work, is the United Nations international peace efforts, and one of the most widely in Sweden lines by the international status of image recognition.
In Sweden, Denmark once ruled, Norway, Iceland, Nordic powers of territory. Denmark consists of four hundred islands and coastal 3,000 kilometers long, but only four Nordic countries with continental Europe and connected to one ancient kingdoms. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy in Copenhagen, capital queen Margaret QueenMargrethe (ii) is the head of a country, well liked by his people from Denmark, the birth of her day is scheduled for April 16 (which is). As the hub, Danish northern Dutch, under the influence of adjacent to the deep, such as the canal and capital Copenhagen architectural features are the Dutch, especially in the Christian port (Christianshaven), some people call it "small Amsterdam".