EDA 电子密码锁设计
答案:1 悬赏:40 手机版
解决时间 2021-10-19 18:04
- 提问者网友:未信
- 2021-10-19 03:30
EDA 电子密码锁设计
- 五星知识达人网友:冷風如刀
- 2021-10-19 04:45
“很不好意思,今天刚刚得到了毕设答辩通知,时间很仓促了。而且这个vhdl语言现在也生疏了,弄了半天也没好。真的是给你整不了这个了。你找个高手帮忙修改一下吧” 这下面这个是在网上找到的一个,你也试着改改,偶们现在在做毕设,时间很紧。 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -------------------------------------------------------------------- entity exp19 is port( Clk : in std_logic; --时钟信号 Rst : in std_logic; --复位信号 Kr : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --键盘行 Kc : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --键盘列 SPK : out std_logic; --扬声器输出 KEY_State : out std_logic; --按键指示 Door : buffer std_logic; --门状态 Display : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --七段码管显示 SEG_SEL : buffer std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)); --七段码管片选 end exp19; -------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture behave of exp19 is signal keyr,keyc : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal kcount : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal kflag1,kflag2 : std_logic; signal buff1,buff2,buff3,buff4,buff5,buff6 : integer range 0 to 15; signal push_num : integer range 0 to 15; --按键次数 signal Disp_Temp : integer range 0 to 15; signal Disp_Decode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal SEC1,SEC10 : integer range 0 to 9; signal Clk_Count1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --1KHz时钟分频计数器 signal Clk_Count2 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); --2Hz时钟分频计数器 signal Clk1KHz : std_logic; signal Clk2Hz : std_logic; signal Clk1Hz : std_logic; signal Error_Num : integer range 0 to 3; signal Error_Flag : std_logic; signal Error_Count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal Music_Count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin process(Clk) begin if(Clk'event and Clk='1') then if(Clk_Count1<10) then Clk_Count1<=Clk_Count1+1; else Clk_Count1<="0001"; end if; end if; end process; Clk1KHz<=Clk_Count1(2); process(Clk1KHz) begin if(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(Clk_Count2<1000) then Clk_Count2<=Clk_Count2+1; else Clk_Count2<="0000000001"; end if; end if; end process; Clk2Hz<=Clk_Count2(9); process(Clk2Hz) begin if(Clk2Hz'event and Clk2Hz='1') then Clk1Hz<=not Clk1Hz; end if; end process; process(Clk1KHz) --扫描键盘 begin if(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(Kr="1111") then kflag1<='0'; kcount<=kcount+1; if(kcount=0) then kc<="1110"; elsif(kcount=1) then kc<="1101"; elsif(kcount=2) then kc<="1011"; else kc<="0111"; end if; else kflag1<='1'; keyr<=Kr; keyc<=Kc; end if; kflag2<=kflag1; end if; end process; KEY_State<=kflag1; process(Clk1KHz,Rst) --扫描键盘 begin if(Rst='0') then push_num<=0; elsif(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(push_num=6) then push_num<=0; elsif(kflag1='0' and kflag2='1') then push_num<=push_num+1; end if; end if; end process; process(Clk1KHz,Rst) --密码校验 begin if(Rst='0') then Door<='0'; Error_Num<=0; Error_Flag<='0'; elsif(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(push_num=5 and Error_Num<3) then --修改此处的值可修改门的密码,此处密码为123456 if(buff1=1 and buff2=2 and buff3=3 and buff4=4 and buff5=5 and buff6=6) then Door<='1'; else Door<='0'; end if; elsif(push_num=6 and Error_Num<3) then if(Door='0') then Error_Flag<='1'; Error_Num<=Error_Num+1; else Error_Flag<='0'; Error_Num<=0; end if; elsif(Error_Count=4) then Error_Flag<='0'; elsif(Error_Flag='1') then Door<=not Error_Count(0); end if; end if; end process; process(Clk2Hz,Rst) begin if(Rst='0' or Error_Flag<='0') then Error_Count<="000"; elsif(Clk2Hz'event and Clk2Hz='1' and Error_Flag<='1') then Error_Count<=Error_Count+1; end if; end process; process(Clk) --报警声音分频 begin if(Clk'event and Clk='1') then Music_Count<=Music_Count+1; end if; end process; process(Clk) --超出错误次数,开始报警 begin if(Error_Num>=3) then if(Clk1Hz='1') then SPK<=Music_Count(2); else SPK<=Music_Count(1); end if; end if; end process; process(Clk1KHz,Rst) --显示右移 begin if(Rst='0' or push_num=0) then --复位时,全灭 buff1<=15; buff2<=15; buff3<=15; buff4<=15; buff5<=15; elsif(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(kflag1='1' and kflag2='0' and (((keyr="1110" or keyr="1011")and keyc/="0111")or keyr="1101")) then buff1<=buff2; buff2<=buff3; buff3<=buff4; buff4<=buff5; buff5<=buff6; end if; end if; end process; process(Clk1KHz,Rst) -- 获取键值 begin if(Rst='0' or push_num=6) then --全灭 buff6<=15; elsif(Clk1KHz'event and Clk1KHz='1') then if(kflag1='1' and kflag2='0') then if(keyr="1110") then case keyc is when "1110"=>buff6<=1; when "1101"=>buff6<=4; when "1011"=>buff6<=7; when others=>buff6<=buff6; --no change end case; elsif(keyr="1101") then case keyc is when "1110"=>buff6<=2; when "1101"=>buff6<=5; when "1011"=>buff6<=8; when "0111"=>buff6<=0; when others=>buff6<=buff6; --no change end case; elsif(keyr="1011") then case keyc is when "1110"=>buff6<=3; when "1101"=>buff6<=6; when "1011"=>buff6<=9; when others=>buff6<=buff6; --no change end case; end if; end if; end if; end process; process(SEG_SEL) begin case (SEG_SEL+1) is when "000"=>Disp_Temp<=10; --'-' when "001"=>Disp_Temp<=buff1; when "010"=>Disp_Temp<=buff2; when "011"=>Disp_Temp<=buff3; when "100"=>Disp_Temp<=buff4; when "101"=>Disp_Temp<=buff5; when "110"=>Disp_Temp<=buff6; when "111"=>Disp_Temp<=10; --'1' end case; end process; process(Clk) begin if(Clk'event and Clk='1') then --扫描累加 SEG_SEL<=SEG_SEL+1; Display<=Disp_Decode; end if; end process; process(Disp_Temp) --显示转换 begin case Disp_Temp is when 0=>Disp_Decode<="00111111"; --'0' when 1=>Disp_Decode<="00000110"; --'1' when 2=>Disp_Decode<="01011011"; --'2' when 3=>Disp_Decode<="01001111"; --'3' when 4=>Disp_Decode<="01100110"; --'4' when 5=>Disp_Decode<="01101101"; --'5' when 6=>Disp_Decode<="01111101"; --'6' when 7=>Disp_Decode<="00000111"; --'7' when 8=>Disp_Decode<="01111111"; --'8' when 9=>Disp_Decode<="01101111"; --'9' when 10=>Disp_Decode<="01000000"; --'-' when others=>Disp_Decode<="00000000"; --全灭 end case; end process; end behave;