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解决时间 2021-06-07 00:28
JAY Details Name: Jay Chou
English name: Jay chou
Born: January 18, 1979
Education: Tamkang Middle School music department
Zodiac Year: Horse
Blood Type: O-type
Constellation: Capricorn
Height: 175cm
Weight: 60kg
Expertise: writing songs, songs, play
Specializes in musical instruments: piano, cello, guitar, bass drums
Music types: R & B
Sports: Basketball
Mantra: Cock does not Cock
The biggest advantage: creating strong songs, E generation of musicians
Biggest drawback: shy, like too much,
Greatest wish: traveled to every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, shoes

Is not famous, he can not afford to buy satin sheets, Ducati motorcycles, and no groupies screaming revel in his concerts, but do not like girls who like a pilgrimage, just to touch the piano seat, he sat; there are only this small piece spacing from leather sofas to the blue-green walls, golden floor, located in eastern Taipei, that a gray building on the Alfa Records recording room.

This is the year Jay Chou only small world. A body to let him nap curled narrow gaps, where he repeatedly dreamed of melodies and lyrics, song fragments, like sleepwalking when the vocal cords like Quan came, he would have got up and staggered towards the keyboard, such as the night like the melody written in musical notation or recorded into a model with a ... ... for over two years, according to the contract composer Jay Chou, every song that they could claim a reward 20,000 yuan, he rarely left the seventh floor of noise, the focus on writing songs for talent and flat, face box office hit singers.

In this re-packaging of music industry icons crash, 24-year-old Jay's success is a miracle. Other men's Hong Kong and Taiwan singer, performing mostly came from wealthy family. The upper and lower front teeth in the end over occlusion, with an aquiline nose, recessed chin, the boy is how to replace Nicholas Tse, Andy Lau or Jacky Cheung, and to become Asia's most popular pop singer? The answer from among the crowded studio was talking about, it is necessary to win the principles of music and talk about revolutionary ideas. Jay Chou said: "Most of my female fans do not say to me, I am very handsome; On the contrary, they would tell me they like my music, my music was to attract."

Jay Chou, a young man, to say a little bit autistic, simple-minded. High School English teacher thought that Jay has a learning disability: "expression on his face was stiff, I thought he was simple-minded." This kid can not concentrate on math, science classes, even the English operation has also been abandoned. However, Zhou Ye Huimei mother was aware of this quiet, shy child, from an early age to the Western pop music or classical music, particularly sensitive.

"He learned to walk before the pairs of the music is very keen." She recalls. In his four weeks, when his mother, she'll get him into the piano class piano, and he played pretty well, like a piano mad. High school piano teacher, said Jay teenager, you can improvisation. Out of Kotofusa, Jay is a common thing to be young people, when other students were playing basketball in the vicinity, he repeated again and again to see kung fu movies and playing games. Other people are busy preparing the university entrance examinations, he was skipping, double inside to practice piano, life is aimless.

Music saved him, brought him luck. There is a school girl to help him apply "Super Rookie" is the election of Taiwan's idol levy program. Later, the show's producer, and surprised to find endless contact with Jay Chou, asking him to play shows. But Jay can not solo. Finally, he wanted to help a singer friend of piano accompaniment. Performing poorly. Show host Jacky Wu was always looking for new people. He saw a kid that tense piano accompaniment, and singing like a singer called Crow, thinking, forget it! Jacky Wu, said: "I do not think that sounds good, that singers sing really bad." However, he looked at the scores: "I am yet to come from the referee's shoulder, looked at a sheet music, resulting shock to Heaven. Remarkably complex, did a great job. "capturing any actress, Wu and goes backstage to find Jay Chou, who was wearing a baseball cap, almost covered the entire eye. Jacky Wu recalled: "I am his first impression is that he was very quiet, very shy. I thought he was autistic."

Jacky Wu signed him full-time writing songs a year and a half, Wu decided to record the right to operate Alfa handed his friend, also a singer, Yang Jun Rong hands until Jay from behind the scenes into the foreground, becoming pop idols. Within 3 months, Jay completed his first album.

Today, Jay calmly sat in on sofas, wearing a gray wool cap over his brown eyes and slightly meditation, wearing a black velvet track and field services. Overnight, he was a weirdo from the recording studio, transformed into pop singer, almost too fast, too soon distracted him saddled with fame and success to the physical and mental pressure. He spoke simple, field questions are brief, often escape the eyes of others. Songs that give depth and emotional maturity masculinity gone?

Then he began to talk about music, you only think, yes, that is music. Without music, your eyes this one boy, seemingly just want to crawl back into the rear sofa, squatted down in his own laowo erected. He said that my music should be like magic, all kinds of magic, there is a short, change, and development. He went on to talk about music theory, Chopin, to talk about differences between cello and violin to talk about China's pentameter and Western twelve-tone: "This is my magic."

Then, he said, he wanted to pay a girlfriend; he was shy, often with long hair covering your eyes, to avoid being fans gaze scores of God. He said that in two places only make him feel at ease, recording rooms and a basketball court. To see him play, you know, he likes to control. That is why he does not like to be interviewed, why fans base, looked clumsy shy again the reason why he can not control these scenes. However, whether in court or in the studio, he is protagonist ... ...

Music Album: "Jay", "Fantasy," "Eight Dimensions", "Ye Huimei", "Pungent" Producer: Jay Chou
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