

答案:3  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-15 01:48

11、乙方为甲方在演唱会现场入口处提供展示区(具体位置以当天的场地布置为准),供甲方作为汽车展示宣传。 展示区域设计、舞台布展、展台安全维护经乙方审核通过后,由甲方负责执行。
三、 付款
甲方作为承担活动策划、组织、宣传等费用¥ 40000 元(四万元整)。甲方分两次付款,自合同签订之日起三个工作日内,须向乙方支付合作费用的50%,另50%在演唱会前一个星期付清。

1, Party concert in Nanjing-based sub-units of the designated car to enjoy this type of concert industry's only the right to special support to cope with Party B to participate in the event planning, publicity and other related work.
2, Concert period (December 22, 2009 -2,009 12 25) from Party A to Party B to provide at least two Feiyatebo Yuet cars and driving personnel, to assist Party B do a good job performing and staff members of the shuttle work, In the transfer process involved in bridge tolls, fees, tolls and oil-related costs borne by the Party.
3, Party A Party B to provide value to 480 for this concert tickets 50, 280 tickets for three, 180-yuan tickets 7. (Votes inclusive of the above work sheet, work sheet with the same price no quality difference between the normal sales of tickets).
4,10000 copies printed with the Fiat logo and the words of the concert posters in the streets of Nanjing in 1912, major universities, the subway entrance, taxi stops, ticket point, the community put up billboards and other public places.
5,8000 copies of tickets printed with the word Fiat sets of tickets in each set of B to provide Party A full-page advertisement inside pages, design manuscript provided by the Party.
6, Chi Chin and Fiat vehicles (fleet), and Fiat, the staff photos of two (not guaranteed Chyi Chin photo alone with Fiat Auto), Party A photo published in Qi Qin and cars, must bring words: "Qi Qin 2009 Nanjing Concert", otherwise, Party A bear all the responsibilities arising from infringement.
7, Party A in this co-operation during the concert can be applied to Qi Qin in this concert as an advertising image advertising image of the main elements of the design content of mutual agreement signed by Party B to confirm the rear executable.
8, B in the "Yangtze Evening News," "Modern Express," "Jinling Evening News", "Nanjing Morning News" and other media to do this concert banner ads at least four times, contains sub-Concert Party-oriented particularly supportive of fonts and logo words, and mainstream newspapers in Nanjing Fiat, the media planning and launch activities associated with the text of a soft.
9, printed with the Fiat logo and the words of the outdoor advertising concert publicity, in the urban area of not less than three, location, mainly in the Changbai Street, Hanzhong Gate, large palaces and other commercial streets.
10, with the Fiat logo and the words of this concert film image of the notice advertising the mainstream television media and the Nanjing metro mobile TV, mobile TV broadcast bus.
11, Party B for Party A to provide the entrance to the concert scene display area (specific location to the day the venue layout date) for the Party as a vehicle display of publicity. Display area design, stage move-in, stand security maintenance been vetted and approved by Party B, by the Party responsible for implementation.
12, after the concert, Party A Party B to invite the principal leaders (no more than 2 people) to participate in a photo Chyi Chin victory banquet with nostalgia.
Third, the payment
Party as a commitment to the activities of planning, organization, publicity and other expenses ¥ 40,000 yuan (d Million). Party in two payments, since the date of the contract within three working days, Party B shall pay 50% of the cost of co-operation, and the other 50% paid for a week before the concert.
Fourth, not entirely matter, the two sides through consultation.
5, this Agreement in two copies, both sides armed with a, has the same legal effect, the date of signing.

1, Party concert in Nanjing-based sub-units of the designated car to enjoy this type of concert industry's only the right to special support to cope with Party B to participate in the event planning, publicity and other related work.

2, Concert period (December 22, 2009 -2,009 12 25) from Party A to Party B to provide at least two Feiyatebo Yuet cars and driving personnel, to assist Party B do a good job performing and staff members of the shuttle work, In the transfer process involved in bridge tolls, fees, tolls and oil-related costs borne by the Party.

3, Party A Party B to provide value to 480 for this concert tickets 50, 280 tickets for three, 180-yuan tickets 7. (Votes inclusive of the above work sheet, work sheet with the same price no quality difference between the normal sales of tickets).

4,10000 copies printed with the Fiat logo and the words of the concert posters in the streets of Nanjing in 1912, major universities, the subway entrance, taxi stops, ticket point, the community put up billboards and other public places

5,8000 copies of tickets printed with the word Fiat sets of tickets in each set of B to provide Party A full-page advertisement inside pages, design manuscript provided by the Party.

6, Chi Chin and Fiat vehicles (fleet), and Fiat, the staff photos of two (not guaranteed Chyi Chin photo alone with Fiat Auto), Party A photo published in Qi Qin and cars, must bring words: "Qi Qin 2009 Nanjing Concert", otherwise, Party A bear all the responsibilities arising from infringement

7, Party A in this co-operation during the concert can be applied to Qi Qin in this concert as an advertising image advertising image of the main elements of the design content of mutual agreement signed by Party B to confirm the rear executable.

8, B in the "Yangtze Evening News," "Modern Express," "Jinling Evening News", "Nanjing Morning News" and other media to do this concert banner ads at least four times, contains sub-Concert Party-oriented particularly supportive of fonts and logo words, and mainstream newspapers in Nanjing Fiat, the media planning and launch activities associated with the text of a soft.

9, printed with the Fiat logo and the words of the outdoor advertising concert publicity, in the urban area of not less than three, location, mainly in the Changbai Street, Hanzhong Gate, large palaces and other commercial streets.

10, with the Fiat logo and the words of this concert film image of the notice advertising the mainstream television media and the Nanjing metro mobile TV, mobile TV broadcast bus.

11, Party B for Party A to provide the entrance to the concert scene display area (specific location to the day the venue layout date) for the Party as a vehicle display of publicity. Display area design, stage move-in, stand security maintenance been vetted and approved by Party B, by the Party responsible for implementation.

12, after the concert, Party A Party B to invite the principal leaders (no more than 2 people) to participate in a photo Chyi Chin victory banquet with nostalgia.

Third, the payment Party as a commitment to the activities of planning, organization, publicity and other expenses ¥ 40,000 yuan (d Million). Party in two payments, since the date of the contract within three working days, Party B shall pay 50% of the cost of co-operation, and the other 50% paid for a week before the concert.

Fourth, not entirely matter, the two sides negotiated settlement

5, this Agreement in two copies, both sides armed with a, has the same legal effect, the date of signing.

OK了 好累。。。。

阴历怎么看 ?