端午节包粽子的大概过程 英文40字
答案:2 悬赏:30 手机版
解决时间 2021-03-09 02:04
- 提问者网友:活着好累
- 2021-03-08 22:09
端午节包粽子的大概过程 英文40字
- 五星知识达人网友:低血压的长颈鹿
- 2021-03-08 23:05
With three or four bamboo leaves on your palm, fold the leaves into a cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped container and use a spoon to fill it with the mixture of glutinous rice and red beans. Then finish wrapping it and tie it up with a pre-soaked length of straw.
Fold two or three pieces of bamboo leaves into the shape of a cone, and first fill it with glutinous rice and then add a piece of the streaky pork on top. Then, cover it and wrap it into a pyramidal shape with the remaining length of the leaves, and bind it with a length of soaked straw.Put bamboo leaves in a pot, then place the wrapped zongzi on the leaves, and steam or boil for three to four hours.
Fold two or three pieces of bamboo leaves into the shape of a cone, and first fill it with glutinous rice and then add a piece of the streaky pork on top. Then, cover it and wrap it into a pyramidal shape with the remaining length of the leaves, and bind it with a length of soaked straw.Put bamboo leaves in a pot, then place the wrapped zongzi on the leaves, and steam or boil for three to four hours.
- 1楼网友:洒脱疯子
- 2021-03-08 23:53
具体方法是: 第一步,把粽子叶靠近叶尖那一半折成三角兜状,留出来到粽子叶柄的长度差不多是整片叶子的一半长。手心向上用拇指压住折过来的叶尖部位,其余四指在叶子下面托住。 第二步,先在三角兜的底部放一颗枣,用来把尖部堵严。然后取一把江米放入三角兜中,以达到整个兜的一半为宜。再次放入一颗枣,一个粽子放两颗枣到四颗枣,视粽子大小而定,不过建议包小粽子,一是好熟,二是好看,三是好吃,吐两次枣核就可以了。 第三步,再次填入江米,把刚刚放进去的枣盖住而没有高于三角兜的边缘为宜。为了让粽子好吃,可以把江米用手指压一压,压完江米,粽子会更瓷实更有弹性。 第四步,把粽子叶长出的部分折回来盖住那个三角兜,如果留得正确的话,可以在盖住兜口的同时,再覆盖上粽子的其他一部分。包严,不要留下漏洞,否则一煮的话,粽子就会变形。 第五步,拿马兰草把粽子捆好扎紧,多余的粽叶和马兰草要用剪刀剪掉,这样既不会扎手又很美观。 第六步,包好的粽子放在一起,还没有煮就已经开始诱人了。这时候往锅里放水加火烧开,把粽子放进去,码整齐压实,水面要没过粽子,视粽子大小而定煮的时间,一般煮两小时就可以了。