
His eyes nearly in tears from the crush of fellow travelers at Guangzhous train station,

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-14 13:49
His eyes nearly in tears from the crush of fellow travelers at Guangzhou's train station, Hong Tao said things were much better on Sunday, after days of waiting for a train to his home in Hubei province.
I think it's fine today, and everything is going smoothly, the 28-year-old said. I thought it would be really crowded but it has turned out to be OK.
Chinese authorities say they expect 1.3 million people to travel out of Guangzhou's train station over the next few days, as they rush to get home by Wednesday, the eve of Lunar New Year.
Hong's optimism may have been helped by the blue skies that emerged over Guangzhou on Sunday for the first time in a week.
Last week, a rare winter storm paralyzed China's transportation system as millions tried to get home to celebrate the holiday — the only chance for many migrant workers to see their families all year.
China's state-run Xinhua news agency said Friday that 95 percent of rail traffic had returned to normal. But Guangzhou's train station remained packed with a backlog of hundreds of thousands of travelers hoping to get home for the holiday.
A young woman was stepped on in a stampede (人群蜂拥) at the train station Friday, and later died of her injuries, according to Xinhua. Video of the situation on Friday showed crowds of people screaming, elbowing each other, in some cases sobbing and collapsing in the rush to get a slot (狭缝,窄孔) on a train.
China Sunday announced it has organized over 300,000 People's Liberation Army forces to southern China in what it described as a war on winter weather.
The government also announced a $700 million plan to help farmers whose crops have been destroyed.
6. How many days is it from the day this article was made to the Lunar New Year?
A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days. D. Five days.
7. What can we know about the weather condition of last week in Guangzhou?
A. Sunny with blue sky. B. Rainy for a whole week.
C. Heavily snowy. D. Rainy first and snowy now.
8. Why are there so many passengers in Guangzhou’s train station?
A. Because the heavy snow stopped the passengers from leaving the station.
B. Because the passengers didn’t hope to leave the station right now.
C. Because the passengers hoped to leave for their hometown.
D. Because the holiday was coming near.
9. Where is Hong Tao from?
A. Shandong province. B. Hubei province.
C. Guandong province. D. Not mentioned.
10. What can we infer from the passage?
A. On Friday, a young man was dead because of crowds’ elbowing, screaming.
B. China’s Government have arranged the PLA forces to help.
C. The government of China have offered money to help farmers enjoy the new year.
D. Many crops have been destroyed by the crowds of people.6-10 DCABB
(答案→)6-10 DCABB 解析:6. 推理判断题。根据第一、二段内容…Hong Tao said things were much better on Sunday,…和…I think it's fine today, and everything is going smoothly, the 28-year-old said. I thought it would be really crowded but it has turned out to be OK. 可知写作此文应当是在Sunday;根据文中信息…as they rush to get home by Wednesday, the eve of Lunar New Year.…可知除夕夜就是Wednesday的晚上,那么Lunar New Year就在Thursday,总计5天。D项正确。7. 细节理解题。根据第四段 Hong's optimism may have been helped by the blue skies that emerged over Guangzhou on Sunday for the first time in a week.和第五段…Last week, a rare winter storm paralyzed的内容可知,过去的一周内广州一直在下着大雪。故选C项。8. 细节理解题。根据第六段But Guangzhou's train station remained packed with a backlog of hundreds of thousands of travelers hoping to get home for the holiday.内容可知,此处答案应是A项。B项是错误的,C、D两项均是事实,但都不是造成广州站人多的原因。9. 细节理解题。根据文中第一段…after days of waiting for a train to his home in Hubei province.可知,Hong Tao是来自Hubei province的。10. 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知C、D两项不对;根据倒数第三段可知A项中所提供的事实与原文不符故选择B项。
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