答案:2 悬赏:0 手机版
解决时间 2021-02-12 04:00
- 提问者网友:王者佥
- 2021-02-11 07:03
- 五星知识达人网友:行雁书
- 2021-02-11 07:47
Happiness is just a state, it is not a perfect and eternal, but the mind and the life of an inductive and resonance, and the process of life is abeautiful...... Happiness is a kind of vibration, it like ears will listen to music,need to be present.
Happiness is often dressed in grey coat, wrap up our cordial and warm, verysparingly to spray showers. We don't want the happiness with vigour and vitality, it usually comes quietly. We should not attempt to tighten the tap, so that the loss of happiness quickly, happiness need to quietly to the peaceful heart experience.
Happiness comes in the flat. Poverty brought a cake, a look of trouble have mutual affinity, father a rough touch, his wife handed after a cup of warm tea...... Happiness, happened every moment in the silent and soundlessaround us, only our eyes, there is too much cold, our hearts are toobusy...... Therefore, learn to find happiness, happiness, we must have a heart of Thanksgiving, learn to find happiness, happiness, it is necessary to have a an observant mind, learn to find happiness, happiness is to have asmile, optimistic, positive heart...... So, the harvest season, we're dancing and friends sing, rendering the joy. Since the seed has been the return of the sweat, we have the right to happiness immersion.
So, we gather together of the time from the remotest corners of the globe,don't hesitate after parting. Now every minute, all of it as pure alcohol,burning into the well-being of the light blue flame. Let us toast, said: we are happy.
所以,当我们能守候在年迈的父母膝下时,哪怕他们鬓发苍苍,哪怕他们垂垂老矣,我们都要对自己说:我很幸福。 因为他们还在我们身边。
So, when can we wait for in the below knee when elderly parents, even if their gray hair on the temples, even if they are old, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy. Because they are still around us.
So, when not all the time, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy.Because we have a healthy body. When we no longer enjoy health, we are still smiled and said: I am very happy. Because I have a healthy heart. Even when our hearts are also no longer exist, we can still to the universe loudlysay: I am very happy. Because I have lived.
Finally understand that happiness is a feeling, feel, is to have. Cherish what you have, is happiness.
Happiness is just a state, it is not a perfect and eternal, but the mind and the life of an inductive and resonance, and the process of life is abeautiful...... Happiness is a kind of vibration, it like ears will listen to music,need to be present.
Happiness is often dressed in grey coat, wrap up our cordial and warm, verysparingly to spray showers. We don't want the happiness with vigour and vitality, it usually comes quietly. We should not attempt to tighten the tap, so that the loss of happiness quickly, happiness need to quietly to the peaceful heart experience.
Happiness comes in the flat. Poverty brought a cake, a look of trouble have mutual affinity, father a rough touch, his wife handed after a cup of warm tea...... Happiness, happened every moment in the silent and soundlessaround us, only our eyes, there is too much cold, our hearts are toobusy...... Therefore, learn to find happiness, happiness, we must have a heart of Thanksgiving, learn to find happiness, happiness, it is necessary to have a an observant mind, learn to find happiness, happiness is to have asmile, optimistic, positive heart...... So, the harvest season, we're dancing and friends sing, rendering the joy. Since the seed has been the return of the sweat, we have the right to happiness immersion.
So, we gather together of the time from the remotest corners of the globe,don't hesitate after parting. Now every minute, all of it as pure alcohol,burning into the well-being of the light blue flame. Let us toast, said: we are happy.
所以,当我们能守候在年迈的父母膝下时,哪怕他们鬓发苍苍,哪怕他们垂垂老矣,我们都要对自己说:我很幸福。 因为他们还在我们身边。
So, when can we wait for in the below knee when elderly parents, even if their gray hair on the temples, even if they are old, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy. Because they are still around us.
So, when not all the time, we have to say to yourself: I am very happy.Because we have a healthy body. When we no longer enjoy health, we are still smiled and said: I am very happy. Because I have a healthy heart. Even when our hearts are also no longer exist, we can still to the universe loudlysay: I am very happy. Because I have lived.
Finally understand that happiness is a feeling, feel, is to have. Cherish what you have, is happiness.
- 1楼网友:行雁书
- 2021-02-11 08:59
人们都追求幸福。然而什么是幸福呢?怎样才能幸福呢?汉语词典上解释说:“幸福是一种持续时间较长的对生活的满足和感到生活有巨大乐趣并自然而然地希望持续久远的愉快心情。” 用人本主义心理学家马斯洛的理论说,人满足了由低到高层次的生理需要、安全需要、归属和爱的需要、尊重的需要、自我实现的需要,就是幸福的。 使人感到幸福的是满足需要而不是欲望,要知道满足需要和满足欲望是不一样的。需要是应该有,必须有,在一定条件下是能够满足的。欲望是对能给以愉快或满足的事物或经验的有意识的愿望和强烈的向往,它包括权欲、物欲、性欲等等,人的欲望是没有止境的,一个欲望刚满足,紧接着就会出现一个更大的欲望而又感到不满足,欲望永远满足不了。巨贪李真临刑前念的一首江南小令把人的欲望无边描写得入木三分:“终日奔忙只为饥,才得有食又思衣。置下绫罗身上穿,抬头却嫌房室低。盖了高楼与大厦,床前缺少美貌妻。娇妻美妾都娶下,忽虑出门没马骑。买得高头金鞍马,马前马后少跟随。招了家人数十个,有钱没势被人欺。时来运转做知县,抱怨官小职位卑。做过尚书升阁老,朝思暮想要登基。一朝南面做天子,东征西讨打蛮夷。四海万国都降服,想和神仙下象棋。洞宾陪他把棋下,吩咐快做上天梯。上天梯子未做好,阎王发牌鬼来催。若非此人大限到,升到天上还嫌低。玉皇大帝让他做,定嫌天宫不华丽。”因此,我们要知足常乐,要知道安康是福。 最低层次生理需要的满足这里就不多说了,这里说说精神需要的满足。我们只要能维系良好的家庭关系、尤其是婚姻关系,把子女教育培养成能自立于社会的人;找一个自己感兴趣、能胜任和发挥才干的工作,并在工作中和同事、领导建立融洽的友谊关系;再加上能适当的休息和娱乐,就能满足我们的生理需要以上层次的精神需要,而可能感觉到幸福。 曾经有一个牧师从两个境遇完全不同的人的临终忏悔中悟出了幸福的真谛。一个人是巨富,他临终前忏悔道:我一生无悔,我从事了一生我感兴趣的赛车事业,从中得到了巨大的乐趣,并用它赚取了巨额财富,把我的孩子们都抚养成人,我的一生是幸福的。另一个是街头卖唱的乞丐,他临终前忏悔道:我今生无悔,我热爱歌唱,我歌唱了一辈子,并用歌唱乞讨了足够的钱,养大了我的孩子们,我的一生是幸福的。这个牧师悟到:简单地说,一生中能从事自己感兴趣的事,并用它赚到足够养家的钱,就是幸福的。 有奋斗目标、有追求、有寄托,能增加人的幸福感。受过苦、经历过磨难和生死的人更容易感到生活的满足和幸福。幸福往往是一种感觉,同样的境遇,不同的人有不同的感觉。同样看到半杯酒,有的人看到的是半杯酒,觉得有酒真好,有的人看到的却是半杯空气,觉得怎么只有半杯酒?!幸福感还和遗传有关,有的人天生就是乐天派,容易感到满足和幸福;有的人却杞人忧天,总愁眉苦脸,极端一点的就是抑郁症患者,世界在抑郁症患者的眼里总是灰暗的,甚至是黑暗的,需要通过药物治疗,才可能感到幸福。 只要您找一个感兴趣的工作,能有一定富足稳定的收入,在生活中,以诚待人、与人为善、设身处地、乐于助人,广交朋友,培养一些业余爱好,您就可能会感到生活是幸福的!