961 (25)432 932( )731 为什么第二个空里给的答案是38?
41 (28) 27 83 ( )65 为什么给的答案是36?
1.What two letters means "all right"?2.what kind of animal wears big black glasses?3.this is Tom's mother’s only brother's only sister's only child. who is he?4.at what temperature does water freeze?5.in which country is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?6.which does not have two legs ?7.“she's really green."means:-------8.which letter can drink?9.which month has 28 days?10.what room has no walls,no doors,no windows and no one to live in?
1. 961 (25)432 932(38)731
2.41 (28) 27 83 (36) 65