收到google wave邀请后
收到google wave邀请后
How do I invite people to try Google Wave? We have a long list of people who have either signed up for an invitation to Google Wave, or who have been nominated by a friend to get a Google Wave account. Unfortunately, we aren't able to pass out invites as fast as the nomination list has grown, so we're not currently adding more people to our waiting list.
As soon as we're confident that the system can accept more users, we will add a wave to your account that allows you to nominate friends and colleagues for an account. Once you have the capability to invite people, the wave appear in your inbox.
If you've already received an invite wave (you have seen it before in your inbox), you can search for "invite others to google wave" to find it. If you're out of invites, please bear with us as we work to add more people to the system. Once you've been given the capability to nominate more people, your invite wave will again appear in your inbox as an unread message.
You can always add to your Contacts list people who already have Google Wave accounts. Learn more about adding contacts. 参考资料: http://www.google.com/support/wave/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=162237
要想发送一个邀请,你必须等待 Google 给你一个发送邀请的名额。至于获得名额的条件,里面并没有说明。只是说当GOOGLE有信心系统可以接受更多的用户,我们将通知到您的帐户,使您可以指定帐户的朋友和同事添加一各。 您邀请的人的能力后就会出现在您的收件箱。嘿嘿洋文不太会搞,在网上大致翻译的。